Inspired by a really fun thread Sebatti made over in Aetolia, this is a thread to ask other players anything about their characters! Why did
@Phoebus pick the wing pattern she finally settled on? What's the story with
@Xypher's weird eyes? How does
@Celina deal with that burning sensation?
- No questions that are mean/rude/not nice/baiting/trolling!
- You need to reply to this post to signup - this is an opt-in AMA, so people don't feel pressured to answer questions
- Avoid questions that have to do with plotlines in progress. Don't poke around for secrets meant to be uncovered through roleplay!
- Participants are free to decline to answer a question or to redirect people to find out in-game
And, not a rule, but a suggestion: If you post an answer, consider posting a question as well, to help keep the conversation going!
Reply here if you want to participate! I will update this post with a list of names.

- Shaddus
- Breandryn
- Sylandra
- Phoebus
- Nelras
- Drauzgot/Pash/Ulahlah
- Tamsin
- Falmiis
- Lavinya
- Daraius
- Chirbo
- Everiine
- Ixion
- Phoebus
- Ayisdra
- Karlach
- Tremula
- Selenity
- Riluna
- Saran
- Arix
- Kalaneya
- Maligorn
- Luce
- Tristanna
- Xeii
- Rideta
- Orventa
- Thayan
- Lavinya
- Celina/Cyndarin
- Shuyin
- Zyphora
- Dylara
- Sylvanus
- Aramel
- Sthai
- Mairin
- Ordassa
- Lynnie
- Alaksanteri
- Kay
- Xypher
Are you signing up to answer questions?
Phoebus has brown wings with white bars because I wanted brown and white wings and not really for any other reason. It started as two bars and turned into three, but where those bars existed on her wings was ambiguous until I finally standardized their placement so it would be more consistent in drawings. In hindsight it would have been a lot easier to model them after an actual bird's wings so I could find direct references for the patterns in different wing positions...
54 listed characters. 13 Retired. All but 2 characters permanent. 6 Demigods. Probably 75% of the 54 had backstories and character concepts but never really caught on and were played about a week. I try to limit myself to 2-3 being played at once, and while I've had to break the rule before, I try to keep only one in major leadership positions at any one time.
Most often taken tradeskill: Artisan, followed by (probably) Forging.
Least taken tradeskill: Herbs
Edit: ok, checked "Characters" and one survived. But she's useless so don't expect her to be taking over your org any time soon.
Edit: A question for Breandryn, even though it is just a small one. Does Breandryn send congratulations messages to everyone who wins an election?
@Shaddus - not a question about any of your characters directly, but HOW do you keep so many straight?! Do you have pages and pages of notes? Do you ever find yourself slipping into the wrong personality or attitude for your current character?
I've mixed them up a time or two, but it's rare. I try to mix up my speech sometimes, or use new emotes/try not to use the same emotes as Shaddus.
Admittedly, I do tend to play in the South orgs more. I can play almost anywhere, but I don't seem to feel a real connection most times when I'm playing in the North. In fact, I just retired a young character not long ago in a North org because I really couldn't get into the rp, and had a lack of people who were proactive about including me in stuff. That's not meant to be a dig at said org, just what happened this one time.
Question for @Shaddus - which org do you find yourself playing in the least for whatever reason, and which the most?
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
@Breandryn - I actually made Pash exclusively because I wanted to RP with Xypher more, and when I first made her, she was sort of more ... quiet/awkward, I think. Weirder. So her enigmaticness has come with time, both because of Xypher and because of Breandryn and the Illuminati as a whole, actually.
A popular question: How many alts?
I have 25 Characters registered to my email, seven are retired, two are suicided, only five are not permanent (seven if you count the two suicided alts).
That leaves me 11 characters that I can actually play, I only play three of them currently.