NYC Meet - Spring 2017

KaimanahiKaimanahi The One True Queen
On a tipsy subway ride with a certain ur'Guard, I volunteered to rally an NYC meet for the springtime. Here it is. I'm going to throw out a tentative date for the May 19-21 weekend, with maybe Saturday May 20 as the actual meet for day-trippers. We can work out the details based on availability and interest (and if you play in Magnagora).

Drop a comment if you're considering coming and if that date would work, or suggest alternatives. It's a little far out so that people can arrange for flights and accommodations in advance, so let's try to nail down the date sooner rather than later. Getting an estimate on how many people could be there would also help for planning group outings.

NYC is great. Lusternians are great. Meets are great. Everything is awesome.


  • I'm a firm maybe depending on work schedule. Where in NYC?
    Chief Mag PR officer
  • Hooray! I will be there, barring any acts of god.
    Flames erupt from the caldera below as a distorted voice echoes, "Their spirit must be broken if they wish to be reborn as true warriors."
  • @Kaimanahi RUDE! I'm coming in July :(
  • I still live by the city, so I can take get a day or 2 off for a day on the town.
  • Chief Mag PR officer
  • KaimanahiKaimanahi The One True Queen
    Drocilla said:
    @Kaimanahi RUDE! I'm coming in July :(
    Ugh it's so hot in July! You also play in Magnagora, so your opinion doesn't matter. But really, we could move it, or... have another one?
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    I could possibly make it. I always have weekends free, and it's been a bit since I've been to one of our meets. No laser tag, though, I don't think I can take the Celestian assault again :'(
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Kaimanahi said:
    Ugh it's so hot in July! You also play in Magnagora, so your opinion doesn't matter. But really, we could move it, or... have another one?
    I'm okay with moving it, the date is not amazing for me (I'm done with school on May 11th but I might have exams up until that week, we'll see.)
    Flames erupt from the caldera below as a distorted voice echoes, "Their spirit must be broken if they wish to be reborn as true warriors."
  • Jk! I'm def coming but don't move the date just for me!

    @Tremula How dare you not want to throw yourself in the line of fire for me? I thought we had something special.
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    I will most likely be flying in with Lyora, as long as my passport clears in time (it's been a while since I've travelled, eesh). Looking forward to wine and martinis with some new faces! :)

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • NeosNeos The Subtle Griefer
    I'll consider make a weekend of it if @Xena comes. Or maybe if @Ixion comes. 
    Love gaming? Love gaming stuff? Sign up for Lootcrate and get awesome gaming items. Accompanying video.


    Celina said:
    You can't really same the same, can you?
    Zvoltz said:
    "The Panthron"
  • I need to check on our availability, but count that certain Ur'Guard as a tentative yes.
  • Only 10 more years and my parental responsibilities will be near an end. Then I will try to talk the husband into meeting internet strangers in strange cities. 
  • edited January 2017
    I miiiiight be able to make it.  Depends on a LOT of factors  - The biggest one being MONEY.  I've forked out a LOT of cash so far on my visa application and am expecting to fork out around USD$1,500 more before I officially become a resident (Assuming my visa is even approved and me and my fiancee end up getting married like we currently intend.  A lot can happen in 4 months.)
    Kiss of the Enchantress hisses eerily, "Let them fear, and despair."
  • Perhaps
  • Firm yes if the final date is around then.
  • I'll make an appearance, I suppose. This is my stomping ground, after all. Just let me know if it's July or May
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Is this still a thing? I might take an hour and a half trip to the lesser borough to say hi to y'all and hang for a while if so. I still live in NYC. Just not near the chaos that is Downtown.
  • KaimanahiKaimanahi The One True Queen
    It's a thing... that I've been neglecting. So since there weren't strong opinions otherwise let's nail down May 20th as the date. If anyone is local there and wants to suggest restaurants/nightlife spots in Manhattan for the meet, feel free to post or PM me.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    May 20th looks like it's going to be gorgeous in terms of temperature.
  • May 20th should be doable by me :)

    Nilofer says, "Xena is here, riding Xena, the Xenaesque Xena. She is wielding Xena in both of her hands."
  • I'm not sure if I can, due to scheduling, but I'll try. It would be a daytrip situation, if so.

    I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
    Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
  • edited March 2017
    I already had DC on the books for June Pride, sadly, otherwise I would go!

    PS If you're in DC for Capital Pride, let me know!
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • I just bought my plane ticket to NYC. I'll be there 5/19 - 5/22. Hopefully see some of you there! :)

    Nilofer says, "Xena is here, riding Xena, the Xenaesque Xena. She is wielding Xena in both of her hands."
  • Hey all! Finances permitting I will be there!  :)
    Flames erupt from the caldera below as a distorted voice echoes, "Their spirit must be broken if they wish to be reborn as true warriors."
  • So I've got the 20th off secured. So are there any solid plans set up yet or do we need to start throwing out ideas?
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    edited May 2017
    I was thinking of the following itinerary myself for the 20th:

    1. Lunch at Avlee Greek Kitchen at 11:30 AM to whenever we're done nomming
    2. 30 minute ride on public transport to get to Brooklyn Botanical Garden
    3. Mosey about there for a few hours
    4. Ride into Manhattan to eat dinner *somewhere*
    5. Karaoke in Manhattan *somewhere*



    Figure you spend between $8 and $60 (if you're being ridiculous) plus tax and tip at Avlee. Brooklyn Botanical Garden is $15. Dinner will probably be $20-$75 wherever we go in Manhattan. Throw on $9 per hour per person for karaoke, say 3 hours of karaoke, easy $30. You'll need at least 5 fares on your metrocard for getting around, so that's $14.

    This itinerary would cost anyone hopping along between $87 and $194, depending how extravagant that person wants to be.
  • No one ever wants to have these in Texas :(
    The deep, rumbling voice of Weiwae says from within your heart, "I am so happy to hear of your progress, and I thank you for bringing my influence over more shards of My Brother Tae."
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