General Dissatisfaction



  • Aerdureth said:
    I totally forgot about the application deadline for a job I would really like. If I want the documents to reach their destination in time, I only have today left to send them.

    On the other hand, I am not sure if I should even apply, given that my chances are very low. It would be a job as a scientific librarian at colleges and they usually want people with PhDs for that....while I will only have a MA when I am finished in July (I am thinking about starting with a PhD program after that though). And I just read that the will be using an assessment center...something I am totally bad at because I get stressed and panicky quite easily. apply, or not to apply, that is the question.
    I'm of the opinion that you should apply. Even if you don't think you're going to get it, you'll always wonder what would have happened if you had applied.
  • Yep. Never don't apply.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    And now for something completely different.

    My job picked up new clients in January, outright doubling our volume. This was on top of normal welcome season bologna, which ostensibly calmed down two weeks ago. Unfortunately, that's when the off-site support we were hiring dried up, so now we have 150% of the staff we had to cover 200% of the volume we had, and people started taking vacations this week and last, so even that is getting reduced.

    My job role is mostly back-facing, clearing out orders to make sure they ship appropriately and triaging issues to teams that handle them. I'm supposed to be supporting four other individuals in three full time job roles. All four of them have been on the phones at least half of their shifts, and three of them have been on the phone for 75-100%. This leaves about 5 shifts worth of work for me to do. Fortunately, they base the metrics on the work any warm body can do, and I'm not just a warm body, but there's only so much pressure I can take before I crack, which I think may have happened last night when I did approximately 10% of the work I should have done in the last hour and a half.

  • This technical report. I'm handing in whatever I have ready tomorrow, thankfully it's just the first draft and it leaves two months to fix and keep working on it. 

    Honestly though, I hate writing this, the subject matter is something I'm very interested in but I'm starting to resent it a bit.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    So, today during work, a friend of mine decided to text me during work that he is going to kill himself tonight. I tried to talk him out of it, putting work aside so I could talk to them. I plead to them to find help, heck to even go out and talk to random strangers about how bad their life is right now. I had hoped to sway their mind, to get them to reconsider. That people would miss them, that there were friends who would cry to lose them, that ... that they are important and got a right to live and see the world and get out of their misery and feel better, damnit. And ... they just disappeared and I have no idea whether they actually will head my advice or not. I talked to everyone I could get ahold of in the chance they might know them. I don't have any current address, I don't have NOTHING, all I can sit here and hope and pray. I'm not a religious person, but tonight I pray to whatever is out there, let them realise their mistake and continue with life. There's always a way out of every situation, no matter how hopeless it may seem.

    I'm not posting this for sympathy. I'm crying my eyes out at this, but heavens I.. I post this in the hope... that maybe someone comes across this here one day, someone who has similar thoughts then this friend of mine and then remembers there might be a person who cares and decides not to do it. Maybe my hope is irrational and foolish, but... I'm not rational right now 
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Aeldra, I am not an expert on what to do in this situation, but a friend of mine has done so before and this is what he recommends. You should call the cops or a Crisis Intervention Team immediately. Not all states have the latter, but if yours does, make use of it. Give them all the details and they'll send somebody over. This is serious.

    Good luck, my heart is with you.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • My other rant: I've been way too sedentary for the last year or two. My last job kept me pretty active and I was pretty motivated to work out back then. Now, I think part of the reason why I'm tired all the time is because I'm so sedentary. I've taken steps to improve my self-image, but on the subject of working out, it's information overload on finding out where to start since everyone is different. At the very least, I'll be going to LA Fitness today after work and getting a consultation (hopefully without a sales pitch). Best case scenario, I get some help in working out, which will probably help with the near constant exhaustion.
  • Nienla said:
    My other rant: I've been way too sedentary for the last year or two. My last job kept me pretty active and I was pretty motivated to work out back then. Now, I think part of the reason why I'm tired all the time is because I'm so sedentary. I've taken steps to improve my self-image, but on the subject of working out, it's information overload on finding out where to start since everyone is different. At the very least, I'll be going to LA Fitness today after work and getting a consultation (hopefully without a sales pitch). Best case scenario, I get some help in working out, which will probably help with the near constant exhaustion.
    Having read a TON of stuff, my favorite resources are Michael Matthews' books and website, and Steve Kamb's site I'm hardly an athlete, but by (mostly) sticking to that info I'm reasonably fit and I feel good despite my cubical job. 

    Don't think about it too much though. Find something that looks fun, and do it. Then, tomorrow, try to do it a little better!
  • Anxiety. Stahp. 
    Avatar by the amazing @Feyrll
  • edited March 2018
  • Magnesium and B vitamins support the immune system and help remove anxiety. A few vitamin supplements can help get back up faster after some stressful situations and really make a difference in general.
    Good luck!
    I've actually been really really good recently. Just today was bad. 
    Avatar by the amazing @Feyrll
  • edited February 2016
    There is a mouse in my house, and that bastard ate my cookies. I s2g if he asks for milk I'm going to lose it.

    my chips-ahoy :(
  • Well, if you give a mouse a cookie....
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Why is drawing digitally about 500x harder than traditional media? I'm trying to get an artisanal done for this month and it's like all progress I've made working with graphite doesn't exist. I've always been worse with digital, but it's becoming even more apparent to me. Rah! You are the same hands, obey me! 
  • I stayed up most of the night working on my paper, I do not feel so great today.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • Dylara said:
    I stayed up most of the night working on my paper, I do not feel so great today.
    Poor Dy. The day will be done sooner than you know it and you can get some well-needed and well-deserved rest!
  • Dylara said:
    I stayed up most of the night working on my paper, I do not feel so great today.

    Welcome to the trenches of adulthood. Grab a quick shower, your stimulant of choice and enjoy the sunshine! I'm going to be so happy when I drop dead in 30 years :D
  • edited February 2016
    I called in to work, trying to stay home tonight. I think if I go out I'll probably die, considering the snow and rain we're getting today. I am not awake enough for this.

    3pm is the deadline.

    Edit: I've also been adulting for quite awhile now!

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • I just learned that the host of one of my favourite childhood shows has died. Now, I have the urge to rewatch all the episodes.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Kaalak said:
    Well, if you give a mouse a cookie....
    You'll have a rodent problem.

    That book teaches horrible housekeeping skills.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    I dunno man. If that mouse will actually sweep and mop for me, I'll buy him a couple packages of oreos a month.
  • Fucking mouse ate my cookies
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Meanwhile in @Tarkenton's kitchen,
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Chirbo said:
    Fucking mouse ate my cookies
    Store your cookies better next time. 
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Aerdureth said:
    I just learned that the host of one of my favourite childhood shows has died. Now, I have the urge to rewatch all the episodes.
    What show?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Shaddus said:
    What show?
    It's a German show called "Löwenzahn", which means dandelion. It teaches kids about nature, science and history in a fun and easy way. It was actually one of the few shows I was allowed to watch (the other being "Sandmännchen" = Sandman and "Die Sendung mit der Maus" = The Program with the Mouse) when I was a child.
  • The internet died for over an hour due to the storm we're having, this made a very stressful dash to the nearby Tim Hortons to use their wifi and then waiting 20 minutes for it to all connect, find the website, and attach the document to send it.

    So stressful, I think I'll have one of my very rare drinks tonight.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • Had a kid doa today at the emergency department.  I've seen death a few times, but sometimes it hits harder than others.

    I don't work tomorrow, so today is all about the vodka.

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