Tweets VII: Tweet Child of Mine



  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Amami - Amami                                       (a once grand hall)
           Athree - Spider-tender Athree, Webbed   (before the Master Ravenwood...)
         Danattas - Danattas                                (Porta Bella's Hillock)
              Dys - Dys Mzithrei                   (a smoke-filled corner of mi...)
           Kendra - Reaper of Winter Kendra Strongleaf          (the Daydream Room)
           Nelras - Nelras Shevat                  (before the Great Forge of K...)
            Okuke - Okuke                                  (the Aetherplex Chamber)
          Ordassa - Ordassa                                     (before the Matrix)
            Orimi - Orimi                                (the Moonhart Mother Tree)
         Sarrasri - Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of th  (Moon River through thick trees)
           Tyamit - Tyamit                                    (thin chestnut trees)
    (*) Currently, there are 11 Lusternians on this plane and 41 on other planes.

    and there is no chatter anywhere.....
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Anywhere?  Athree and I are talking at the Ravenwood right now!
  • Glom CT has was never a particularly chatty place in the many many many years I was there. 
    Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
  • There was chatter at the Flame too.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    edited May 2017
    Fyler said:
    Glom CT has was never a particularly chatty place in the many many many years I was there. 
    Except for GBTG. I wonder if it's still as spammy as it used to be. I mean it was hilarious as a player in Glom, and made sense in character, but dear Gods the spam...
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    The NMBG alias is the first I make on Glom
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • edited May 2017
    forget that. >10 mins after I create a new character on achaea I am invited on a quest. >5 chatter on the newbie channel, new people...chatter everywhere
  • Let's conveniently forget that Achaea has anywhere from double - quadruple the amount of players at any one time.

    Nothing stopping you from starting conversations if you want them.
    Discord:    Rey#1460
  • Reylari said:
    Let's conveniently forget that Achaea has anywhere from double - quadruple the amount of players at any one time.

    Nothing stopping you from starting conversations if you want them.
    simply pointing out that with 52 people online...there was zero chatter. no market, no yelling, no nothing. Everyone seemed to be idling in the same spot or busy with writing faction stuff. The entire basin turned into a ghost town at that point in time
  • You're not "simply pointing it out" though, considering you followed up by posting how active Achaea was being at the time.

    Again, you can just as easily start a conversation with someone if you want it. Expecting some else to do so is gonna work out almost never.
    Discord:    Rey#1460
  • Besides the conversations you're not around to hear, there's afkers and people doing the game parts of Lusternia, questing, hunting, influencing. Personally, there's definitely times where I should be more social, but a lot of times I enjoy the quiet, especially if I just got home and want to mindlessly hunt for half or hour or something.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    I haven't seen much GBTG in a long while, actually. Where u at Glom.

  • Ordassa said:
    simply pointing out that with 52 people online...there was zero chatter. no market, no yelling, no nothing. Everyone seemed to be idling in the same spot or busy with writing faction stuff. The entire basin turned into a ghost town at that point in time
    Market has never been a busy channel. Most of yells/shouts are technically breaking the rules (you are not suppose to gloat or insult others over shouts...). CT (and even GT) also are really only used when some needs attention drawn to it, outside of a basic greeting.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Maligorn said:
    I haven't seen much GBTG in a long while, actually. Where u at Glom.
    If you need Glom spam, I'm pretty sure you can still bother Brennan. Just say the C word by him.
  • edited May 2017
    Reylari said:
    Again, you can just as easily start a conversation with someone if you want it. Expecting some else to do so is gonna work out almost never.
    Not expecting others to do the work of being social with me or change habits. just commenting how quiet it was in comparison to achaea despite having a high population at that moment

    influencing is how i deal with the quiet. :D
  • Generally speaking, NMBG/GBTG still exists, but it's not invoked that often. There are still people that do it to CT on login, but whether or not they get a response depends on who else is around at the time. Glom population demographics pendulums between the stoic and the zealous, and the stoic side is in the upperhand right now, generally. I do also remember Viravain invoking the scythe on people that used the phrase willy nilly - but that was quite a while ago (not even sure if it's this current Viravain who did that) and that had curbed the spam a bit. 

    All that said, whenever events are afoot, the phrase certainly still comes up as a warcry or to end off the event as a pat on the back. Which I think is perfectly fine. It's a part of the background of the Glomdoring identity nowadays, and it'll always be visible whenever someone imagines a mental image of Glomdoring or one of its members, it's like an emblem or coat of arms, gilded and with a silver lining, the background on which other people imagine the form of whoever they happen to be thinking about. New players eager to get into the Glom spirit do tend to invoke it more than the older crowd, for whom NMBG is now just one of many medals hanging on their characters' chests. They don't feel the need to invoke it every other hour, since it's already bright and seared into the retinas of everyone who is not a Glom anyway. The attitude toward newbies using it on CT is generally along the lines of "let the newbies build their confidence with it until they're more assured of their own identity, and don't have to lean on it to build their character." - or at least, that's the case for me. And once they are, they usually don't bother to CT it all the time.

    Sometimes, it irks me that the idea of NMBG being spammed is still being circulated, when it really isn't. We use it in daily conversation says as a greeting or goodbye (for those so inclined), at the back of our minds, to sign off some news posts, and once in a while on CT. We do it in shouts at world events or glom-centric events - and even then, rarely. That's it. But then, I realize that the fact this impression still exists is precisely why there is no need to shout it every once in awhile, so it's fine, and in fact, desirable to let that idea continue to propagate, true or not (not that there will be any way to change that anyway). But it's nice to set the record straight once in a while.

  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    edited May 2017
    Lerad is fairly accurate. I'm probably a mix of stoic and zealous (stoically zealous?), but I don't answer the NMBG call very often because my character believes that the casual call/answer became a bit of a mindless action, and therefore does not demonstrate a true devotion to the forest (since it's just what we're "supposed" to answer with whenever it's invoked). As Lerad said, though, I love it as a warcry/triumphant shout type phrase, and will definitely answer when it's used in such situations.

    One of my favourite memories of @Viravain was when someone had a trigger to answer "Nothing Matters but Glomdoring" on CT, which led to Viravain triggering it repeatedly and sneering, "Good parrot."

    Edit: Aforementioned person with the trigger was also AFK in a manse at the time, which made it quite a bit more amusing.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Also, doublepost and whatnot, but I apologize to the Auguries for misinterpreting the proper date for today for our first meeting. Apparently 00:00 GMT will refer to the date before midnight, rather than the date after? Lesson learned.  :/

    I'll be posting in-game, but the next meeting will be on MONDAY.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • I usually try to answer NMBG on CT because it's usually a newbie trying to get into the spirit of things. 
    But most of out chatter is on one of
    1)The alliance clan which is mostly "battle talk" ei  a combo of triggered stuff ["targeting X!" "Y has serpent up"] and domoth claims or similar debate ei "do we have the peeps to take nature?". 
    2)OOC:glom has one specifically to help with bonding and stuff,so there is a lot of pun humor, ranting/raving about real world stuff. And bits of code talk. Plus stuff that goes on in clans I'm not in, like Peasantface[?] And whatnot.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Rancoura said:
    Also, doublepost and whatnot, but I apologize to the Auguries for misinterpreting the proper date for today for our first meeting. Apparently 00:00 GMT will refer to the date before midnight, rather than the date after? Lesson learned.  :/

    I'll be posting in-game, but the next meeting will be on MONDAY.

    but now I regret subjecting you to my weird rambly letter sorry  :s
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Kalaneya said:

    but now I regret subjecting you to my weird rambly letter sorry  :s
    Best letter. I loved a lot of it, but you'll hear more about that in-game :P

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • I had a dream that avatars of inactive gods could fight to the perma death and fill the role if they killed off the other avatars

    i dream of returning gods too much
    The deep, rumbling voice of Weiwae says from within your heart, "I am so happy to hear of your progress, and I thank you for bringing my influence over more shards of My Brother Tae."
  • I'm a fan of NMBG. Not as spam, but because it fits the cult-mentality of Glomdoring that I loved so much as a n00b. I know it pisses some people off, but it fits the lore well enough to satisfy me (ofc I'm not a lore buff, so perhaps I'm Plain Wrong), and it fits Versalean's character /extremely/ well.
  • Lehki said:
    Guild hall requiring speaking specific phrase to leave + guild quest involving drinking booze = I caan't ghet o*hic*ut halp
    I once starved to death in the Bards guildhall due to this. It was all wrong.
  • Ayisdra said:

    (you are not suppose to gloat or insult others over shouts...). 
    Like, not even sarcastically - if Shouts aren't supposed to be used in this way I'm struggling to figure out why they're a thing. I'm sure that my own creativity/maturity is a factor in this, but still... :| *draws a blank*

    Reylari said:
    Again, you can just as easily start a conversation with someone if you want it. Expecting some else to do so is gonna work out almost never.
    This is one of the sager things that has been said on Tweets for a while. IRE has gradually taught me one important truth: No player owes you a damned thing. They are individuals with lives, the playing of this game being one - potentially very small - part of that. Other players do not owe you greetings. They do not owe you guild scrolls. They do not owe you aetherhunts, responses to your messages, or to teach you how to get to Astral. The only possible exception to that would be guild/city leadership if guild/city credits were EVER used as intended (i.e., as payment for the leadership rather than for credits sales), but as it isn't, you instead get to contest them if you don't like what they're (not) doing for you. This probably sounds incredibly harsh, but that isn't the intention, and I can say from personal experience that once I learned that nobody owed me a damned thing my IRE experience got a whole lot better.

    Of course, most people are pretty decent, genuinely enjoy helping newbies out, and - given that they have chosen to play a MUD rather than Sryth - are probably up for some level of social interaction. But if for whatever reason they choose not to it's your responsibility to find one of the literally hundreds of things that are available for you to do in a full-release IRE game.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    I liked your post up until you kinda implied that the opposite was true for loners (i.e. not decent).

This discussion has been closed.