Majanishi is still looking for a spouse to start a new family name!!
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
Seeing as it's time for Irillia to settle down, I thought I'd post here and quietly spread the word in hopes of finding her a spouse. Posting this on Valentine's Day just tickled my fancy.
- Ideally be a productive citizen of Hallifax, though individuals from New Celest or Serenwilde are not unwelcome
- Enjoy roleplaying and be able to separate IC and OOC
- Be compatible in personality
- Either be willing to marry into the historical but now quiet Shevat family, or else provide a compelling reason to leave (e.g., joining another historical Hallifaxian family)
About Irillia:
- Female Hallifaxian trill in her 80s (which never fails to surprise me)
- Secretary in the Aeromancers, trademistress of Crystalworks, Minister of Culture, and devoted follower of Isune
- Enjoys designing, as well as writing, acting in, and viewing plays, and possesses a deep appreciation for the arts, Hallifaxian culture, and the philosophy and meaning of Beauty
- Willing to enter into arranged marriage, especially in the interest of family expansion, though friendship and love are definitely positives
- Quiet and rather formal, but reasonably intelligent and friendly; publicly reserved but privately affectionate
- Fond of giving gifts and immortalizing loved ones in paintings, tapestries, and other media
- Decent influencer and hunter, but terrible at combat
If anyone is interested, please let me know and we can discuss setting something up ICly. Alternatively, feel free to look up Irillia in-game and see what develops.
Note to self: Consider making a character in Hallifax for prospectively lucrative marriage proposals. Addendum to note to self: Bring dowries back into fashion.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
It'd be great if Lillie could find someone to marry. He's not very approachable and is frankly quite naive about people's intentions towards him, though. After his first romance ended in a breakup that really wrenched his heart good, he decided to "marry Mother Moon" and is more or less self-sworn to celibacy...unless someone came along and convinced him otherwise. It could be you!
Has a gap in his memory of about 50 years thanks to me not being able to log in over that time.
As implied before, very devoted to Mother Moon, is a ritualist in the Moondancers and takes it very seriously
It will take him a long time to trust anyone enough to open up his heart; expect a long, RP'd "blossoming romance" or some sappy thing like that before he even thinks he's in love with anyone.
Women are vastly preferred. And please no beastie races. (I suppose I should note here that due to arpeez Lillie has a big soft spot for elfen.)
Willing to RP/romance with anyone from any org. Orgs unfriendly to Serenwilde and ESPECIALLY to Moon are like playing the romance game on hard. But I think it'd be really interesting to do something that wouldn't make much sense on the surface, eg. Nihilist + Moondancer. Maybe even something clandestine! That'd be lots of fun!
Lillie is a boy. But he thinks of himself as a female (and certainly looks and acts the part). He has trouble accepting his masculinity in a guild as feminine as the Moondancers, and probably won't ever actually think of himself as anything but female.
Widely regarded as really cute.
Does lots of prayers and rituals; you'll be spiritually enlightened!
Herbalist. You'll get free herbs.
Lots of RP history for you to discover and interact with.
Also of note:
I as a player take RP very seriously - indeed, it's what keeps me playing this game, and is central to Lillie's character. If Lillie gets a partner I'd like for them to be really RP-centric too. So if you're interested, don't just message Lillie and be all "u want sum fuk", but try to find a way to approach him personally, perhaps bumping into him someplace. But with that said, I don't mind the odd OOC tell or message. Just try to remember that Lillie('s player) is an RPer first and foremost.
(Partially because RP is my favorite part of this game, partially because my spotty connection keeps influencing/hunting on the back burner due to the ratio of risk to reward at level 75).
The Necromentate's mind opens to you, and a grotesque, demonic figure appears in your mind's eye, screaming in torment: "THE DEMON LORDS CAN NEVER TRULY BE KILLED - GREAT IS THEIR POWER."
You shock a platinum-coloured geomycus with tales of terror bestowed on villages who don't follow Magnagora. A platinum-coloured geomycus slaps her knee and declares that, by the gods, Ptoma Hive should follow the Grand Empire of Magnagora after all! Shouts rise up from Ptoma Hive, as its denizens loudly pledge themselves to the Grand Empire of Magnagora.
Seeing as it's time for Irillia to settle down, I thought I'd post here and quietly spread the word in hopes of finding her a spouse. Posting this on Valentine's Day just tickled my fancy.
- Ideally be a productive citizen of Hallifax, though individuals from New Celest or Serenwilde are not unwelcome
- Enjoy roleplaying and be able to separate IC and OOC
- Be reasonably close in age and compatible in personality
- Either be willing to marry into the historical but now quiet Shevat family, or else provide a compelling reason to leave (e.g., joining another historical family)
About Irillia:
- Female Hallifaxian trill in her 80s (which never fails to surprise me)
- Secretary in the Aeromancers, trademistress of Crystalworks, Minister of Culture, and devoted follower of Isune
- Enjoys designing, as well as writing, acting in, and viewing plays, and possesses a deep appreciation for the arts, Hallifaxian culture, and the philosophy and meaning of Beauty
- Willing to enter into arranged marriage, especially in the interest of family expansion, though friendship and love are definitely positives
- Quiet and rather formal, but reasonably intelligent and friendly; publicly reserved but privately affectionate
- Fond of giving gifts and immortalizing loved ones in paintings, tapestries, and other media
- Decent influencer and hunter, but terrible at combat
If anyone is interested, please let me know and we can discuss setting something up ICly. Alternatively, feel free to look up Irillia in-game and see what develops.
Why hello there... Let's talk in game or via PM. On phone right now and sleepy or I'd PM now.
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
Lilian is looking to for a new husband. She's kind of a really bad choice for a mate, though, since she's perpetually crazy, grumpy and completely asexual. But if you want to expand your family a bit, she's more than happy to move out of her currently dead birth family. She also doesn't mind adopting children.
Luenn is returning to the game after a fairly long absence and is looking to get into the more RP side of the game by joining a family. Happy to do this either through either marriage or adoption.
Luenn is a 77 year old male human shofangi, though I like to think he has a bit of lobo blood in him. He doesn't worship any particular deity but has a slight leaning towards Charune. he's not willing to switch orgs to join a family though.
Pros: Own shop inside a small aethership. Has several tradskills (and a doctoral cord)
Cons: Has no idea how to fly his own aethership. bit of a lone wolf type character. Sucks at RP, but is willing to learn.
Elanorwen is looking for a new wife or husband. 14 year old demigoddess, seal bearer of Chaos with access to every aetherbubble out there. Omni-trans, quite wealthy and a reasonably competent combatant. Will NOT marry out of family. Only looking for allied individuals or individuals willing to move to Glomdoring. Please, be someone who intends to go somewhere, rather than an individual more interested in sitting at a nexus and doing nothing all day. Proficient combatants welcome and preferred. Overly clingy individuals are discouraged. If you are a male trying to gain my attention, you'd be required to demonstrate some semblance of inner strength. Need to be able to understand that she is a busy person and might need to run off to either fight or hunt at a short notice.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Elanorwen is looking for a new wife or husband. 14 year old demigoddess, seal bearer of Chaos with access to every aetherbubble out there. Omni-trans, quite wealthy and a reasonably competent combatant. Will NOT marry out of family. Only looking for allied individuals or individuals willing to move to Glomdoring. Please, be someone who intends to go somewhere, rather than an individual more interested in sitting at a nexus and doing nothing all day. Proficient combatants welcome and preferred. Overly clingy individuals are discouraged. If you are a male trying to gain my attention, you'd be required to demonstrate some semblance of inner strength. Need to be able to understand that she is a busy person and might need to run off to either fight or hunt at a short notice.
We've all seen you advertising for a leather flog. You aren't fooling us!
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Elanorwen is looking for a new wife or husband. 14 year old demigoddess, seal bearer of Chaos with access to every aetherbubble out there. Omni-trans, quite wealthy and a reasonably competent combatant. Will NOT marry out of family. Only looking for allied individuals or individuals willing to move to Glomdoring. Please, be someone who intends to go somewhere, rather than an individual more interested in sitting at a nexus and doing nothing all day. Proficient combatants welcome and preferred. Overly clingy individuals are discouraged. If you are a male trying to gain my attention, you'd be required to demonstrate some semblance of inner strength. Need to be able to understand that she is a busy person and might need to run off to either fight or hunt at a short notice.
We've all seen you advertising for a leather flog. You aren't fooling us!
What's THAT got to do with it?
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
I sure in the hell wouldn't marry you if I thought you had BDSM beatings planned for me.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Alright, I’m going to try to make this as painless as
Xiiolin seeks a mate, she would prefer Human, but most races will do. Prospects may be either male or female, and
may reside in Magnagora or Glomdoring or be willing to move.
She resides in Magnagora, and is in the DisOrder of Lord
Potential candidates should be active in the Basin, and
willing to join n’Lochli.
Contact via message with questions, or approach in-game.
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
Everiine is back on the market.
-Female from Serenwilde, or willing to move there, or at least willing to be friendly.
-Trill is preferred, then human, then anything else except Viscanti, Illithoid, and Dracnari.
-Doesn't have to be as old as he is, but preferably within a hundred years (he's 236).
-Mature RPer--by this, I mean someone who is serious about their character and contributing regularly to city/commune and guild in meaningful ways; someone who plays the game for reasons other than hanging out.
-Someone with confidence and drive, someone who works for the betterment of their people
-Willing to join his tiny family or can provide a SERIOUSLY compelling reason to leave his.
About Everiine:
-236 year old Serenguard Trill
-Fiercely devoted to his tribe, his people, and his family--in that order.
-Though a warrior, is deeply spiritual and prefers to spend his time communing with the Three Warriors than fighting, unless he has to. Follows both Brother Jaguar and Brother Eagle.
-The storyteller of his tribe, so interested in history and tradition. He also held both GA and GM posts and is one of the most highly respected Serenguard, and likes to think he is well-respected by the rest of the Serenwilde, too.
-Owns a decently sized manse.
-Has mellowed with age, so while fiercely loyal and passionate, is most of the time cool and collected.
Send messages if interested in striking up RP, or interact with him in-game. Likely to take some time to get close enough to anyone to consider a relationship.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
Lyria's looking for a spouse again. She is a member of Hallifax, and Morgfyre's order, a demigoddess, transcendant tailor, etc etc. Race and gender don't matter too much, but please be awake often, somewhat accomplished, and have goals, as she does. She has no problem marrying into a family. Message me IG or bump into her ICly if interested.
o She'd like you to be in Serenwilde / willing to move to Serenwilde.
o Preferred race is Loboshigaru, faeling, elfen, human, trill, furrikin, aslaran (in that order). No-no to Illithoid, Viscanti, Dracnari and Merian.
o Must be older than 80.
o Willing to join the Tarsuhl family and help make it grow!
o Someone who wants something out of life and to achieve things. Don't be sitting on your butt all the time.
o Someone who eats meat. She likes to give out steaks. And you must like cake, cookies and pie. And icecream. Just like food.
o Someone who enjoys RP / can keep IC and OOC separate.
oOo About Anita / Other info oOo
- 77 year old female (currently a faeling)
- High Wisdom (GA) of the Moondancers / Forest Warden in Serenwilde (CR6). She has a deep love of the Moondancers, and the forest. She enjoys helping the novices of the Coven and 'Wilde, which is her passion in life as well as to help the Moondancers grow and stay healthy.
- A part of Lord Hoaracle's Order (Living Symbol) and also has love for the Lord-and-Lady Mysrai.
- She owns 4 of her own clan-cartels (jewellery, artisan, cooking and tailoring) and is a Transcendent cook with a spatula. Be prepared to be stuffed full of food.
- She has her own manse, decently sized; owns her own aethership, yet has very little knowledge how to use it; has her own aethershop which is currently being redecorated. Also owns her own shop in Serenwilde treetops, as well as looking after two guild shops.
- Ani likes to design many things, and also likes to paint things, too. AS well as make statues (her manse is decorated with a few). She has a deep love for arts, and also rituals. Also like cake, orchids and poppies.
- She's quite a happy person and affectionate to family / close friends, though she does get grumpy sometimes. Also daydreams at odd moments, and tends to forget things unless prompted again.
- If you join Tarsuhl, Rivius and Aerys are the best - and you'd also get the Zayahs as extended family, and the Myeras family are sort of a family to Ani too!
If you're interested / want to know more, give me a message through here / RP at Anita / let me know whichever!
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
Visit my personal authorial website. (coming back up soon, with my first publications)
Coding Resources: Mechanic's Corner | Code Academy | StackOverflow
Seeing as it's time for Irillia to settle down, I thought I'd post here and quietly spread the word in hopes of finding her a spouse. Posting this on Valentine's Day just tickled my fancy.
- Ideally be a productive citizen of Hallifax, though individuals from New Celest or Serenwilde are not unwelcome
- Enjoy roleplaying and be able to separate IC and OOC
- Be compatible in personality
- Either be willing to marry into the historical but now quiet Shevat family, or else provide a compelling reason to leave (e.g., joining another historical Hallifaxian family)
About Irillia:
- Female Hallifaxian trill in her 80s (which never fails to surprise me)
- Secretary in the Aeromancers, trademistress of Crystalworks, Minister of Culture, and devoted follower of Isune
- Enjoys designing, as well as writing, acting in, and viewing plays, and possesses a deep appreciation for the arts, Hallifaxian culture, and the philosophy and meaning of Beauty
- Willing to enter into arranged marriage, especially in the interest of family expansion, though friendship and love are definitely positives
- Quiet and rather formal, but reasonably intelligent and friendly; publicly reserved but privately affectionate
- Fond of giving gifts and immortalizing loved ones in paintings, tapestries, and other media
- Decent influencer and hunter, but terrible at combat
If anyone is interested, please let me know and we can discuss setting something up ICly. Alternatively, feel free to look up Irillia in-game and see what develops.
Addendum to note to self: Bring dowries back into fashion.
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
Also of note:
I as a player take RP very seriously - indeed, it's what keeps me playing this game, and is central to Lillie's character. If Lillie gets a partner I'd like for them to be really RP-centric too. So if you're interested, don't just message Lillie and be all "u want sum fuk", but try to find a way to approach him personally, perhaps bumping into him someplace. But with that said, I don't mind the odd OOC tell or message. Just try to remember that Lillie('s player) is an RPer first and foremost.
(Partially because RP is my favorite part of this game, partially because my spotty connection keeps influencing/hunting on the back burner due to the ratio of risk to reward at level 75).
You shock a platinum-coloured geomycus with tales of terror bestowed on villages who don't follow Magnagora.
A platinum-coloured geomycus slaps her knee and declares that, by the gods, Ptoma Hive should follow the Grand Empire of Magnagora after all!
Shouts rise up from Ptoma Hive, as its denizens loudly pledge themselves to the Grand Empire of Magnagora.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
Visit my personal authorial website. (coming back up soon, with my first publications)
Coding Resources: Mechanic's Corner | Code Academy | StackOverflow
Pft. I'm aamzing. I'm also extremely uninvolved in family stuff. That's all Astraea's arena.
Luenn is a 77 year old male human shofangi, though I like to think he has a bit of lobo blood in him. He doesn't worship any particular deity but has a slight leaning towards Charune. he's not willing to switch orgs to join a family though.
Own shop inside a small aethership.
Has several tradskills (and a doctoral cord)
Has no idea how to fly his own aethership.
bit of a lone wolf type character.
Sucks at RP, but is willing to learn.
msg me in game if interested.
Elanorwen is looking for a new wife or husband. 14 year old demigoddess, seal bearer of Chaos with access to every aetherbubble out there. Omni-trans, quite wealthy and a reasonably competent combatant. Will NOT marry out of family. Only looking for allied individuals or individuals willing to move to Glomdoring. Please, be someone who intends to go somewhere, rather than an individual more interested in sitting at a nexus and doing nothing all day. Proficient combatants welcome and preferred. Overly clingy individuals are discouraged. If you are a male trying to gain my attention, you'd be required to demonstrate some semblance of inner strength. Need to be able to understand that she is a busy person and might need to run off to either fight or hunt at a short notice.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Alright, I’m going to try to make this as painless as possible…
Xiiolin seeks a mate, she would prefer Human, but most races will do. Prospects may be either male or female, and may reside in Magnagora or Glomdoring or be willing to move.
She resides in Magnagora, and is in the DisOrder of Lord Legion.
Potential candidates should be active in the Basin, and willing to join n’Lochli.
Contact via message with questions, or approach in-game.
-Female from Serenwilde, or willing to move there, or at least willing to be friendly.
-Trill is preferred, then human, then anything else except Viscanti, Illithoid, and Dracnari.
-Doesn't have to be as old as he is, but preferably within a hundred years (he's 236).
-Mature RPer--by this, I mean someone who is serious about their character and contributing regularly to city/commune and guild in meaningful ways; someone who plays the game for reasons other than hanging out.
-Someone with confidence and drive, someone who works for the betterment of their people
-Willing to join his tiny family or can provide a SERIOUSLY compelling reason to leave his.
About Everiine:
-236 year old Serenguard Trill
-Fiercely devoted to his tribe, his people, and his family--in that order.
-Though a warrior, is deeply spiritual and prefers to spend his time communing with the Three Warriors than fighting, unless he has to. Follows both Brother Jaguar and Brother Eagle.
-The storyteller of his tribe, so interested in history and tradition. He also held both GA and GM posts and is one of the most highly respected Serenguard, and likes to think he is well-respected by the rest of the Serenwilde, too.
-Owns a decently sized manse.
-Has mellowed with age, so while fiercely loyal and passionate, is most of the time cool and collected.
Send messages if interested in striking up RP, or interact with him in-game. Likely to take some time to get close enough to anyone to consider a relationship.
Lodge Keeper Avurekhos Myeras, Jaguar Scout asks you, "Who was that person, again?"
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Lodge Keeper Avurekhos Myeras, Jaguar Scout asks you, "Who was that person, again?"
Lodge Keeper Avurekhos Myeras, Jaguar Scout asks you, "Who was that person, again?"
Might as well. Don't know if anyone reads this.
Lyria's looking for a spouse again. She is a member of Hallifax, and Morgfyre's order, a demigoddess, transcendant tailor, etc etc. Race and gender don't matter too much, but please be awake often, somewhat accomplished, and have goals, as she does. She has no problem marrying into a family. Message me IG or bump into her ICly if interested.