Simple Ideas



  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Snub is a decidedly difficult mechanic. On the one hand, I believe that abusing snub to be able to trash talk about someone is issueable, or at least I'd rather hope it would be. For the other, I believe the reason why snub is two ways is to prevent people snubbing and then trash talking to someone, like preventing the snubber to tell the person they snubbed nasty things while having forcefully removed any way for the other to defend themselves.

    Sadly, there's no nice way to implement snub ( I think ) that will not have adverse effects on the overall game play. Sadly there's also people who do not realize when there's time to stop pushing something or someone, which thankfully are far and few, but still enough. I don't like to have people on snub for the simple reason that it removes my ability to react to what is happening and yet, I've found two people who I can't just deal with and hence ended them on snub and am glad I can just completely and utterly ignore everything they're ever going to say and as a result I try to avoid their presence too ( because I don't think it would be fair otherwise ).
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • Divine says should by-pass deafness restrictions
     "Oh the year was 453CE, how I wish I was in Serenwilde now... aletter of marque come from the regent to the scummiest aethership I ever seen, gods damn them all...I was told we'd cruise the void for auronidion and dust, we'd fire no turrets, shed no tears.. now I'm a broken man on a Hallifax tier, the last of Saz's privateers."

  • Ianir said:
    Policy-wise, if you have snubbed somebody, they do not exist. If you are talking about them after snubbing them, you are violating the game's rules and are free to be issued for abuse of snub. While it's not really enforcable unless you, the snubbed party, learns of it, if you do, we do highly encourage you to bring it to our attention.
    If this is the policy, you should update help snub to reflect this
    Not Ess.
    Totally not Ess.
    Probably Kistan but that only has one s
  • edited February 2019
  • edited December 2017

    My other concern is the break of a logical continuity in RP / aether conversations for a person who did not choose to ignore another. You start to have random bits of what seems to be dialogue between many people but you can't have all the information that is there. It is a really unpleasant way to play, especially if the person who snubbed likes to get involved with player / admin events.

    This. Snub is not a divine punishment. Many times, it's just used because a player can use it. There's zero oversight. I (and others who get snubbed) shouldn't be missing out on key components of a conversation because another player has found a zero-accountability way to mechanically force me to do so. It's immersion breaking, and has potential IC consequences. For an OOC mechanic, that's completely unacceptable.

    And yes, there will be people who say "Well, just don't act in a way that gets you snubbed." That's besides the point. There should be no mechanics that allow one player to mechanically and significantly alter another player's experience with no oversight whatsoever.

    I've also been snubbed by people I've had no interaction with sans just raiding. So that.
  • I don't understand what the intended benefit of muting the snubber to the snub-ie is. The point of snub over all is to give players a way to deal with harassment in the moment, besides just logging off (potentially forever). Because Issues can take some time to be resolved and so on, it makes a huge amount of sense to give this power to players - someone is following you around harassing you and you can immediately mute them in-game. How does it help someone who is being harassed to have their says go silent back to that person? 
  • edited December 2017
    I'm not a fan of snubbing simply because it's weak sauce to use it. It's just a game and it's just words. The only things that get me riled up are mechanical/system/business issues with the game. Everything else is "fair game" and I just treat it as such. I grew up playing Imperian where you could get murked for just talking to the wrong person at the wrong time. Lusternia is not nearly as bad...

  • I've also been snubbed by people I've had no interaction with sans just raiding. So that.
    How can you say this with a straight face?
  • Okay. I'm going to admit there maybe some real concerns with how snub works mechanically. I didn't design it. I don't really have a say in how it works, and if you feel it should work differently, please email in this particular case. We will look into making policy clearer shortly, and I had a conversation with the Oneiroi about this this morning.

    However, as we are getting into the "snub is weaksauce" and responding to people with things that can be taken as indirect accusations, I am killing this topic of conversation as of now. We've derailed the ideas thread enough.
    Forum Avatar drawn by our lovely Isune.
  • (probably not as simple as I think but...) Allow interaction (rub, drink, take from, recharged, read, etc) of all curios within the curiobox (Maps, magic item curios, and red heart curios are the ones that come to mind of requiring them to be removed from the box before you can interact with them.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Can you use genies inside a curiobox?

    The whole interactive issue is why I have never bought a curiobox.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Xenthos said:
    Can you use genies inside a curiobox?

    The whole interactive issue is why I have never bought a curiobox.
    my genies live in their curiobox, so yes. Both rubbing and activating.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    As spectacles clearly seem to be a thing in lusternia, it would be quite great to actually have them made by some trade to be available. Maybe artisans ? I'd love to see tinkerers make use of those spectacles somehow then too.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • But tinkerers do:


    Commodities: 2 powerstones (full), 20 gold bars

    Once worn, the rose glasses will color the maker's world in such a way that consuming ego will be reduced.

    Or do you want more types?

    Not Ess.
    Totally not Ess.
    Probably Kistan but that only has one s
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Ess said:
    But tinkerers do:


    Commodities: 2 powerstones (full), 20 gold bars

    Once worn, the rose glasses will color the maker's world in such a way that consuming ego will be reduced.

    Or do you want more types?

    yeah, generally having more types available and having them available for general use.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • Let Kiakoda's Map and Kiakoda's Atlas work for other people other than the owner, please and thank you!
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Allow us to look at the ABs for dormant skills, if it is easily workable.

    Not a big fuss for me since I can flex pretty often, but I bet it'd be useful for people still spending lessons each time they flex, and it saves time trying to dig up a wiki/reference page from elsewhere.

  • Vivet said:
    Allow us to look at the ABs for dormant skills, if it is easily workable.

    Not a big fuss for me since I can flex pretty often, but I bet it'd be useful for people still spending lessons each time they flex, and it saves time trying to dig up a wiki/reference page from elsewhere.

    As someone with five classes flexed who is still trying to finish two of them and some terts, I'd adore this.
  • Please, please, please, put some sort of limitations on shouting multiple things in 10 minutes.
    just gag Cyna
  • Arix said:
    just gag Cyna
  • Could "bait" be added as an alias to gold carrots, gold bones, and gold apples?
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Which one would OUTR BAIT get?
  • Xenthos said:
    Which one would OUTR BAIT get?
    First one on the list, I guess (although I don't know the answer). If you wanted a specific one, you'd just do OUTR CARROT etc
  • If there are any plans for anything on New Year's Eve, could they be announced beforehands so we could try to arrange something with our schedule for the night?
     "Oh the year was 453CE, how I wish I was in Serenwilde now... aletter of marque come from the regent to the scummiest aethership I ever seen, gods damn them all...I was told we'd cruise the void for auronidion and dust, we'd fire no turrets, shed no tears.. now I'm a broken man on a Hallifax tier, the last of Saz's privateers."

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Generally not a lot happens on New Year's Eve... one might almost think that a lot of the admin / volunteers are off doing their own plans too! :)
  • This one may have been suggested before but here it goes.

    What about weapon racks ignoring things like runes. So I can store a weapon that has a rune without it being artifact returned to me.

    It's not a huge deal but I'm disorganised and sometimes forget where I am flexed and show up with the wrong weapons.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    As long as Artifact Reset 0 can be used to summon it without having to go back to the rack, sure-- provides more control over your weapons.

    Would functionally be the same as the Klangratch scabbard though, so that might be the suggestion they give (I forget what the price on that is, but was not a lot, I think?).
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