


  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    To fix burns issue, do 'Lua mm.conf.arena = false' unsure why this is popping up again

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Too tired/busy to continue trying to do anything with CMUD. I'm a total newb with mudlet - I've downloaded the files and opened mudlet. How do I import the system?
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    package manager

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    Go to the package manager and import the .zip file. Make sure GMCP is enable in your settings, and restart Mudlet. You'll be good to go!
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    m&mf v21 released

    Clots moved to dust balance
    Eastwind afflicts with epilepsy now.
    Introspection defense updated
    Ka deflect was removed.
    Added in masked rune line (just assumes unknown affs now)
    Fixed that dumb burns issue for good.
    Fixed various bugs (Thanks @Truda, @Danquik)

    Updated installation documentation.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Hi, I've noticed an issue where I don't seem to be able to hide wondercorn defs in the massive def list. I try to hide them in mmshow hidelist and they grey out but keep showing up when I do defs. Is this happening for you/anyone else?
    (clan): Falmiis says, "Aramelise, verb, 1. adorn with many flowers."
  • Encountered an issue where I'm hit with succumb, and m&mf eats reishi, despite that not being the cure. That said, it continues to do so even after succumb cures itself, until I use diag to get it to update that I'm not succumbed anymore Any help on where to look in the scripts and such for this?
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Oh, I forgot to add that change

    for now just do 'mmignore succumb'

    It'll stop it from trying to cure in the interim

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Thank you.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    m&mf v22 is now released

    Earwort is moved to steam balance
    Wildewood Bluehorn now does asthma
    clots are properly tracked on cured now
    Moon Succumb is tracked properly now
    Chaotesign checks for power now

    Added better paralysis tracking (particularly for unknown affs)

    Added new prio function - mm.prio.getslownumber(aff, balance) - returns the index of the aff/balance in the slow prio list.

    Additionally - as far as defense hiding for Artifact/Curio section - the section one doesn't work, but you can individually select defs to hide. I haven't looked at the issue in depth yet, but that's a short quick fix that should help.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • edited October 2016
    I seem to have broken the map.. Can anyone give me a hand? No matter where I am, it says I'm by the portals in mag. And RF no longer works for me.

  • Does it move, update the map, when you move?

    Do you have proper mudlet scripts in your triggers and such?

    If not maybe try reinstalling it from: 

  • @Elarin was struggling with a similar problem, @Pectus. We solved it by deleting all maps he had and replacing them with one from another player.

    Give this a try.
     "Oh the year was 453CE, how I wish I was in Serenwilde now... aletter of marque come from the regent to the scummiest aethership I ever seen, gods damn them all...I was told we'd cruise the void for auronidion and dust, we'd fire no turrets, shed no tears.. now I'm a broken man on a Hallifax tier, the last of Saz's privateers."

  • edited October 2016
     I'm having a little bit of trouble with my harvester. I'll do HRS, and it'll bring up a list of plants in the room, but then it'll say "finished harvesting" without even taking a single plant. I've checed to make sure that they're not all plants I cannot harvest right now. Advice?

    i'm adding a small log of something interesting

    (m&mf): Stopped harvesting.
    (m&mf): Stopped healing rooms.
    harvest mistletoe (2.029s)
    harvest mistletoe (2.207s)
    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of mistletoe (mistletoe)             45 left.
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.

     so, I do HRS to harvest, and  then the thing that normally gags the  line that shows me harvesting the plant starts to show when I stop harvesting, it's gagged again
  •  I'm having a little bit of trouble with my harvester. I'll do HRS, and it'll bring up a list of plants in the room, but then it'll say "finished harvesting" without even taking a single plant. I've checed to make sure that they're not all plants I cannot harvest right now. Advice?

    i'm adding a small log of something interesting

    (m&mf): Stopped harvesting.
    (m&mf): Stopped healing rooms.
    harvest mistletoe (2.029s)
    harvest mistletoe (2.207s)
    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of mistletoe (mistletoe)             45 left.
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.

     so, I do HRS to harvest, and  then the thing that normally gags the  line that shows me harvesting the plant starts to show when I stop harvesting, it's gagged again

    Did you go in and make sure the m&m Harvester trigger class is enabled? I've had both the trigger and aliases classes disabled everytime I've looked since the last update broke it.
  • edited October 2016
    Tamsin said:
     I'm having a little bit of trouble with my harvester. I'll do HRS, and it'll bring up a list of plants in the room, but then it'll say "finished harvesting" without even taking a single plant. I've checed to make sure that they're not all plants I cannot harvest right now. Advice?

    i'm adding a small log of something interesting

    (m&mf): Stopped harvesting.
    (m&mf): Stopped healing rooms.
    harvest mistletoe (2.029s)
    harvest mistletoe (2.207s)
    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of mistletoe (mistletoe)             45 left.
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.

     so, I do HRS to harvest, and  then the thing that normally gags the  line that shows me harvesting the plant starts to show when I stop harvesting, it's gagged again

    Did you go in and make sure the m&m Harvester trigger class is enabled? I've had both the trigger and aliases classes disabled everytime I've looked since the last update broke it.
    as far as I can tell it's enabled. The subfolders are blue, the main folder is  brown, and all the boxes are green with a tick inside. 

     also, I have this.. 

    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of marjoram (marjoram)               60 left.
    A sprig of chervil (chervil)                 60 left.
    A stem of galingale (galingale)              60 left.
    A plug of coltsfoot (coltsfoot)              60 left.
    9500h, 10880m, 6280e, 10p, 24320en, 24320w Bex-
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
  • Veyils said:
    Does it move, update the map, when you move?

    Do you have proper mudlet scripts in your triggers and such?

    If not maybe try reinstalling it from: 


    Saz said:
    @Elarin was struggling with a similar problem, @Pectus. We solved it by deleting all maps he had and replacing them with one from another player.

    Give this a try.

    A combination of the two got it working! I had to reinstall the scripts from the website, then add in someone else's map data. Thanks! <3 

  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Tamsin said:
     I'm having a little bit of trouble with my harvester. I'll do HRS, and it'll bring up a list of plants in the room, but then it'll say "finished harvesting" without even taking a single plant. I've checed to make sure that they're not all plants I cannot harvest right now. Advice?

    i'm adding a small log of something interesting

    (m&mf): Stopped harvesting.
    (m&mf): Stopped healing rooms.
    harvest mistletoe (2.029s)
    harvest mistletoe (2.207s)
    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of mistletoe (mistletoe)             45 left.
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.

     so, I do HRS to harvest, and  then the thing that normally gags the  line that shows me harvesting the plant starts to show when I stop harvesting, it's gagged again

    Did you go in and make sure the m&m Harvester trigger class is enabled? I've had both the trigger and aliases classes disabled everytime I've looked since the last update broke it.
    as far as I can tell it's enabled. The subfolders are blue, the main folder is  brown, and all the boxes are green with a tick inside. 

     also, I have this.. 

    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of marjoram (marjoram)               60 left.
    A sprig of chervil (chervil)                 60 left.
    A stem of galingale (galingale)              60 left.
    A plug of coltsfoot (coltsfoot)              60 left.
    9500h, 10880m, 6280e, 10p, 24320en, 24320w Bex-
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
    Do you have a minimum harvest number, and is it set over 60?
  • Luce said:
    Tamsin said:
     I'm having a little bit of trouble with my harvester. I'll do HRS, and it'll bring up a list of plants in the room, but then it'll say "finished harvesting" without even taking a single plant. I've checed to make sure that they're not all plants I cannot harvest right now. Advice?

    i'm adding a small log of something interesting

    (m&mf): Stopped harvesting.
    (m&mf): Stopped healing rooms.
    harvest mistletoe (2.029s)
    harvest mistletoe (2.207s)
    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of mistletoe (mistletoe)             45 left.
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.
    harvest mistletoe
    You reach down and carefully harvest a sprig of mistletoe.

     so, I do HRS to harvest, and  then the thing that normally gags the  line that shows me harvesting the plant starts to show when I stop harvesting, it's gagged again

    Did you go in and make sure the m&m Harvester trigger class is enabled? I've had both the trigger and aliases classes disabled everytime I've looked since the last update broke it.
    as far as I can tell it's enabled. The subfolders are blue, the main folder is  brown, and all the boxes are green with a tick inside. 

     also, I have this.. 

    (m&mf): Started harvesting.
    The following plants are growing in this room:
    A sprig of marjoram (marjoram)               60 left.
    A sprig of chervil (chervil)                 60 left.
    A stem of galingale (galingale)              60 left.
    A plug of coltsfoot (coltsfoot)              60 left.
    9500h, 10880m, 6280e, 10p, 24320en, 24320w Bex-
    (m&mf): Done harvesting this room.
    Do you have a minimum harvest number, and is it set over 60?

    I checked the harvest number, and it's set to 5 :(

    mmhrv.minamount = 5
  • @Lysistrata Try doing AB HERBS. It fixed it for me.
    (clan): Falmiis says, "Aramelise, verb, 1. adorn with many flowers."
  • doing AB HERBS  fixed it :D thanks
  • Noticed a few problems with how mmf handles mutilates/damagedlimbs.

    When you're mutilated and you get the line: Your (right/left) leg must be working in order to do that. It assumes you have damagedleg.
    It then tries to cure the damagedleg, but doesn't clear the affliction when the ice only hits wounds, leading to it to keep trying to cure the non-existent affliction.

    Example (at the end): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10031849/Lusternia Logs/Me v Veyils 11-5-2016.html

  • edited November 2016
    Also a typo

    When the blow strinkes there is no pain, only a sudden nothingness.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    there's been a number of times where I feel that using summer would've been a lot better then using writhe,  but I barely see m&m make use of it. Could there maybe be a way of controlling when it's used / would something like that make sense?
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    I'm not sure exactly what the summer/tiph settings are set to fire on, I think it may be when you had multiple entanglements (roped/shackled/webbed, it doesn't work on transfix/impales). Now that it's all webbing though, it may need to be adjusted, though I'm not sure of a time it would be better to summer/tiph instead of writhe.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    There's one thing I can think of, and that's with things that affect your writhe balance esp. while curing out of aeon/sap/whatnot
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • Hmm as far as I can tell outside of sap the system uses summer if you get webbed and are on balance and writhes if your off balance.

    Which sort of makes sense, summer is quicker than writhe but if you factor in waiting for an attack balance recovery then summer would take a lot longer.

    Unless you tracked every single attack time and calculated from there. Like if you attacked and were 3 seconds into a 3.3 second balance recovery attack then it would technically be better to wait for balance and summer than it would be to writhe but that seems crazy and excessively complicated to do :/

    I can give sap a bit of a test when I can find a druid but I thought it was using summer in sap as well, not sure.

  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    I can attest to it not using summer in sap at least for me, but sure more testing on that is good.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Aeldra said:
    I can attest to it not using summer in sap at least for me, but sure more testing on that is good.
    If it's set up to summer on bal(or is it eq?) and writhe off-bal then in sap, it's likely a priority issue, check where 'tangle_physical' or something similar lies in your slowcuring prios.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
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