All of Hallifax has their guildhalls now, and I know some of the other guilds have theirs. The admins and builders put a lot of work into the halls and they're really great, so if your guild isn't too secretive, post it here for everyone to enjoy.
AerieListenersWodewosesSowersADHERENTS GUILD HALL:
Entrance: You solemnly place a hand on an immaculate tome bound between sheets of crystal and your surroundings melt away as an image of Cririk Adom arises from the tome. He clasps your hand and leads you along a soaring skyway from the Spire of the Lawgivers to alight atop the Primary Generator. As the form of Cririk shimmers away, you realise the ground is solid beneath your feet standing at the Gateway of Collectivism.
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--- Gateway of Collectivism ------- 1:0:0 ---
Gateway of Collectivism.Large, looming walls carved from argent grey marble and cold purple amethyst dominate this vast
central chamber, rigidly hexagonal in structure. Above, the vaulted ceiling stretches to the sky
before culminating in a sharp peak, its mirrored, triangular facets reflecting all things below from
various perspectives. As the intimidating gateway to the solemn halls of the Adherents of Adom, the
chamber possesses on each of its six sides a large, looming archway leading to a long corridor. The
marble-hewn keystone of every archway is deeply engraved with the official symbol of the Adherents,
glowing a deep amethyst as individuals pass beneath them. Otherwise bereft of ostentatious adornment,
the hall possesses a floor of gleaming black onyx, a structured mandala inlaid with the same grey
marble. At the centre stands a tall pillar, engraved with the entirety of the Collectivist Manifesto.
Indistinct voices and sounds echo throughout the halls, distant and cold, contributing to the heavy,
austere atmosphere.
You see exits leading north, northeast, southeast, south, southwest, northwest, and out.
Overlooking the Primary Generator.In a smooth transition from sombre grey marble and cold amethyst into clear, colourless crystal, the
halls of the Adherents of Adom gradually unfold into this airy, hexagonal lookout chamber. Silvered
conduits race through the glassy gemstone, increasing the opacity of the crystal to seal out natural
light and adjust the brightness of the hall. Witnessed through the crystalline floor, the Primary
Generator lies several metres below the chamber, the structure a dazzling conglomeration of
frantically flickering conduits, arcing tubes, and colourful display monitors. An intricate diagram
engraved into the floor and chased with coloured gemstone precisely indicates the different parts of
the Generator, the delineated segments overlaying the true apparatus far below.
You see exits leading north, northeast, south, and northwest.
Formal study hall.The cold grey stone of this elementary, uncluttered hall allows an abundance of natural light
through its inset panels of translucent crystal to illumine the entire chamber during the day,
although plentiful fluorescent lamps are available for more delicate work or study. Partitioned off
from one another, compact, hexagonal study areas have walls of alternating silver-veined grey marble
and dark, opaque amethyst, allowing scholars to sequester themselves away from the distractions of
the outside world. Neatly organised within each workspace, several tools are at hand for a scholar's
various needs. Cleverly concealed drawers in the walls contain magnifying glasses for examining
smaller print, as well as crystalline pads and styluses for taking notes. Mounted on three of the
six sides of the hexagon, a broad sheet of smooth grey slate provides a larger, more visible writing
surface with the drawers closest containing chalk and blackboard erasers.
You see a single exit leading north.
Chancery of Law.Affixed to the argent grey walls, steel lanterns panelled with thin sheets of clear and amethyst-
tinged glass incandesce a constant glow, casting both coloured and colourless light throughout this
writing office. Embedded into the walls, shelves upon shelves of official documents and texts burst
with polished leather tomes, aged vellum scrolls, and crystal-encased edicts and laws. With the
shelves filled to excess, a large remainder of leftover, outdated documents pile up neatly on side
tables and within several chests, still arranged in alphabetical and chronological order. The back
wall of the chamber remains unobscured by the veritable mountains of official documents and working
drafts, due to its inlay of crystal-wrought display cases, brightly lit to prominently display the
documents within. Among them are: the original written text of the Collectivist Manifesto, the
official draft of the first iteration of the Laws of Hallifax, and the architectural and engineering
diagrams for the Primary Generator and its lesser fellows.
You see exits leading north, northeast, and southeast.
Annals of the assembly.With a lofty crystal-inset ceiling and high walls of argent grey marble, this grand hall for
historical records is an impressive sight to behold. Pale amethyst and cloudy grey quartz compose
several hexagonal alcoves of shelves, the sleek honeycomb structure lining the walls of this
symmetrical, six-sided chamber. Neatly sorted and categorised, a wide array of books, holographic
discs, and audio recordings fills each hexagonal alcove, lit by the pale white fluorescence of
visible circuitry. At the centre of the hall, an onyx kiosk stands, housing a complex control panel
within for selecting various items for retrieval. The low-pitched, steady hum of machinery is a
constant, as mechanical claws sort new information into various slots, or retrieve records from the
walls of the library.
You see exits leading north, southwest, and northwest.
Hall of the Senate.This grand, sombre hall is impressively vast in both height and breadth, the argent-cast walls of
deep grey marble upholding the lofty, hexagonal ceiling. Bright, dodecahedral lanterns of colourless
crystal are suspended above, illumining the immense chamber. Several rows of long tables set with
chairs are lined up parallel to five of the six walls of the room as a series of concentric, open
hexagons. Each seat is fitted with a small, unobtrusive microphone and a slim, gilded name plaque to
identify the one seated. An amethystine note-taking pad lies embedded into the tabletop before each
chair; beside the pad, a shallow incision harbours a matching stylus for writing. One grand table on
an elevated dais provides a place for the higher-ranked members of the legislature to sit, the wall
behind it decorated with faceted inlays of pallid amethyst, creating the austere crest of the
Adherents of Adom. The remaining walls don long purple banners embroidered with dark grey and silver
threads in geometrical knotwork designs, the negative space at their centres echoing the shape of
the dignified crest of the Adherents.
You see exits leading south, southwest, and northwest.
Hall of Justice.Streaming down in cascades of cold amethyst silk richly patterned with dark grey and silver threads,
numerous banners hang upon the grey marble walls of this prodigious judicial chamber. They alternate
between geometrical knotwork patterns that coalesce into the lustrous crest of the Adherents, and
lines of embroidered text that form the complete Laws of the Collective of Hallifax. At the fore of
the courtroom, the judge's bench stands intimidatingly tall in black onyx and argent grey marble
before the most elaborate and detailed of the crested banners. Flanking this raised focal point is
the witness stand on the left and a desk on the right for the court reporter to stenotype legal
proceedings. To one side is the jury box, and the counsel tables for the plaintiff, the defendant,
and their respective legal teams are at the centre of the chamber, an onyx lectern between them. The
remainder of the space beyond the grey marble bar enclosing the litigation area is lined with long,
stone-sculpted pews to seat curious onlookers.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and south.
Generator lookout.The dignified columns and corridors of austere grey and amethyst abruptly fall away as their
composition shifts to the pellucid, colourless crystal of this extensive lookout chamber. Conduits
running through the gemstone modulate the brightness of the room by adjusting the translucency of
the glass-like material, the ceiling above and the upper halves of the walls darkening as far as to
seamlessly unite with the halls' opaque walls of argent grey marble. The hexagonal floor remains
perfectly clear, allowing an unobstructed view of the Primary Generator and the Transdimensional
Flux Core below. Still within sight despite their comparative distance, the six lesser generators of
Hallifax stand brilliant and scintillating, each a complex structure of semi-translucent gemstone
and flaring conduits.
You see exits leading north, southeast, south, and southwest.
Office of Order.Dodecahedral steel-and-crystal lanterns are situated at regular intervals across the high ceiling of
the Office of Order, suspended by metallic filaments so fine that they are nearly invisible, but for
the stray gleam of light cast against them. The floor echoes the cool, metallic hues of the lanterns,
a rigid geometric pattern incised into the stone and chased with pale silver. The argent grey
marble of the walls flows into a stained-glass window, the vividly-hued crystal barely translucent
enough to see the magnificent Hallifaxian vista beyond. Glimmering with fused gemstone inclusions,
cold hues of lavender, amethyst, violet and indigo coalesce into the stern visage of Cririk Adom,
presiding over the old Board of Directors in the midst of a conference. Behind them, the intricate
outline of a many-spired city is delineated in pallid purple hues, fierce gales and currents of
silvered glass streaming across the skies, yet never threatening the stability of the floating
bridges and towers.
You see a single exit leading south.
There's also a secret room that not even the Adherents can access yet, as it requires GR5.
Falling past crystalline spires.Quickly coming into frightening focus, the once distant Primary Generator in its crystalline glory
looms ever larger. The pulsing energy thumps heavily amidst the sound of air rushing past on this
descent. Everything is a blur as the glittering spires sparkle and gleam, tantalising and teasing as
each pierces the sky above in defiance of gravity. Things below in the coruscating city grow in size,
ready to meet descenders head on, painfully.
There are no obvious exits.
Stepping off the platform, you begin to fall freely from the great heights above the Primary Generator down to the city below, which is now rushing up to meet you at high speeds. Your stomach somersaults in a sickening lurch as your plummet accelerates...Arriving like a comforting breeze on a hot day, a shimmering image of Cririk Adom appears and places a hand upon your shoulder, approvingly. His words echo into your ear, 'The Collective stands united and supports each other, always.' In a moment of clarity and wisdom, you fall no more as he escorts you to the Spire of the Lawgivers.And a reference from
@Arix on what the Hall of Justice might look like:

edit: I don't know why the map suddenly broke. Please, forums.
Settling in comfortably, you lean back into a round and fluffy wisp of cloud and sit gracefully as
it lifts in response.
Rising high into the sky upon a round and fluffy wisp of cloud, you glide away above the city.
Floating above Hallifax with a picturesque view.
Like a magnificent, multi-faceted gem far below, the city of Hallifax glitters and sparkles, its
many crystalline platforms and spires reflecting and intensifying all light. Tolborolla Valley and
Caoimhe Dell are both specks from this vantage point, tiny emerald eyes gazing into the sky
enviously. The tallest peak of the Beacon of Harmony becomes nothing more than a sewing needle as
clouds wreathe the air, wispy tendrils parting at the slightest movement. A chill, crisp breeze
brushes by and entices the senses with its clean, fresh scent. Floating above the floor, a round and
fluffy wisp of cloud is ready for travel.
There are no obvious exits.
Ascending to your destination finally, a round and fluffy wisp of cloud dissipates and deposits you
carefully here in the gardens.
Cloud-strewn gardens of cirrus and sky.
Thick dreamy cotton clouds are spread across the firmament. The fragrant scent of wind wisps and
skyblooms fills these beautiful aerial gardens, carried on the sigh of a gentle breeze. Their dewy
petals kissed with condensation, these cloud-spun flowers are well-tended by both sunlight and rain,
healthy and vibrant in their colourful array. They blossom in abundance behind elegant, curlicued
fences of translucent crystal that have been sculpted to mimic the whimsical, circuitous nature of
wind. Colour has separated each section of the garden, meticulously organised so as to create an
intricate, floral mandala when viewed from above. A spiralling, glass-wrought staircase ascends to
reach its centre, then stretches out into a prismatic walkway to allow one to leisurely stroll
through these cloud gardens.
Beneath a crystal-and-gold pergola hung with silks.
Thick dreamy cotton clouds are spread across the firmament. Pillars wrought of thick, limpid crystal
uphold an elegant golden pergola here, which lords over the cloud gardens of the Grand Aerie with
majestic grandeur. Etched into the gold capital of the columns, avian motifs are mute and swan-like
as they soar around the column in search of new horizons. Skyblooms climb about these pillars with
their white-and-lavender blossoms, releasing a sweet-scented aroma from their petals as they wind
about the pergola's aureate structure. Silken banners have been hung from its gleaming rafters,
diaphanous and lovely as they billow at the slightest breeze. These gossamer pennants each bear the
colours and insignia of an esteemed Master Artist House of Hallifax, complete with gemstone tassels
that chime pleasantly when caught in motion. The sweeping expanse of the pergola allows for a luxury
of space, its cool shade making it perfect for hosting a variety of activities, such as an impromptu
concert or a picnic. The entirety of this stunning pergola rests upon a thick cushion of cloud,
pearly-white in its disarming softness. A delicate bridge arches to meet it, crystalline and
sparkling as it rises over the sun-kissed clouds.
Engraved with soaring swans, a crystalline table stands here, various platters, bowls,
and trays stacked high upon it. Set up to one side of the table is an exquisitely painted ceramic
keg, bulbous and spouted like a teapot.
A secluded swan lake nestled in the clouds.
It is rather chilly. The elegant crystal walkways of the cloud gardens bend slightly to surround a
curious pool of collected rainwater, which has manifested as a secluded lake within the clouds.
Within, the beautiful white silhouettes of a bevy of swans glide across the waters with silent
dignity, appearing almost like feathery clouds themselves floating on the lake's surface. Water
lilies of wispy crystal drift past them dreamily across the waters, scattering rays of prismatic
light when caught by a passing sunbeam or moonbeam. Every so often, a thick cloud overhead spills
with a shower of rain like a bright waterfall, refilling the strange glistening pool once more. A
swing bench hangs here, its prismatic surface gleaming coolly.
Walking through a spacious, open-air gallery.
It is rather chilly. As the delicate crystal walkway threads through the cloud gardens, it
approaches an opulent pavilion that serves as a spacious, open-air gallery. Overhead, a translucent
dome shades the premises with its cool, crystalline surface of midnight sapphire. Constellations
formed of starlit diamond shine in distant pinpoints upon the sapphirine enclosure, outlining the
astrological signs with aesthetic precision. Smooth walls of cloudy marble uphold the mosaic above,
their lofty heights perfect for displaying framed artwork of every size and medium on its walls. The
Master Artists of Hallifax have each donated a piece from their collection of work for exhibition
here, the distinctive school of thought of each made clear and distinct among its peers. Ensconced,
crystal display lights illuminate each painting to showcase all of the artist's detail to great
effect, allowing even the most casual passerby the rare opportunity to inspect the artistry of
Hallifax's highest castes.
Before an opalescent fountain of snow-white crystal.
It is rather chilly. Wisps of clouds scatter across the shimmering platforms of this glass walkway,
which culminate here about a grand, opalescent fountain in a perfect circle. Within its depths stand
two exquisite statuettes of snow-white crystal: the first rendering the feminine, winged figure of
the Goddess Trillillial in smooth, prismatic opal, and beside Her, the cold diamond silhouette of
the Elder God Xyl, who silently watches Her artistry manifest with water and light. Cascading
waterfalls of crystal-clear water arc like a rainbow from Trillillial's outstretched hand to coolly
splash in the round basin below, rays of light dancing across the curtain of falling water to paint
jewelled colours across the surrounding sky. So too do two plumes of water spill from Her back like
wings of liquid light, luminous and dazzling against their backdrop of cloud and crystal. She tilts
Her head towards Xyl with a smile of unfettered joy, Her other hand gently taking His in Her own.
Though His expression remains impassive, there is a soft light to Xyl's eyes as He returns Her gaze,
the artist reflecting all the subtleties of the Higher Emotions in Their expression and movements.
At times, a bird or two will alight upon the fountain's surface to bathe its bright wings, warbling
a light aria as it arrives and departs.
-probe fountain
Carved from a solid slab of white marble, this grand fountain towers over most of the nearby
surroundings. Silver flecks and veins lace through the alabaster stone giving it a twinkling effect
even under the faintest of light. Four bowls carved to resemble giant seashells create the actual
basins for the running water, each one larger down the descent. The final bowl is crafted into a
seating area with a polished ledge, allowing for a bit of relaxation for the passerby. Small fish of
every imaginable hue swim freely through the calm waters, some hiding under the wild water lilies,
which seemingly flower all year long.
It weighs about 2500 pounds.
Water sloshes about in it.
It has the following aliases: fountain.
In order to enter the guildhall proper, we take a sip of water.
You take a long draught of water, hoping to quench your thirst.
The sparkling diamond-clear waters from a snow-crystal fountain of Trillillial and Xyl uplift your
senses, prompting you to close your eyes as you revel in inspiring perfection. When you open your
eyes, you stand in a new location before the Aerie's symbol, a resplendent white swan.
And to leave we touch a symbol
You reach out and touch a resplendent white swan symbol.
You gently reach out and touch a resplendent white swan symbol, causing the graceful avian to
animate, ethereally wrapping alabaster wings and embracing you. As the plush feel of downy feathers
subsides, you find yourself before the fountain of Trillillial and Xyl once more.
As for the guildhall itself, it looks like this.
A palatial rotunda of diaphanous quartz.
A majestic dome soars high above in sublime, airy splendour, its numerous skylights of crystalline
glass allowing natural light to stream through and illuminate this rotunda of immaculate snowy
quartz. Rendered in a panoply of iridescent floral hues, a grandiose mosaic envelops the entirety of
the ceiling, constructed with thousands of jewelled fragments. The vivid, varicoloured shards
illustrate a myriad of famous art pieces by the Master Artists of the Collective of Hallifax, from
gemstone mandalas to the crystalline garden and intricate lightweavings to the cygnine-feathered
wreath of visions. Central to these images, at the culmination of the dome, is the official symbol
of the Grand Aerie for Harmonious Refinement: a resplendent white swan with wings outspread, casting
feathers all around in coruscating gemstone and crystalline hues. Preserved beneath glass, a wide
assortment of exceptionally rare and beautiful crystal flowers features around the rotunda, each
unique species incorporated as a section of every pillar that upholds the ceiling. Illuminating the
blooms from flattering angles, the light emphasises the brilliant natural facets of their petals,
buds, and leaves. A gentle haze of temporal stasis surrounds each blossom, lending a prismatic
iridescence to the cultivated crystal.
A gallery of transient art.
This sky-blue crystal gallery embraces fleeting beauty, exalting and embodying the transient nature
of various works of art. Subdued, natural floral arrangements rest upon onyx pedestals, enlivening
the hall with their fresh, vivid hues, and releasing their delicate fragrance into the air. In the
very centre of the chamber, the featured piece de resistance is an ornately-wrought mandala,
composed of countless grains of brightly coloured sand, raked into various patterns daily by the
patient hand of a Master Artist. Shallow, gemstone-wrought alcoves line the circumference of the
room, displaying individual works of evanescent beauty. Within one such alcove stands an elaborate
sculpture of pure, crystalline ice; droplets of water slowly trickle down its surface as it melts,
despite the controlled, chill temperature of the chamber. A dark sapphire velvet rope separates each
aesthetic composition from its audience, though this does not protect the art from its gradual
erosion or routine replacement; every day is a unique one in the gallery, the collection of art
never the same as the day before.
An opulent athenaeum of stained glass.
Well-lit, temperate, and capacious, the Grand Aerie's prized athenaeum's design is effective for
study as well as aesthetic inspiration. Magnificent chandeliers suspended from the quartz ceiling
provide sufficient lighting, each one crafted of fine jewels sculpted in the shape of various
crystal flowers. Echoing the hues of the gemstone lamps, the windows are wrought of richly-stained
glass, featuring notable advances in the Hallifaxian arts, from the aesthetic visuals of ballet and
theatre to the more intangible virtues of operatic song. Long tables with comfortable, ergonomic
chairs line the library floor, providing substantial space for students to lay out their books and
other study materials. The multiple levels of the library are readily accessible via elevating,
gated platforms that ascend or descend smoothly with the push of a button, their subtle, somnolent
hum barely audible when engaged. Lining the walls are tall, crystalline bookshelves, each section of
study demarcated by a plaque with a gold-inlaid title. Beneath, the floors are carpeted, hushing
footfalls that may otherwise detract from the peaceful atmosphere of the library.
A sumptuous hall of practice suites.
This opulent hall is a veritable ballroom, and social catalyst in itself, so airy, spacious,
remarkable, and grand are its features and furnishings lining the snowy quartz-hewn walls. An onyx
fountain atop a raised dais lends a trickling, musical symphony to the atmosphere, inviting students
to rest on its raised edge. Upon the water's surface float numerous lily pads crowned with starry
white and pink blossoms, while koi fish swim through the water in hues of gold and silver swiftly
darting beneath the lilies. Despite the diverting impression of lavish, palatial grandeur, lining
the circumference of the hall are several practice rooms, intended for the isolated expression and
honing of the arts, whether alone or with partners. Thickly padded barriers in the walls and doors
soundproof every individual chamber. Several have wooden dance floors and mirrors for dancers, while
others possess music stands and holograms of sheet music selections for various orchestral
instruments. Some practice rooms feature podiums and recording monitors for lecturers, and still
more boast desks, easels, and an array of materials and tools for art.
The Assembly of the Grand Aerie.
Cloudy crystal and marbled stone compose this spacious chamber, outfitted with high-quality,
comfortable furnishings for business and administration. Silver-veined white marble walls and a
domed ceiling have been exquisitely inset with floral-engraved panels of opaque gemstone: diamond,
topaz, and sapphire imbued with the dusky blues of twilight. Well-lit and airy, this assembly hall's
most notable feature is not the round crystalline table suited for meetings; rather, the most
striking accomplishment in the construction of the chamber is the patterned floor, just translucent
enough to see through, far below to the crystalline overlook of Hallifax. The elaborate fusion and
manipulation of gemstones create the guild symbol of the Grand Aerie, its manifestation solid enough
to bear the weight of the hall's occupants, but seeming as fragile as a thin layer of twilight-hued
And here's the map itself.
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I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
To enter, you must IDENTIFY a TRUNK carved with wodesigns, symbols that only Wodewoses know how to follow.
Reading the carved pine tree, you carefully step through the dense forest brush, discerning a path that very few would be able to find. In short time, you pass another set of trees, then a protruding rock, before finding yourself within the northern home of Ladrennbenn Camp.
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Crossroads in Ladrennbenn Camp.
A gentle breeze whistles around you. As the mighty pine and spruce trees give way, a much-frequented path cuts through the forest's underbrush and leads to low and high points within the gully here. Only the occasional flicker of torchlight gives any sense of direction in the gloom of the green, revealing tents, scoops and other temporary dwellings that offer the nomadic Wodewoses a moment's rest at the start of this crossroad. Few bucks, badgers and birds break through the dense woods, only to be greeted with a nod by those few tribespeople who are about, and in the distance, the rush of the Serenwilde River can be heard.
You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest.
The Greenhorns' tent.
The long tent for unscarred Wodewoses stands flush between a few towering trees, its green canvas a perfect camouflage within the dense brush. Inside, the spacious interior is humbly decorated with animal skins. On the eastern side, parchments of instructive diagrams are pinned to the walls and beside them stand straw testing dummies for practicing skills and attacks; on the western, lutes and drums made by the Green Fens tribe rest upon the dirt floor near Moon River wicker baskets, these filled with food, bandages and other supplies. Candles placed here and there bring the room to focus, pushing back any shadows into the green beyond.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
In the shade of a massive spruce tree.
It is warm and quite pleasant. Breathtaking in its height, one of the tallest trees in Serenwilde grows here, dominating this grove with its infinite branches that stretch out to take in the warmth of the sun; indeed, while there are several pines that cluster together in a dense thicket, none compare to this single spruce tree whose whorled branches are thick with needles and cast long shadows upon the ground. From above, the trilling of birdsong falls like rain, but curiously too, a rope ladder descends, offering access to the canopy overhead.
You see exits leading east and up.
A treetop watch-post.
It is warm and quite pleasant. Built between the mighty arms of the titanic spruce tree known as Old Finepine, this watch-post is nothing more than a fenced landing rather than a proper treehouse. Finely made telescopes stand at each of the four corners of the structure, staring into pockets of visible sky through the dense canopy to offer overhead and distant observation of the Northern Serenwilde. Plush pillows, rugs and blankets gather in a warm pile in the heart of the outpost, used by nocturnal scouts. Thrown over one edge, a rope ladder travels all the way down to the forest floor.
You see a single exit leading down.
A sparse coppice of Colbess firs.
A gentle breeze whistles around you. Here, the trees thin and yield to a grassy vale, populated by six, impossibly tall Colbess firs that reach far beyond even the pinewood canopy in this neck of the forest. These ancient arbours, possessing thin and knotted trunks, grow together as their roots thread into a knotwork of gnarled fingers. Much of the ground is covered in wispy blades of grass, trampled by constant movement; it is clear that this place has become a casual meeting spot of sorts, indicated by the swaying hammocks tied between several of the trees.
You see a single exit leading north.
The Proving Grounds.
A thick cover of clouds obscures the sky in a sheet of dense white. Logs of freshly-cut spruce have been assembled into a makeshift fence around this natural divot in the floor of the gully, creating a perfect space for sparring matches. Underfoot, the rough-hewn earth lacks any grass at all, worn away from the shifting and sliding of feet, and is loose enough to cast about in a thick cloud. Thin needles from the nearby trees flutter down from the canopy above and transform the stage of browns and beige with a drying verdancy. Stretching from the western entrance to the Grounds to the camp, a line of Wodewoses, eager to test their mettle against one another, casually converse, jeer and cheer from the sidelines.
You see a single exit leading southwest.
Thinning footpath through the camp.
A gentle breeze whistles around you. As the ridges of the gully relax here into more even ground, a footpath away from the heart of the camp slopes and thins until it is a bare tread of footsteps. All around, tall pine trees give shelter to all sorts of wildlife: a hoot of owls nesting in their canopy, a rabbit burrow near the base of their trunks and the like. The running waters of Serenwilde River grow louder still, and its glistening surface sparkles through the thicket and shrubs like a vein of quicksilver.
You see exits leading north, southeast, southwest, and west.
Gully's edge by the Serenwilde River.
A gentle breeze whistles around you. Rough-hewn and worn, the lip of the gully stops abruptly in the face of Serenwilde River, a rushing, murky rapids that snakes its way further south. Despite being essentially a cliff-face, the forest does not stop: spruce, birch, pine and oak converge as stalwart watchers of the dark waters, fencing in Ladrennbenn Camp with trunk and branch. Twined around some of the trees are fluttering flags of differing colours and sizes, each denoting their respective clan in the allied tribes as well as their totemic spirit.
You see a single exit leading south.
Within a glade of totems.
A gentle breeze whistles around you. Low-lying branches, thick trunks and wild shrubs part into this open glade of soft grass, which has been left relatively light-treaded. Temporary shrines constructed from wooden poles and dangling charms of bead and bone encircle the space like stalwart guardians; though light and simple, they are able to be broken down and moved at need, each bearing at its heart a small, intricately-carved stone statue of a totemic nature spirit. Bowls of fresh food and piles of animal skins lay before these totems and act as offerings of peace to the spirits by their mortal worshippers. The glade is quiet, solemn even, and those few animals that trespass treat it with reverence, nimbly avoiding the shrines with care.
You see a single exit leading northeast.
A slap-dash lorekeeper's tent.
Stacks of musty tomes lean precariously against the flimsy walls of what was once a spacious tent, threatening to spill out into the campgrounds beyond. Time has cluttered the space with all manner of instruments for the studying of lore: divining rods, ritual staves, headdresses, tapestries, finely-woven rugs, charms and wards all lay strewn about without rhyme or reason. A single, overburdened yet sturdy table stands in the centre, reachable only by a makeshift path through the collected odds and ends that have been gathered over the course of the lorekeeper's work. Candles light the way, most melted down to their wicks and offering only a scant amount of illumination.
You see a single exit leading northwest.
Gathering place.
A thick cover of clouds obscures the sky in a sheet of dense white. Traveling away from the crossroads, the path here widens until it becomes a dirt-raw grove with nary a blade of grass growing underfoot. The trees too relax their grip over this space, and in their place, an assemblage of rocks, log-seats and other mundane objects collect to fill the void of this open, circular clearing. Each of these items gather round a mighty campfire that flickers with hot flames, feeding warmth and light despite the shadow-heavy canopy overhead. More tents are visible, offering respite for weary Wodewoses, and the elaborate tent of the Wyldewald stands nearby amongst them. Kept at bay from the forest by a ring of rune-painted bricks, this campfire of colorful flames roars and burns brightly.
You see exits leading east, southwest, and northwest.
In the tent of the Wyldewald.
Though more elaborate than the other tents of Ladrennbenn Camp, the Wyldewald's tent is nonetheless moveable despite the reinforced latticework of wooden slats upon its walls, floor and roof; easily removable, they show an ingenuity befitting of a nomadic people, and remain mostly covered by brown and green canvas, animal skins and coarse rugs. Torchlight offers ample light in which to see within: the walls bear maps of tribal boundaries, while stacks of tomes lay upon the floor, and in the heart of it all, a long, moonhart wood desk stands ready for deliberations. No door cover keeps the forest or camp from spilling into the tent, and the sounds of both fill the space with their noise. Staring blankly into the empty air, a stag's head hunting trophy hangs overhead.
You see a single exit leading northeast.
An open-air forging scoop.
A thick cover of clouds obscures the sky in a sheet of dense white. Pitched between two trees, a traditional, leather centaur scoop has been erected here with sturdy poles of ironwood holding the roof-structure aloft. Though it lacks any walls, this has been used to the space's advantage, as set within is a simple forge and tools for all sorts of smithery from metallurgy to leather-working. Heat engenders the scoop but it quickly evanesces within the forest's ambient temperature, and the occasional plumes of smoke waft away to mingle into the loamy scent of the woods. Tribespeople spill in every so often, hammering away a quick dent or braiding together bracers before disappearing into the camp once more.
You see a single exit leading west.
I'm still trying to find out if the campfire and the stag head to anything significant. But the coolest part of the camp?
It frickin' moves.
The guildleader (Wyldewald) can decide to move the whole camp from the northern part of the Serenwilde to the southern part and vice versa.. Since we don't have a guildleader yet, I don't know how that changes the layout or look of the camp. But yeah, the whole thing just packs up and moves.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
You enter via a Wheel Gate, which looks like this:
Entry room:
stirring ethereal energy:
statue of Ellindel:
statue of Glinshari:
You see exits leading east and in.
- through the rift to ethereal -
the seed (yes, "that" seed):
the sparrow:
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
Have to recite a tongue twisting fae phrase to get in/out.
(back to the bottom, fresco room)
look staircase
(secret room)
Our map:
Room descriptions:
A gentle breeze ruffles your wings and whispers in your ears, as if for you alone, "Dragonfly's words shine... seeds, sown and tended, inspire... a forest harvest."
Maylea reaches out, Her fingers poised in midair. "Now you are of Me, even more than you were before." Her golden and azure eyes glitter. "Walk well, Eldin. Shed glory in My name, and bring life to the lifeless."
It is warm and quite pleasant. Darkness converges on this stretch of land, like the heart of a candle that is about to be snuffed out. Where two pillars of vines bend together, weaving a canopy of knots and burls, the darkness grows thicker, almost solid in its wholeness. A dense mist hangs in the air beyond the twin pillars, and although the Dark Heart is preternaturally silent already, what lies beyond this thorn-laden arch is quieter still.
You see exits leading north and west.
Rows of jagged roots and towering vines.
There is a very light rain shower. Thick, cloying vines weave together into mammoth walls that rise up in every direction, blotting out what little light can penetrate the fronds of black feathers and ravenwood leaves. Roots run the length of the pathways that lead into and out of this maze, broad enough to resemble fallen logs and protruding enough from the earth from which they grow to form footpaths through this grove of thorns and darkness. A low-hanging mist blankets the earth, and strands of webbing drape across the landscape like macabre decor, as if to remind passersby that they are not alone.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down, in, and out.
(What happens to you if you go the wrong way in the maze)
A ravenwood vine extends from the twisting paths and snakes its way up your leg. As it grows along your torso, it expands, becoming less tendril-like and more savage; smooth stalk becomes mottled with piercing thorns, and black feathers erupt from it as leaves. Soon, it winds its way around you wholly, until you are cocooned. You are drawn under, a helpless captive, and then thrown to the ground in another place.
(End of the maze!)
Before a widening of branches.
The maze of thorns and roots ends abruptly here, the exposed foliage dipping downward beneath the ground again. Although still cavernous and enclosed, like the mouth of a cave, this widening of branches opens into a broad expanse of finer vines and leaves that weave together here, criss-crossing to form a living tapestry. The black leaves that hang from above glimmer with a ghostly pale light, and flashes of wyrden fire erupt at random just beyond the gnarled wall.
You see a single exit leading north.
p wall
Rising upward from the cold earth grow tendrils of vines that weave around each other in a delicate pattern, much like a tapestry of silk and thread. Although no discernible shapes form within the vines and leaves, the fauna that call this wall home crawl and skitter through its tightly-wound branches, bringing life to an otherwise still canvas. Flashes of wyrden fire further embolden the illusion that this wall is more than mere vines, and the low-hanging mist that clings to the rest of the maze avoids this obstruction, giving it a wide berth.
(touch wall)
As your hand rests against the wall of vines, you feel them begin to move and shift, like snakes pulling apart from a ghastly coil of tendril-like bodies. As they slide and unwind from each other, thorns graze against your palm, drawing rivulets of blood that are drunk by passing leaves.
Soon, the wall of thorns is no more, having untangled itself enough to allow you to step forward. As you move forward, the wall of thorns and vines stitches itself together again behind you, and a pyre of wyrden flames ignites along its expanse.
A living cavern of thorns and vines.
A dome-shaped growth of interlacing vines creates a living cavern, the walls of which are made solid by dense foliage. Black feathers hang from the ceiling, strands of webbing holding them suspended in midair, and every so often, one breaks free to fall in dizzying patterns to the forest floor. The sloping cavern opens wider to the south, and the aroma of decaying flora wafts its way in from whatever lies beyond. Coiling high into the cavern, a pyre of wyrden flames burns here, emitting no heat and casting more shadows than light.
You see a single exit leading south.
(p pyre)
While natural fire dances, the flames that create this pyre twist upward like smoke as they lick the highest arches of this cavern. The essence of this conflagration is wyrden in make, purple hues emitting shadows and absorbing light if it draws too near. The twin aromas of rot and roses emanate outward from it and a crushing cold creeps along the ground beneath the pyre's haunting light.
(touch pyre)
As you touch the burning pyre, a deadly cold winds its way up your arm. Just as the creeping chill touches your heart, the wyrden fire leaves you, erupting instead across the wall of vines that bars your exit.
As the last of the vines burns to ash, you step forward, feet crunching through what is left of the impenetrable living wall. When your last footfall moves beyond the centre of the maze, the vines regrow, rendering the pathway inaccessible once more.
Knotted branches of ravenwood fronds.
Knotted roots extend from the ground, snaking their way as one organic rope into the sky. As if the earth itself expelled this tree's appendages, swells of upturned soil pocket this space, lending to the air of a wyrden transformation that permeates the air. Because of the gnarled, imposing tangle of branches, the pathway ends abruptly in a way that suggests the tree itself intended to quell movement into this section of the maze.
You see a single exit leading west.
Low-hanging crow feathers.
Thousands of black crow feathers hang limply from above, connected to nearby branches by strands of muted silver webbing. They sway slowly back and forth, as if blowing in a breeze of their own making, and every so often, one breaks free from its web and falls slowly to the forest floor to join the thousands more that have fallen before it. Small bones litter the ground here, a grim reminder that where there is webbing, the creature that produced is likely nearby.
You see a single exit leading north.
A gnarled, exposed root.
The ground slopes downward here, exposing runs of thick, gnarled roots that jut outward, as if they intended to find more soil and met the air instead. Stalks of ravenwood seedlings protrude from the side of this recess in the ground, reaching skyward in perfect health, despite the tremendous lack of available light. One long, gnarled root grows along the ground, the clear progenitor of the seedlings. It moves every so often, its bulk stretching and digging deeper into the earth. A thick, gnarled root protrudes from the ground, its bulk rising feet above the earth before submerging again.
You see a single exit leading east.
(p root)
Covered in centuries of rot and overgrown lichen, this root is thick enough to resemble the felled trunk of a decaying tree, and long and twisting enough to be mistaken as a serpent. Although it is thoroughly entrenched within the ground and clearly still alive, it rises feet from the earth, its bulk arching high enough to be an archway under which a very tall dwarf could walk comfortably. Now and then it writhes in midair, either growing in strength or merely flexing its mass, the way a snake twists its tail to toy with its unwitting prey.
(thornmeld root)
You draw upon the Wyrd and focus your attention on a thick, gnarled root, the trials and tribulations of the Thornwatch focusing behind your mind's eye. As you stare, the power of the Dark Heart reveals the many ways in which a thick, gnarled root crosses paths with the Glomdoring.
The root writhes to life, bending and reshaping itself into an archway. Beyond it, the colony of interconnecting roots widens, revealing a passageway, through which you step. The sensation of having crossed an immense distance in a few short steps lingers in the back of your mind as you reach the cavernous room before you.
Within the heart of the Glomdoring.
An enormous cavern opens up deep beneath the maze. The walls are natural in origin, tall in height and circular in shape, and have been broadened by mortal hands. Rent through the loamy ground, a jagged crack -- its sharp edges new and raw -- allows a viscous mixture of blood, sap, and shadows to flow upward to form a deep pool. A heavy thudding, felt as much as heard, emanates from within the restless liquid, causing a steady rippling to expand outward from its centre. A thick root plunges downward from the ceiling and grows through the chamber, arching its way around the pool before sliding into its depths. Around it, a riotous array of fauna has grown, thick and treacherous to traverse, thriving off of the power emanating from below instead of trying to rely on the sunlight that is foreign to this place. A thick, gnarled root protrudes from the ground, its bulk rising feet above the earth before submerging again.
There are no obvious exits.
(p root)
Covered in centuries of rot and overgrown lichen, this root is thick enough to resemble the felled trunk of a decaying tree, and long and twisting enough to be mistaken as a serpent. Although it is thoroughly entrenched within the ground and clearly still alive, it rises feet from the earth, its bulk arching high enough to be an archway under which a very tall dwarf could walk comfortably. Now and then it writhes in midair, either growing in strength or merely flexing its mass, the way a snake twists its tail to toy with its unwitting prey.
(thornmeld root)
You draw upon the Wyrd and focus your attention on a thick, gnarled root, the trials and tribulations of the Thornwatch focusing behind your mind's eye. As you stare, the power of the Dark Heart reveals the many ways in which a thick, gnarled root crosses paths with the Glomdoring.
The root writhes to life, bending and reshaping itself into an archway. Beyond it, the colony of interconnecting roots widens, revealing a passageway, through which you step. The sensation of having crossed an immense distance in a few short steps lingers in the back of your mind as you reach the cavernous room before you.
The centre of a thorn-laden hedge maze.
Enormous, protruding roots and thick vines spiral outward from the centre of this living cavern, creating a pattern upon which all other elements of this space build - black feathers twist downward from a canopy of ravenwood leaves, waving idly in a breeze all their own, strands of thick webbing stretch across fallen leaves, holding them in a constant state of falling, and what should be a fertile landscape for underbrush to grow is choked by a dense layer of rotting foliage. Flashes of shadowfire erupt in bursts, creating a purple glow to illumine this area, adding thicker darkness to the avenues leading outward, away from this place. The vague shape of Rotbark, the Blackhearted grows here, his form stretching high above this place, and all around it.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
(p rotbark)
Rotbark was once a wyrdenwood of enormous size. He stands now as the centre of this place, his form an extension of the Thornwatch maze. He watches over all he surveys, his face, like jagged wounds upon his bark, marred by many knobs and whorls. Two stretched knotholes for eyes pulse with shadowfire, and the enormous, gaping scar rent into the flesh of his trunk that stands in place of a mouth is carved into a stoic grin. The hollow that represents his heart, which is covered in sticky, shadowy sap, blacker than black, with termites and maggots and other creeping things crawling in and out of it, pulses with wyrden flames.
Rotbark, the Blackhearted looks to be crushingly strong.
He weighs about 3750 pounds.
He has a moderate weakness to cutting damage.
He has a moderate resistance to blunt damage.
He has a moderate weakness to magic damage.
He has a moderate weakness to fire damage.
He has a moderate resistance to asphyxiation damage.
He has a slight resistance to electrical damage.
He has a moderate resistance to poison damage.
You cannot see what Rotbark, the Blackhearted is holding.
It has the following aliases: rotbark, blackhearted, wyrdenwood.
(pull vine)
As you pull on the vine, you feel yourself being hoisted skyward. Hand-over-hand, you ascend the living rope until you find yourself standing on Rotbark's canopy.
Within Rotbark's canopy.
Muted flashes of wyrden fire illuminate the dense canopy of this wyrdenwood. Thick ravenwood leaves grow across gnarled, laced-together branches, creating a floor upon which to walk comfortably and walls of woven vines arch their way upward from below, creating a veil-like structure that mirrors the cascading growth of willow trees. Silver webs hang in haphazardly-strewn strands, in which hang cocooned prey that traveled too close to the centre of this maze. Surrounded by a corona of shadows, a pair of multi-faceted eyes made of bones and leaves hang here, suspended in midair.
You see a single exit leading down.
(p eyes)
Made of bones, rotting leaves, mud, and razor-sharp thorns, these misshapen orbs are the size of an enormous black widow and bear a resemblance to the same creature's own eyes. Multifaceted and unblinking, the Greev's disembodied eyes stare onward at the world still, a palpable aura of malign intent cleaving to them. Inky shadows approach these relics hesitantly and then retreat, creating a corona of blackness that spreads out across the ground.
Auguries' Guildhall
the Mae'vrai cree-Laes
[ ]
Reaching out to an ancient archway wreathed in shadow, you offer your hand, leading it in a moment
(The 'prophecy' passphrase changes every time.)
Are these beautiful, magnificent rooms not enough to count as awesome for you? Check it, y'all ain't even ready for this:
There are a bunch of variations of each and MAN I AM SO HYYYYYYPE.
Enormous, protruding roots and thick vines spiral outward from the centre of this living cavern, creating a pattern upon which all other elements of this space build - black feathers twist downward from a canopy of ravenwood leaves, waving idly in a breeze all their own, strands of thick webbing stretch across fallen leaves, holding them in a constant state of falling, and what should be a fertile landscape for underbrush to grow is choked by a dense layer of rotting foliage. Flashes of shadowfire erupt in bursts, creating a purple glow to illumine this area, adding thicker darkness to the avenues leading outward, away from this place.
Knotted branches of ravenwood fronds.
As if the tree itself wishes to stop travelers here, knotted roots extend upwards from swells of upturned soil, creating an imposing tangle that abruptly ends this section of the maze. At the center of the living wall, several thick roots stand out from the rest, leveling off three feet from the ground to create a natural altar. Evenly spaced around their base rest a steel bardiche, an ebon lute, a set of onyx handled nekai, a wooden cudgel, and a shadowy athame. The roots have begun to grow around and incorporate each of them, their original forms slowly melting away beneath bark and vines. A deep impression in the center of the altar carries a thin, rust-red residue in the bottom that the voracious thornvines have eagerly sunk stem roots into before scaling further up the wall to entangle the peculiar collection that has been tucked carefully into the knots and gaps in the roots of the wall. A leather vest tooled with moonhart leaves drapes over one root, its material already decaying and giving root to more vines that then spread out to wrap their razored thorns around a set of discarded wedding bands and a tiara set with diamond stars before crushing one particularly fragile crystal into glittering shards. As the vines climb higher, their seeking tendrils bind dozens more disparate items to the tree, from the porcelain head of a viscanti doll that has otherwise already been consumed by the vines surrounding it, to an ancient baton of office, to a small glass case covered in circular cracks holding a single red glowing eyeball that swivels to meet any eye that looks at it. Anywhere an offering has not already been placed, the vines draw back, waiting. Settled amongst the treasures both valuable and mundane are the occasional crow feathers, and several of the piles look scattered, as if they have been pecked through for anything of value.
Overhead the vines and branches tangle together tightly once more, creating a living ceiling. Carefully shielded by frosted glass etched with webs, a series of lamps hung delicately from branches around the room provide light bright enough to read by. Enmeshed within thornvines along the eastern wall, several large terrariums proudly display their contents or stand empty and waiting. In one, a small stoat probes through the short Moors grasses filling its cage before peering curiously at those outside, its eyes flashing with an eerie red light. The grass is sickly and yellow except for a few patches marked by dark purple veins. In another, a clearly dead nehvgree has been dissected and arranged to allow examination of the amalgam of wyrden flora and fauna that make up the arachnoid creature. Opposite the terrariums stand several polished worktables, well-used and covered with sundry works-in-progress. Papers and charts stack high on one, with beetle-carved weights holding flat an intricate map of the forest and a drawing of the bones and muscles of a bat's wing. Behind them, a hive-like arrangement of hexagonal shelves holds more papers and tools, from a peg key to tune instruments to a set of fine scalpels. The final wall is taken up by chairs and couches arranged around a series of bookshelves so covered in rustling, dense vines that it appears made entirely up of them.
A wooden windchime hangs from a branch here, marking the transition where the ground begins to slope downward, exposing runs of thick, gnarled roots that jut outward, as if they intended to find more soil and met the air instead. Stalks of ravenwood seedlings protrude from the side of this recess in the ground, reaching skyward in perfect health despite the tremendous lack of available light. One long, gnarled root separate from the rest of the maze grows along the ground, the clear progenitor of the seedlings. It moves every so often, its bulk stretching and digging deeper into the earth. An intermittent breeze passes in and out of the area in a steady rhythm, stirring the solid wooden chimes into an unnerving clicking reminiscent of a deathwatch beetle.
Within Rotbark's canopy.
Muted flashes of wyrden fire illuminate the dense canopy of this wyrdenwood. Thick ravenwood leaves grow across gnarled, laced-together branches, creating a floor upon which to walk comfortably. Dense vines arch down from the tallest branches above and fall away to the ground below, mirroring the cascading growth of willow trees. Silver webs twist in cunning patterns between them, in which hang cocooned prey that traveled too close to the centre of this maze. Past the vines, the full of Glomdoring can be seen spreading across the land from horizon to horizon. To the north, the thick tree-cover parts for the Black Tower and to the east the sharp rocks of the chasm cut through the forest. Due west, swampland skirts the forest's edge as the Glomdoring River wends towards the Gloriana. Between the swamp and Rotbark, the twin sentinel of the Master Ravenwood rises in imperious majesty to meet and exceed Rotbark's tremendous height.
An enormous cavern opens up deep beneath the maze. The walls are natural in origin, tall in height and circular in shape, and have been broadened by mortal hands. Rent through the loamy ground, a jagged crack -- its sharp edges new and raw -- allows a viscous mixture of blood, sap, and shadows to flow upward to form a deep pool. A heavy thudding, felt as much as heard, emanates from within the restless liquid, causing a steady rippling to expand outward from its centre. A thick root plunges downward from the ceiling and grows through the chamber, arching its way around the pool before sliding into its depths. Around it, a riotous array of fauna has grown, thick and treacherous to traverse, thriving off of the power emanating from below instead of trying to rely on the sunlight that is foreign to this place.