The Elder Wars Mafia! Morgfyre and Malmydia Win! (Lavinya/Ushaara)



  • WELP. At least I was right about the elixir not meaning cult. SO SUCK ON THAT DEAD-LEHKI. DEADHKI? Whatever. 

    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    I'm going back to Yomoigu. It's him or Lavinya or Ushaara, and I've been swayed too many times by other people.

    Vote: Yomoigu.
  • That's one question answered, but now I have others. I was blocked last night.
  • A reasonable move at this point would be to look at who was critical of Dylara.
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Well as for who was looking at Dylara as Soulless, that was likely Lehki, Yomoigu, and myself.

    For my part, mainly due to back-and-forth disbelief/belief over her townie motivation for targeting Vivet over myself.

    To respond to yesterday's Elixir vs Third Circle twilight comments.

    I cannot justify why the Third Circle were capable of something here that they were incapable of in the canon lore. Best I have is that it was possibly because flavour of Dylara's power was to brutalize me to a pulp, or because Silvanus left some ambiguity to ensure that his mod messages don't definitively confirm someone's role/alignment. There's also the argument that game canon /= lore canon, but I know how unpopular that argument will be.

    So if that's the final straw that convinces people to lynch me, I'll feel somewhat hard done by, but as another quasi-proof, I would also like to highlight the consistency of how I described my power with Lehki's rolesheet reveal.

    Power being called First (Third) Circle, and no activation text being provided, as I claimed for my own role. 

    So to reiterate the point, my immunity was not due to the Forbidden Elixir, and there was no nefarious plot to ensure I would be awake to activate it.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Ok so things aren't adding up. How on earth was Yomo blocked without a blocker? It's an incredibly unusual alibi to claim unless someone is going to come forward and clear him? It seems a risky claim too but it could be a last chance attempt to convince us he isn't the Soulless/night killer. So, two things:

    Who blocked Yomoigu? and
    @Yomoigu what flavour did you see?

  • Trust me, I was surprised too! I'm not sure exactly who would have the ability, but I'm guessing it would be in the Fyler/Selenity/Phoebus camp. The only fluff I got was that a telepathic wave prevented me from acting.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Convenient that you were blocked by a power that doesn't seem to have existed in the game until this point, on a night when it's harder to claim you weren't involved in the kill otherwise. Is it a bluff, or are you being framed? With the way scum have been killing, they've been far more focused on eliminating every possible power role town has, rather than leaving someone around to be bait. It doesn't fit the pattern to have a claimed investijailor, someone who should be an enormous threat to them, left alone for this long. 

    HOWEVER. There's still that time Yomoigu was jailed and a kill, confirmed as by Soulless hands, still happened. That's the one thing sticking out. If it's just Illith left, there isn't anywhere for him to fit into that situation, is there...?

    If Yomoigu is being framed, I am considering that it may be by Lavinya. I wouldn't be surprised if she had more powers in her claimed swiss army knife of abilities than she let on, and of the people we have left her claim has the most potential to be a fakeout, I think. 

    Though Fyler still won't tell us exactly what's going on and I half expect them to actually be Ratatoskr after that squirrel comment, haha. But seriously though, we're at like, the final hour here. Just tell us what your deal is. We need to put the puzzle pieces together and kill Illith before we're all screwed.

    And I'm still certain that Ushaara is a traitor but I'm more focused on finding our Soulless today. We're down to the wire here.

  • My information won't help you find Illith. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Phoebus said:

    And I'm still certain that Ushaara is a traitor but I'm more focused on finding our Soulless today. We're down to the wire here.

    I'm more inclined to believe that Yomo is up to no good, but I also am having trouble with Lavinya. Ushaara isn't as spectacular a target to me. Obviously my vote is sitting on Yomo but... thoughts?
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Well, you'd stop being a blind spot, for one thing. What could possibly matter so much to keep hidden at this point? 
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Selenity said:
    I'm more inclined to believe that Yomo is up to no good, but I also am having trouble with Lavinya. Ushaara isn't as spectacular a target to me. Obviously my vote is sitting on Yomo but... thoughts?
    Well, I gave my thoughts already. Yomoigu has seemed suspicious to me but if it's only Illith left, the night someone died to a Soulless when he was jailed, after Portius was dead, doesn't add up. Lavinya's claim is shakiest of those of us left, and as she's claimed a suite of one-shot powers, who's to say she doesn't have a one-shot block in there, too? If this alleged block is a one-time use, it'd explain it never showing up before now. 
  • @Phoebus it's very convenient, yes, but at the same time why would I claim being targeted by a power that has never been seen before this late in the game? 
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Because desperate people make desperate bluffs. It's a possibility. You'll notice that I'm also saying that, upon revisiting the day where there was a death that couldn't have involved you/the current situation strongly suggesting it's only Illith left, I don't think the suspicion matches up to the circumstances. I still like to say what I'm thinking, even if it's not what I'm pressing for at the moment, and especially if I'm changing from a point of view that I previously held.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    On second thought, I'm willing to reconsider Yomoigu in favor of Lavinya. Something's not adding up. I think I see it, but I'm not sure. I really, really wish we had an investigator still.


    Vote: Lavinya.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    On a similar note, the only role I now currently trust as being accurate aside from my own is Phoebus's.

    (Also, shakefist Silvanus...)
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    I was surprised earlier that we didn't appear to have a roleblocker, so one turning up finally is forcing a rethink of some things.

    Assuming Yomo is telling the truth...

    No one claimed that they were jailed by Weiwae on the night he died, so possible Weiwae was also blocked that night? Why only start blocking so late in the game though? Especially since investigators were revealed early, and most power roles have been killed off already.

    A gained power seems likelier than someone sitting on it up to now, but powers being gained typically require a trigger, and all I can think is conversion/Breandryn gift/death of mason partner/Forbidden Elixir being a power roulette, for possible options in this game. Breandryn said she got one daypower away, and unsure on if she got one away the night she died.

    Anyone have other goers?

    I don't get how a block was supposed to frame Yomoigu. If anything, I began this day phase convinced that I'd be voting Yomoigu since we've had two mislynches by not trusting Othero's information, and Othero's information pointed to Yomo as guilty, despite how odd a jailing Illith seems. 

    The roleblock claim is making me think twice about lynching him.

    Flavour being telepathic doesn't really give any hint to identity, why think Fyler/Selenity/Phoebus over me/Lavinya? Just the lack of powers presented from those three?
  • Pretty much, yeah. We know next to nothing about them
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    You know everything about me from Lisaera's reveal. We were masons, I don't have anything she didn't have.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    And by framing, I meant trying to make him look like he's lying to get out of suspicion.
  • Alright. I'm the key to a special win condition for the town, some kind of special Lusternian victory. I also win with town, indicating the town doesn't need me to win, just to WIN. Super wine, special win, whatever. To be the winningest. 

    Details were not provided with my role, simply that I am the key. 

    I don't think this makes my role any more believable, and as I said before, there's no way for me to show you, but there you have it. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • Context clues mean there are more pieces to the puzzle to be the Winningest, and none of the flipped roles have the specific verbiage my role has.

    I suspected Selenity was the other piece of the puzzle when she brought up knowing about sharding. No one has claimed or flipped with any information about sharding. That plus the above more or less confirms my suspicions. I suspect Selenity is the other puzzle piece, but like me, she may not have specific information as to what being the Winningest means.

    When I spoke of it much earlier, prior to Selenity, I suspected other people had the specific verbiage I had about the special win condition. I figured I could confirm some people through this, but as I said, since no one has flipped with that verbiage, I'm uncertain of the value of this information at this point. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Yomoigu was already looking pretty suspicious so I'm not sure why I'd need to frame him, assuming I had the power in the first place. As much as I wish it were true, I don't have any other powers. I only have my guardian switcheroo power left and I don't think it will do anything except get me possibly killed.

    If anything, I feel like I could be getting framed here. "I was miraculously blocked though our blocker is long dead and no one is coming forward to claim it and see I can't have done the kill because I was totally blocked HEY Lavinya had powers it must have been her." 

    Either Yomo is lying about being blocked, or whoever did it is scum because I don't see why town wouldn't speak up and confirm the alibi and narrow down the list of suspects.

  • Get back to killing each other.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Factions was busy killing post of us.

    I already voted though.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Selenity said:
    Factions was busy killing post of us.

    I already voted though.
    -post +most*
  • @Fyler I don't believe that at all; This isn't a video game with three different endings and a PSN trophy for finding the best one.

    Vote Fyler
  • Except that's exactly what it is, and saying it can't possibly be that isn't a very compelling argument. I literally have a paper trail that lines up with what I'm voluntarily telling you that extends almost the entirety of the game, and Selenity who has confirmed me repeatedly. Seems like an excessive amount of work to come up with a lie weeks ago just to draw extra attention to myself as Illith apparently. 

    So if I'm lying, Selenity must also be lying. You can't reconcile the two of us any other way. 

    What I do know is that revealing wouldn't make me any more or less suspicious, because it's vague, it can't be confirmed, and it has no immediate value. It would make me an easy target for people to say "THAT'S CRAZY," and try to shove me into the void. 

    So, are you jumping on this because it's so easy? It feels that way, but it also feels like you leapt before you looked because you haven't really resolved the questions that would need to resolved to make a compelling argument against me.

    In fact, you glossed over them entirely. That's a red flag for me. 

    Plus your block thing seems sketchy. Your behavior feels desperate.

    vote: Yomoigu
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • Nah, the easy option would be to join Selenity in voting for Lavinya, especially since a vote for you effectively means 2 votes for me.
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