What are you reading?

I'm currently reading Isaac Asimov. I read five of the Foundation series last Xmas and in the last few weeks I have read the remaining two Foundation series, two of the robot short stories collections and am currently on the last of the four Robot series books, "Robots and Empire". They have all been excellent!

There are three Galactic Empire novels which seem to be more difficult to get hold of ("Pebble in the Sky", "The Stars, Like Dust", "The Currents of Space") Has anyone read any of those three? Is it worth me trying to find them?

Apart from that I am reading "Mein deutsches Dschungelbuch" by Wladimir Kaminer and Tintin in Welsh, "Cawl Erfyn Efflwfia", although it sucks because its South-Walian.

I have also recently bought Eldritch Tales: A Miscellany of the Macabre by H.P. Lovecraft. Which is the companion volume to the Necronomicon I already own. :)

What is everyone else reading?


  • The United States Tax Code  :-&
    Stangmar - Retired

  • TacitaTacita <3s Xynthin 4eva!!!11
    Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales :)
  • edited November 2012
    Attempting Perdido Street Station by China Mieville and Only Revolutions by Mark Z. Danielewski.

    But failing those I'll probably just switch to one of my Ciaphas Cain [HERO OF THE IMPERIUM] books. Or the Anne McCafferey books I keep forgetting about >.=.>


    "Perfect. Please move quickly to the next post, as the effects of prolonged exposure to the signature are not part of this test."


  • Chapterhouse: Dune by Frank Herbert
  • I loved Perdido Street Station. I'm reading Snuff by Terry Pratchett as I'm a few books behind.
  • Currently reading "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood.
  • "Magic for Beginners" by Kelly Link. It was from the Humble e-Book Bundle. Pretty good, if you like short stories.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm currently (re)reading Roger Zelazny's "The Great Book of Amber", which is technically ten books, I guess. :|
  • Textbooks  :-w
    Will you still love me when I am no longer young and fergalicious?
  • Dynami said:
    Textbooks  :-w
     I like reading history textbooks. I actually have a bookshelf of them on various civilizations and eras.
  •  I like reading history textbooks. I actually have a bookshelf of them on various civilizations and eras.
    Me too!

    I'm reading Crime and Punishment now, working my way through Russian classics.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    edited November 2012
    Me too!

    I'm reading Crime and Punishment now, working my way through Russian classics.

    I struggled through Crime and Punishment, but am now reading the Brothers Karamazov and liking it. For another Russian one, I'd recommend Solzhenitsyn's 'Cancer Ward' if you haven't read it.
  • KagatoKagato Auckland, New Zealand
    At the moment currently re-reading Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce.  I've deeply enjoyed most of her books since I was in college and was very happy when I finally found them in e-book format.
    Never put passion before principle.  Even if you win, you lose.

    If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

    If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
  • edited November 2012
    Shikari said:
    Currently rereading American Gods by Neil Gaiman - possibly my favorite book of all time. Though, having just watched Cloud Atlas in theatres, I'm tempted to buy the book.
    Cloud Atlas is a fantastic book, definitely worth reading. I didn't know there was a movie.

    e: 2012, that's why. Decent reviews too. Seems like it'd be difficult to cover all that in a movie.
  • Just finished The Series of "Song of Ice and Fire" by George R R Martin, Before that I read all three chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen Donaldson. Before that I read the Sword of Truth series. Before that I read err losing track a bit now but Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, and his first book for the Stormlight Archives. Now I am reading the last book in the wheel of time. Then I think I will move back to Trudi Canavan to read her White Priestess series. Since I already read her Magician series.

  • edited November 2012
    Kabina said:
    Just finished The Series of "Song of Ice and Fire" by George R R Martin, Before that I read all three chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen Donaldson. Before that I read the Sword of Truth series. Before that I read err losing track a bit now but Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, and his first book for the Stormlight Archives. Now I am reading the last book in the wheel of time. Then I think I will move back to Trudi Canavan to read her White Priestess series. Since I already read her Magician series.

    Save yourself time on the Sword of Truth and watch some BDSM whilst reading Ayn Rand. It's about the same experience, and doesn't take nearly as long.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    Currently finishing A Storm of Swords. I'll probably start reading The Catcher in The Rye at work later. :)
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • Siam said:
    Currently finishing A Storm of Swords. I'll probably start reading The Catcher in The Rye at work later. :)
    Oooooh my god. After I finished reading Catcher in the Rye I wanted to reach through the pages and slap the crap out of the main character. I have never felt so strongly towards a character before but I guess that means Salinger (the author) did a really good job.  >:P
    Will you still love me when I am no longer young and fergalicious?
  • TacitaTacita <3s Xynthin 4eva!!!11
    Kabina said:
    Just finished The Series of "Song of Ice and Fire" by George R R Martin, Before that I read all three chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen Donaldson. Before that I read the Sword of Truth series. Before that I read err losing track a bit now but Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, and his first book for the Stormlight Archives. Now I am reading the last book in the wheel of time. Then I think I will move back to Trudi Canavan to read her White Priestess series. Since I already read her Magician series.

    The Mistborn trilogy (and ensuing pre/sequels) are some of my favourite books :)

    I also enjoyed Canavan, though she's quite formulaic - some of her characters are a little boring/stereotypical/unrealistic too, but in general it's still a fun read.
  • edited November 2012
    Mistborn was entertaining purely for its originality, and the twists which Sanderson pulls. For example the ending of Book 1. Plus the idea of alloys, but as for favorite I would not put it in that category... Who was the Eunuch who stored religions in his metals... he was my favorite character. The best I have read was the RuneLords series by David Farland, starting with the book "The Sum of All Men". (As a side note, I would totally give my voice to the Earth King and live in his palace for those who bless with endowments.... And the idea of the endowment snake in book 3 was to awesome to miss out on.)

    As for Trudi Canavan, I agree she is formulaic, but you have to recognize she is the kind whose style is to bring people into fantasy, rather than retention. Which I think she does a fantastic job at.

    Anyway.... When you walk into Waterstones and realize you have read 75% of the fantasy section... you start to wonder what you have done with your life  ;;)
  • Time to switch over to science fiction!
  • I like Science-fiction. I like writing it. Not so much reading it tho. Perhaps because all I've ended up reading has been so dark and bleak that I end up going "seriously, why do you even write Sci-fi if you think we're doomed".

    So now I'm reading Convergence Culture. Because school doesn't like us reading anything but theory in preparaton for exams.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • I recently read His Dark Materials at the urging of a friend. They were interesting, but to say I was let down by the ending would be an understatement. Talk about a suspenseful build up ending in... nothing exciting.

    As the series was his childhood favourite, I've been considering re-reading one of mine (the Dark Is Rising Sequence).
  • Kagato said:
    At the moment currently re-reading Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce.  I've deeply enjoyed most of her books since I was in college and was very happy when I finally found them in e-book format.
    Omg, so many high school memories. Couldn't get into her later books, though :(

    Finishing A Crown Imperiled by Feist, for the sake of completion. I'm not enjoying his writing at all nowadays. BUT must find out the end of Pug's tale.

    Going to pick up the Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier again in anticipation of her sixth book in the series. Favourite. Story. Ever.
  • TacitaTacita <3s Xynthin 4eva!!!11
    @Eventru I felt the same about the HDM ending. But I still love them regardless.
  • Tacita said:

    @Eventru I felt the same about the HDM ending. But I still love them regardless.

    My friend kept defending it, but it felt like.. Here was this huge build up, this expectation of some great inference to one of the greatest theological disasters that could be implied....

    .....And it was such a let down! It felt like a patch ending because the real one was rejected. :(
  • After seeing Cloud Atlas and being extremely moved by it, I'm finally getting around to reading it.
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