Simple questions?



  • Daraius said:
    What commodity would work as a simple adhesive in Lusternia? Wax? I'm thinking post-it note grade stickiness.
    Wax would probably be what the Charites would want. There are a number of ways in the real world to use plants or animal parts to make a glue, but I'm not sure if us mortals 'know' about such methods.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    A question about 'bashing honour tics'. The most I seem to be able to manage is getting one every ~60 minutes, wheras several people have stated that they were able to get about 2 or 3 in the same timespan, even though I do bash more efficient then them. Is there some sort of malus for not being in the same org as the one the family is anchored in, or something else that affects the 'rate' of bashing tics?
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • edited February 2017
    I thought it was based on total experience gained, so if you're not gaining as much as they are then that would be why. As far as I'm aware there are no maluses for being in a different city/commune then what your house is aligned with

    Edit: you did say more efficient, oops. So I'm assuming you know you are gaining more than they are? 
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Thalkros said:
    I thought it was based on total experience gained, so if you're not gaining as much as they are then that would be why. As far as I'm aware there are no maluses for being in a different city/commune then what your house is aligned with

    Edit: you did say more efficient, oops. So I'm assuming you know you are gaining more than they are? 
    Hmm. Well am affected by the essence cap, could be maybe that?

    And by more efficient, I know that I've had situations where we went hunting together and I killed trice the mobs other people did and the other family had more honour ticks then mine. It's not anything important, it just confuses me.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • Hmm are you killing the same mobs?
  • I could swear I recently read about this, but can we use chemwood reagents in crafting skills? Wilde/wyrden Sap in food, and so on, like essence?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Aeldra said:
    A question about 'bashing honour tics'. The most I seem to be able to manage is getting one every ~60 minutes, wheras several people have stated that they were able to get about 2 or 3 in the same timespan, even though I do bash more efficient then them. Is there some sort of malus for not being in the same org as the one the family is anchored in, or something else that affects the 'rate' of bashing tics?
    I believe there is a malus to honor from being in a different org from the one your family is aligned with.  I swear I read that somewhere.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Tylwyth said:
    I could swear I recently read about this, but can we use chemwood reagents in crafting skills? Wilde/wyrden Sap in food, and so on, like essence?

    Wildewoods don't get sap as a reagent, it's amber.

     Check DESIGN LISTCOMMS, it's an exhaustive list of design commodities. I don't see the reagents there, but you can make a post to the trademaster board to petition for a things to be added.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Folks who use British spelling, would you use the word 'draught' to describe an architectural drawing, or would you spell it 'draft' like I would? :cold_sweat:
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Daraius said:
    Folks who use British spelling, would you use the word 'draught' to describe an architectural drawing, or would you spell it 'draft' like I would? :cold_sweat:

    This is my favorite resource for all such questions. :)

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    What can damage enhancement runes be attached to? Because I can't put it on my watch or my bracelets. :( Is it only weapons and armor? I thought jewelry too?
  • edited February 2017
    Selenity said:
    What can damage enhancement runes be attached to? Because I can't put it on my watch or my bracelets. :( Is it only weapons and armor? I thought jewelry too?
      damage enhancement and resistance are different. Its only weapon, armor or clothing. In the case of weapon, the weapon has to be wield for the artifact to work.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Ayisdra said:
      damage enhancement and resistance are different. Its only weapon, armor or clothing. In the case of weapon, the weapon has to be wield for the artifact to work.
    Well. Crud. Now I have to figure out what to attach this rune to... because currently I'm only in a dress, and I'm going to say that's not going to be what I should use. So it can be attached to any clothing at all? Are there articles of clothing that can't be worn with great/splendor robes (that I do not currently have)?
  • Headdresses and hats also count as clothing, for purposes of the rune! Or you could put it on something hidden, like panties or socks. Do you need some socks? I can make socks.
  • edited February 2017
    Enyalida said:

    Wildewoods don't get sap as a reagent, it's amber.

     Check DESIGN LISTCOMMS, it's an exhaustive list of design commodities. I don't see the reagents there, but you can make a post to the trademaster board to petition for a things to be added.


    You have the following sap in your treetrunk:

    +--------------------------------------------------------------------- Sap +

    | bluebell: 172 hornedlily: 154 moontear: 214 |

    | faeblossom: 190 |


  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Breandryn said:
    Headdresses and hats also count as clothing, for purposes of the rune! Or you could put it on something hidden, like panties or socks. Do you need some socks? I can make socks.
    Rune socks don't sound very comfortable. Thank you though!
  • Oh Wisdom sells amber, ok.
    Hmmm, be nice if you could get sap out of your treetrunk to use....
  • Aeldra said:
    Hmm. Well am affected by the essence cap, could be maybe that?

    And by more efficient, I know that I've had situations where we went hunting together and I killed trice the mobs other people did and the other family had more honour ticks then mine. It's not anything important, it just confuses me.
    It's probably that, yes. I'm unaware of any maluses from living in a different org as the parent org for your family. Having reduced essence gain due to your current amount is the likely suspect
  • Does Lusternia still have that "mobs drop less gold if they were recently killed/influenced" or something? I have gotten confused which IREs use what methods versus gold:credit hyperinflation.
    Accountability is necessary.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Selenity said:
    Well. Crud. Now I have to figure out what to attach this rune to... because currently I'm only in a dress, and I'm going to say that's not going to be what I should use. So it can be attached to any clothing at all? Are there articles of clothing that can't be worn with great/splendor robes (that I do not currently have)?
    Put it on your instrument.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Does Lusternia still have that "mobs drop less gold if they were recently killed/influenced" or something? I have gotten confused which IREs use what methods versus gold:credit hyperinflation.

    As far as I understand it, they generate gold to a point while they're alive. So yeah, the longer they're alive the more gold you get per hit.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Veyils said:
    Hmm are you killing the same mobs?
    Yep, same mobs at the same time and at separate times.

    Thanks for the answers everyone, I think I can settle this with it either being my essence reduction or family being in a different org then me. It's only a curiousity thing anyway, don't think am going to change either thing anytime soon. :)
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • Shaddus said:
    Put it on your instrument.
    Actually, put it on a belt or something since you can wear infinite belts and they don't take up a slot. Safest way. If you put it on your instrument you have to be wielding the instrument for it to work.
    (clan): Falmiis says, "Aramelise, verb, 1. adorn with many flowers."
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Phoebus said:
    Put it on some underpants, so if you ever lend your damage runes out to anyone, they'll have to wear magic panties to make use of them.  o:)
    I put it on a cape. But I should have put it on panties. Talk about regret. Maybe the most ridiculous looking pair of panties I could find... sadly Selenity is not silly enough to do something like that. Naiive enough to be tricked into it, but not silly enough to do it of her own accord. Poop. Opportunity lost.
  • Do artisan gift boxes preserve items in them? Or is it just origami packages?

    I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
    Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
  • 8800h, 8300m, 8300e, 10p, 26400en, 26400w esSilrx<>-stroke blossom
    You hold a resplendent amberlight blossom in front of you and run a finger along its aurulent depths but nothing happens.

    Can this not be completed anymore?
  • How are shoulder knots attached to aethersuits? What's the actual process involved, and what skills are needed?
  • Jaspet said:
    How are shoulder knots attached to aethersuits? What's the actual process involved, and what skills are needed?
    If you are talking about the ones made by tailors, a forger attaches them to aethersuit (regardless of design, all aethersuits are considered forged armor for enhancements)
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