1) A recent (good) change has been that melds dissolve upon the death of the melder. While this is overall a positive change, it makes it more likely that a melder will sit out of a fight, standing a room away, to help prevent the loss of the meld. Melds in general are necessary components to any large group fight.
2) Dissolve/Protection are odd mechanics. Some meld effects are stopped by protection being up, but there is no opportunity cost to the melder to dissolve protection due to the fact that dissolve does not require equilibrium to use. It only requires balance, so a melder can use an eq-based skill and follow up with a dissolve. There is also no cost to attempting to dissolve someone without protection. This allows melders to send 'dissolve <target>' on every enemy and they will never waste that balance. Protection on the other hand does have an opportunity cost in that it costs equilbrium to put up. This means you can stop your offense to put up protection, just to have it stripped immediately again at no cost to the melder. It's not really worthwhile to put protection back up in the middle of combat.
The following are some changes to protection/dissolve mechanics that will have little effect on 1v1, make 'playing it safe' strategies less effective and encourage the melder to be more involved in the fight. It changes the dissolve/protection mechanics encourage the use of protection and the more heads up use of dissolve.
Solution 1: Change dissolve to take balance if a mage attempts to dissolve someone without protection up. This should be the same balance it takes when it's successful.
Solution 2: Change protection to not require and consume equilibrium to instead require and consume scroll balance. The delay in raising protection should remain as is.
Solution 3: Give melders a 5p ability that will strip protection and cause a loss of scroll balance for 5s. This will give a large window for the melder to ensure that the entire meld hit has a chance to hit the entire group.
Solution 4: Have unleash staff do reduced damage (25-33% less) to targets with protection up.
As pointed out in the problem statement, the premise is to make playing it safe less effective and encourage being in the fight more, Specifically in breaking down fortress situations. These changes should have little effect on 1v1 fighting, but require the melder to pay more attention to protection.

"'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
-Synkarin's Lament.
This will allow us to look more closely at the power of melds in 1v1 while giving us the means of curbing their effectiveness in group battles.
That is, of course, peripheral to the "encourage melders to put themselves more at risk, for more reward" goal that Sidd has in the first post, and which I think is a very valid point. Tweaking protection mechanics to require the melder to do more upkeep, however, might not be the best way to go about it, is just my opinion, because of how much it already complicates things. Dissolve as it is now allows melders to bring their full meld effects on their targets reasonably, whereas protection offers a measure of mitigation to prevent melds from being an instant bulldoze mechanic (more than it already is, that is) in larger fights.
One suggestion I have (which might be seen as needlessly complicated, I know, but which I feel might be an interesting option to consider): Rebalance the meld effects to be slightly weaker for when the target's protection is down (while still ensuring it is noticeably stronger than if the target has protection up), and then make it so that the melder's presence in the room lifts the protection effect (but doesn't strip it) passively from people in their enemy list. We can then delete dissolve.
Basically, this is aimed to make melds always give full benefit in the room the melder is in the location - and always give weakened benefit when the melder is not (if the target didn't prepare combat stores and didn't put up protection on his own, then he won't get the protection) without need for upkeep/dissolve from either the melder or their targets (beyond enemy list maintainence).
== Professional Girl Gamer ==
Yes I play games
Yes I'm a girl
get over it
Lerad's idea seems in line with this, I'd suggest maybe specify a "Verge" effect and an "Inner"(?) effect for each ability.
The Verge effects would always take place if you're not in the same room as a melder, and the inner effects would always take place when they're present.
This might offer a straight forward way to offer the weaker effect though it would eliminate protection scrolls.