So for future reference where should I voice my dissatisfaction thesee days?
An OOC clan where I can't bitch about it obviously
Sorry, but should be everybodies right to voice their dissatisfaction here. I also get the need for someone to comment on it, I also felt because I surely can understand why dylara is bummed, but I seriously regret saying anything else. Look at where we've gotten and how quickly we've gotten, does it need to be that way? Glom will do what it think it's neccessary and Serenwilde will probably respond as they see neccesary. If any further discussion is to be had on that specific incident, I think it should be because Dylara would wish to express something. This current discussion is just the good old trading of blows as we've seen lots on here. Let's go back to being civil ooc, please?
I was being facetious. But I'm pretty much done saying what I had to say.
Are we all forgetting Dylara (not Data, silly phone) the character being attacked by a rage coven is something she can fight back over? Dylara the player expressing her frustration Is something we should make jokes about with her until she feels better.
Role. Playing. Game. Every word is important.
@Dylara they'll be broke and sent out bashing soon. I hear they're almost down to the Last Quarter.
I would like to point out that the forums are, in a way, the first glimpse many new players get of the game. I remember my first trip to the forums was right during a similar tweet fight and it made me second guess playing here, as the impression I got was that people dislike and are mean to each other OOC.
My tweet: White Knights refusing to back down on a point. Must. Have. Last. Word.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"
Unforgiving. There are a few where the learning curve and/or the cumbersome mechanics required to solve can make you timeout first time around. Zoaka and Xion come to mind.
I was trying to line up the plinths in the crystalline fields. I got them all in number order but nothing happened. Went and saw the disc reset. Apparently putting it back in resets everything
Yeah but do you really want me to mock you for the attitude of "It's fine, no one died."
Because no players get killed when forests are set on fire,
...yes they do. i was there when one killed a newbie, pretty sure i died too, at least once...
Even if they don't, fires create work for players to deal with. The same is true when you go chopping things down especially an elder. And you can't just shield to prevent that.
Hallifax is very good at working together, both mechanically, and as a team.
In a similar vein, you were ridiculously tanky when it was myself, Ushaara, and Falmiis all trying to kill you. I actually thought we were never going to break through!
Also, when the south's leaders are around it is really noticeable. You guys are really good at getting your group together and making kill rooms that are almost impossible to get out of. (Still working on escaping those, mostly unsuccessfully)
Role. Playing. Game. Every word is important.
@Dylara they'll be broke and sent out bashing soon. I hear they're almost down to the Last Quarter.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
What a nice Full Rage coven! I can't wait for the next one that happens a full 1-2 RL years from now. : ^)
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
That being said, obligatory Gus:
Its not a big deal she got attacked.
You attack someone you get attacked back, its part of the game. Its not a big deal if you get attacked back.
Lets just leave it at that and not make a big deal out of anything else
Getting blasted at your nexus isn't even a blip on the radar. if covens are happening, just shield.
Vive l'apostrophe!
Does this refer specifically to glamrock couture? I might be tempted to use my rock again if it is.
Vive l'apostrophe!
Vive l'apostrophe!
BOOOOOO! I just finished work too
Also, when the south's leaders are around it is really noticeable. You guys are really good at getting your group together and making kill rooms that are almost impossible to get out of. (Still working on escaping those, mostly unsuccessfully)
Major props to everyone with the grit to come try supernals with us.