Looking for a Spouse



  • Drakius said:
    Logoshimaru is like a logo designer lobo right? 
  • Faeie said:
    Heya! Faeie's new and definitely eager to meet a nice man!

    They're a gender-neutral/fluid Faeling and real cute, if you haven't met them yet you should they're adorable and very loving and caring!

    They're working real hard to become someone important! They're very interested in spirituality and healing and helping people grow! They're not into 1v1 combat but they'll be getting into group combat for sure, supporting mostly!

    They're mostly looking for a big guy (sorry cute elfen dudes!), like a knight or some such to complement them, since they're a healer. Orclash, Taurian, Dwarf, Igasho, Krokani, Loboshimaru, Tae'dae, Aslaran, Dracnari and Humans are all good!

    They're from Serenwilde so... No Serenwilde enemies I guess?

    I'm around quite a lot thanks to my job being real slow and letting me be online during the day with only the occasional "oops be right back!" moments. Shoot me a message if you're interested please! <3 
  • We can start a forever-alone club!
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Ah, the forever alone club. I'm pretty sure I'm chairman there too.
  • Faeie said:
    She has been engaged to be married to Page Lynnie, of the Armies of Light for 2 months.

    Wyd D:
    The deep, rumbling voice of Weiwae says from within your heart, "I am so happy to hear of your progress, and I thank you for bringing my influence over more shards of My Brother Tae."
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Pssst, that was a week ago.
  • Anita said:
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited February 2017
    Shaddus is on the market, as current prospects aren't going well. Looking for a lady who does not fit into one of the following groups: elfen, merian, Glomdoring, Celest, Mysraian, Lisaeran. 

    What you get: Oh, man. What don't you get.  He's currently viscanti, but has probably spent more on daggers than a cameo would have cost him. Current Prelate of Thax, which gives him plenty of time to rp with you because Thax is a low upkeep kind of God.

    He has a manse with a cherub-down bed (/tips fedora), an aethershop, and a gambling addiction. Owns a handful of cartels which you're welcome to use, and will probably throw gold at you if you need it. If you're familiar with his adopted father Ixchilgal, imagine him but slightly less perverted and not nearly as rich.

    Pros: he's SHADDUS. He might marry into your house or help you start a new family.  He's pretty easy going. 

    Cons: he's SHADDUS. Flirts with almost anyone as naturally as he breathes, is crude when he can be/a gentleman when he needs to be, and his temperament flips on a dime. You're essentially marrying Christopher Walken. Needs more cowbell. 

    Send me a message here if interested.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • You do sound like quite the catch.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • At least you'll never have a disappointed spouse that way.
  • Shaddus said:
    Shaddus is on the market, as current prospects aren't going well. Looking for a lady who does not fit into one of the following groups: elfen, merian, Glomdoring, Celest, Mysraian, Lisaeran. 

    What you get: Oh, man. What don't you get.  He's currently viscanti, but has probably spent more on daggers than a cameo would have cost him. Current Prelate of Thax, which gives him plenty of time to rp with you because Thax is a low upkeep kind of God.

    He has a manse with a cherub-down bed (/tips fedora), an aethershop, and a gambling addiction. Owns a handful of cartels which you're welcome to use, and will probably throw gold at you if you need it. If you're familiar with his adopted father Ixchilgal, imagine him but slightly less perverted and not nearly as rich.

    Pros: he's SHADDUS. He might marry into your house or help you start a new family.  He's pretty easy going. 

    Cons: he's SHADDUS. Flirts with almost anyone as naturally as he breathes, is crude when he can be/a gentleman when he needs to be, and his temperament flips on a dime. You're essentially marrying Christopher Walken. Needs more cowbell. 

    Send me a message here if interested.
    You make me wish I played one of my Southerners more.
  • Well Faeie's looking again, but I doubt making a post here would make a difference, I think it's mostly just there not being many people to pick from -shrug- They're not hard to get to know I won't repost the summary lol I think most people here at least get the gist of 'em by now.

    Anyway in the case a man who is around semi-regularly wants a cute spouse hmu (I don't mind alts but at least commit a little to them y'kno they get lonely).
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Selenity is looking for a boyfriend, and potentially a spouse. The requirements seem simple in theory, but really, take a good, long, hard look at your family tree... requirements are:

    • Male
    • Single
    • Not enemied to Serenwilde
    • Part of the North (Celest, Serenwilde, Hallifax)
    • Enjoys RPing
    • Play around the same times I do at least a couple of times a week (7 PM EST to 9:30 PM EST on weekdays, a couple of hours each weekend day)
    • Not a third cousin or closer to Selenity
    What your character gets from Selenity:
    1. Cluelessness
    2. A tendency to get lost
    3. Naiivete
    4. Ignorance regarding being in a relationship since she's never had one that actually became a thing

    What your character also gets from Selenity:
    1. Friendliness
    2. A girlfriend (potentially a spouse) who can do bookbinding (and possibly more in the future)
    3. Random family history knowledge about Serenwilde
    4. A personal cheerleader
    5. If it gets to marriage, someone completely willing to ditch their surname and marry into a family

    If you're interested, shoot me a message and let's talk about getting our characters together.
  • edited February 2017
    You know what? Why not. Here's not one, but two, Seeking Spouse advertisements. TWO?! But Drauzgot, you're so awesome, we can barely handle one! I know, I know. You'll probably get neither at the end of the day. Your minds will be okay. (Also, probably actually waiting for marriage-related junk until after both are recognized by respective families, so you'd get a lot of RP time. Just like, chat abruptly in-game with them. Keep it IC. We like that.)

    Female orclach seeking male of some size-appropriate race, preferably undead or partially undead. Enjoys long walks on Spectre Isle, killing unfortunate ghosts by moonlight, and spitting recreationally. Moderately good hygiene, for an orclach. Must be willing to suffer stoicism, a grim sense of humor, and the fact that she's a female orclach. That part's important.

    Tall mugwump usually of female gender in 95% of realities. Likes reading by candlelight and butterflies. Suitors must be able to listen to her ramble on for hours on end about almost literally nothing that makes sense in anyone's mind except for an Illuminatus. Mother and father are sagacious, kind-hearted, and probably not all there themselves. Will be part of a loving family prone to whimsy, fleshcraft, and lizard mango stew.

    (I mean, you can actually approach Drauzgot and Pash, but would you want to? I play one usually in the mornings, and one usually at nights, but this can vary and sometimes one or the other might skip a day.)

  • Mandatory (Non-negotiable.) 
    + Must not be tainted or recently ex-tainted
    + Must learn and respect the code of the paladins.
    + Every race except Viscanti and Illithoid are fine.

    Non-mandatory (Negotiable)
    - Family
    - Shenanigans
    - Spouse (Wife, husband)

    Pro's: She's a paladin
    Con's: She's a paladin

  • edited February 2017
    I want a spouse too. Male or female, I don't really care all that much.

    About Lynnie:
    Male (even though people always call me she)
    Paladin (mechanically)
    92 years old
    Like collecting (hoarding) things then dropping them as "offerings"
    Aspiring designer
    Follows Weiwae
    Likes flowers

    You absolutely must have some idea of who your character is, if your character is a shallow "I'm shy..." or "I fight" I am not horribly interested in interacting with you
    You can't be anything that would be against the laws of Celest (No mags, illithoid, etc)
    Be understanding if I don't log in for three or four days at a time, I typically get caught up in real life but I do respond to messages when I can (Though I typically consider messages OOC)
    You  will have to be of a nicer nature or I feel you won't really be compatible with Lynnie
    Echoing this: you must have RP beyond basic concepts or be willing to develop it

    Ally Org to Celest
    Sense of adventure
    Positive outlook

    Enjoys RP
    Super nice
    Likes helping people
    Speaks four languages

    He's a bit slow
    Just a little rash at times

    Basically looking for someone to RP going on random adventures with, talk to about his super cool God, a person to design with, and most importantly someone to bearhug at random.

    Also: I'm not super open to a lot of OOC chatter about people/places/things relating to Lusternia since I very recently had someone take what I said OOCly and make claims I said it ICly. But other than game related things, I don't mind joining your clans or whatever.

    You can message me here, or in game if you'd like to look further into it. 

    The deep, rumbling voice of Weiwae says from within your heart, "I am so happy to hear of your progress, and I thank you for bringing my influence over more shards of My Brother Tae."
  • edited February 2017
    Since both IC prospects fell through for various reasons, I decided I'm going to post here because why not.

    About Reylari:
     -She's a lot nicer than she lets off, if she likes you (though sometimes she does a poor job of showing it).
     -She's very critical of most things in the Basin, that aren't Hallifax or of Hallifaxian origin. This tends to lead to her arguing about a lot of things; though her opinion can be changed if you pose a proper counter.
     -She's an exceptionally adorable fennec. (see avatar image, though it may change if I decide to reincarnate. Though it's likely I'll get a racehat to compensate)
     -She spends a lot of her time hunting/influencing, when she has no one around to pester.
     -Enjoys pestering people.
     -Sometimes fights. Usually when I feel like it, or aren't otherwise occupied IRL (nodes/revolts at least, I tend to always attend when able). Fairly 'knowledgeable' about most classes and what they do/how to counter said things, though.

     -Firstly: COURT.
    I'm not slipping into anything serious within the first day or two of talking to you. (feel free to approach OOCly first though, if that's your thing)
     -Secondly: No illithoid, krokani, kephera (racehats covering these 3 races are fine, if you got one) -- Dracnari/Viscanti will take some convincing, but not outright denied like the first 3.
     -From Hallifax. Although this is becoming less possible, everyone here is taken :(
     ---> Not enemied to Hallifax, if not. Be willing to rectify that enemy status, if you are. I can probably help expedite (though talk ICly before going through with this, in the very least)
     -Gender don't matter. She swings both ways (generally)
     -Be very willing to handle sarcasm and crude humour. She's Hallifaxian; a lot of the time she doesn't realise she's making a joke.
     -Always have cake, or some kind of sweets on hand. Don't try and feed her gravy-filled fruit like her mother did.
     -That you don't spend 90% of your waking time sitting in your manse.
     -That's it. My standards aren't very great, though it's unlikely you'll 'succeed' if you're a colossal ass.

     -She's adorable. (see picture)
     -She's a fennec. Second best animals/species in existence, next to sugar gliders. (which she would've been, if I knew they were a thing in Lusternia prior to starting here :( )
     -Like I said. Exceptionally nice and affectionate, when you can break past her horrid barrier of sarcasm and 'wit'
     -Will probably throw money at you if you need it. She's got a lot that she only ever uses for credits anyway...So long as you don't constantly need it.
     -Also if you need something designed, I can probably do it for most things. Though you'll have to find someone to submit it for you, I aint got no cartels.

     -If you're from Celest/Serenwilde, prepare to be judged by her parents (maybe not harshly but judged nonetheless)
     -Not willing to marry out of Windwhisper. I heard that's a con, but for some people they don't care I guess.
     -Has a hard barrier to break past, she can come across as kinda harsh when first spoken to, depending where you're from.
     -Might occasionally disappear randomly for 2-3 days (messages always available though). Being a student is tough sometimes, especially when you procrastinate A LOT.

    Pretty sure that's about it.

    PS: If you use Mudlet, and I end up liking you enough, I could probably code you anything you want. I hear that's a selling point :P 
    Email:        el.ni93@hotmail.com
    Discord:    Rey#1460
  • Awh, no one ever likes the one-eyed Krokani. Don't they know that it's not their fault Crazen has control over them?!
  • edited February 2017
    Drauzgot said:
    Awh, no one ever likes the one-eyed Krokani. Don't they know that it's not their fault Crazen has control over them?!
    Don't feel so bad about poking people in the eye, when you know they have a second eye to see out of.
    Email:        el.ni93@hotmail.com
    Discord:    Rey#1460
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Selenity said:
    Selenity is looking for a boyfriend, and potentially a spouse. The requirements seem simple in theory, but really, take a good, long, hard look at your family tree... requirements are:

    • Male
    • Single
    • Not enemied to Serenwilde
    • Part of the North (Celest, Serenwilde, Hallifax)
    • Enjoys RPing
    • Play around the same times I do at least a couple of times a week (7 PM EST to 9:30 PM EST on weekdays, a couple of hours each weekend day)
    • Not a third cousin or closer to Selenity
    What your character gets from Selenity:
    1. Cluelessness
    2. A tendency to get lost
    3. Naiivete
    4. Ignorance regarding being in a relationship since she's never had one that actually became a thing

    What your character also gets from Selenity:
    1. Friendliness
    2. A girlfriend (potentially a spouse) who can do bookbinding (and possibly more in the future)
    3. Random family history knowledge about Serenwilde
    4. A personal cheerleader
    5. If it gets to marriage, someone completely willing to ditch their surname and marry into a family

    If you're interested, shoot me a message and let's talk about getting our characters together.
    I have been asked a couple of times now, "What's with the bolded statement?" Well. Some people get squicked out by being second, third, fourth cousins and marrying in Lusternia apparently. And Selenity is related probably to half the Basin, considering this family tree I just quickly put together for her in paint...

  • So many names of people I miss. :( Good luck on the spouse hunt!

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Selenity said:
    I have been asked a couple of times now, "What's with the bolded statement?" Well. Some people get squicked out by being second, third, fourth cousins and marrying in Lusternia apparently. And Selenity is related probably to half the Basin, considering this family tree I just quickly put together for her in paint...

    Please start a thread of family trees. I would 100% love to see them in full on the forums like this.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Sylandra said:
    Please start a thread of family trees. I would 100% love to see them in full on the forums like this.
    Thread's been started. Good luck.
  • edited February 2017
    I just noticed my old post is wildly outdated so maybe it is worth rewriting this. Sure at least more people are posting now so I'm not alone any more :'D

    Faeie's a cute human (look profile pic) Celestian that works really hard and is very loving. Already Guild Rank 6 and has the new factions on lock on for getting to a high rank on those and finally maybe lead something. Quality RP, very strong personality and conversations, if you want someone with character and that does more than just sit around and do nothing you won't find much better than this!

    -Not skinny, beefy and/or chub welcome
    -Races, in order of preference: Dwarf, Orclach, Igasho, Krokani, [The Furries I Guess, except Furrikin] and Human
    -Interesting character and good RP
    -Not Tainted, or willing to be cleansed of the Taint
    -So not an enemy of New Celest or is willing to change that
    -Does something with his life, combatants are more than welcome, especially tanky warriors!
    -Be able to wrestle a bear with bare hands*
    -Have a beard*

    -Pocket healer
    -Will be dating the Best Healer in the Basin
    -Very good at giving advice
    -Adorable shenanigans
    -So Much Love
    -Seriously it's sort of their thing
    -Emotionally mature
    -Is open to both monogamy and poly/openess
    -Cries a lot

    -Sometimes Too Much Love
    -Talks a lot
    -Lots of emotions
    -Might be weary of marriage
    -Cries a lot

    *Not actual requirement, but definitely big plus.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Luce said:
    Scuttlebutt is a certain Shevat Dreamweaver is on the market still.

    Manic bursts of activity followed by extended lulls. (He might be part ferret? Don't know, he's a mystery of nature!)
    Absolutely no idea what he's doing 94% of the time in combat.
    Takes a while to open up to physical contact.
    Absolutely no idea how to be sociable.
    Messy bedroom with, ironically, no bed.
    Severe case of AD-Oh look a bird.
    Usually broke.
    Usually in over his head.
    He designed fish brew tea.

    He can cook, paint, write plays, and design things.
    Down for an entirely intellectual relationship if physical touching isn't your bag.
    Published, and a Stage Prestige winner.
    Dreamweaver and illusionist who is no stranger to making ideas come to life.
    Current Minister of Trade, when he remembers he's the current Minister of Trade.
    Hasn't killed his thunderbird
    Polite, demure, and composed at least 60% of the time. In the Shevat homestead or villa when he isn't.
    V. Loyal. Especially to people he considers family or Comrades.
    Seriously, Lookit his family tree. You got @Maligorn, @Pejat, @Shonjir, @Yarith, @Falmiis, @Irillia, @Ileein, @Sylandra, @Daraius, and more as in-laws!
    You will never mistake him for someone else. He's the one with green-white fur.
    He designed a cake made with fondant origami birds.

    Looking for:
    Slight preference for Lobo, Aslaran, Tae'dae, and Furrikin, but okay with anyone under 6'6".
    Preference for males
    Above points are both negotiable due to Shevat and Collectivist outlook.
    Hallifaxian or willing to assimilate for preference, allies accepted if they survive the vetting process.

    To apply:
    Contact Sylandra, survive Daraius's scrutiny, and impress Pejat and Maligorn. Probably.
    Bumping this with some updates.

  • Tirah said:

    I can vouch for this
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited February 2017
    Do Genderbent males count for the above? >.>

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • edited February 2017
    Shaddus said:

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