
If anyone has ideas for achievements, please list them here! I'll be away on a vacation for a week to clear my head but when I get back, I'll look over any ideas for expanding achievements!


  • KagatoKagato Auckland, New Zealand
    edited December 2018
    Dunno how I feel about achievements that require sinking substantial sums of gold/credits into them - a single-room aethership requires a 600,000 gold investment (350,000g for the first room, 250,000g for the egg), while transforming a manse into a shop requires a 750 credit investment. 

    Also I could be mistaken, but cities/communes have historically avoided selling shops outright and rent them out instead - only one shop in Celest has ever been 'sold' and that one is owned by Kaimanahi, who has not been particularly active as of late.  An achievement to simply become a shopkeeper would probably be better than requiring to 'buy' a shop.
    Never put passion before principle.  Even if you win, you lose.

    If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

    If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Kagato said:

    Also I could be mistaken, but cities/communes have historically avoided selling shops outright and rent them out instead - only one shop in Celest has ever been 'sold' and that one is owned by Kaimanahi, who has not been particularly active as of late.  An achievement to simply become a shopkeeper would probably be better than requiring to 'buy' a shop.
    Interesting; in Celest, does ownership remain with someone representing the city instead of the shop being transferred to the "renter?" The achievement I suggested was aimed towards a shop actually transferred to your name.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited December 2018
    Celest is, I think, relatively unique in the "renting" aspect?  Glomdoring sells the shops at auction, and as long as you pay your taxes it's yours (and our tax rate currently is just the mechanical admin-set "shop protection fee" rate).

    Edit: I also have a couple of IDEAs in for achievements.  I think one of them was for getting x number of honours lines (5/10/50/100 or something).  And another one for completing all of the newbie tasks. Which I still need to get the "lessons" one done...

    Edit 2: If you did do the honours line ones, would be nice if you made the epic line count as the total number of lines that they wiped out (so if getting the epic line wipes out 5 other lines, it should count as 6 weight).  There aren't a lot of these epic things so theoretically it should be plausible, but who knows.
  • Buy your first artefact

    Catch something in an ur'trap 1/100/100 times

    Have a book published

    Have a book submitted for prestige

    Win prestige for your book

    Write a play

    Act in a play

    Direct a play

    Watch a play

    Cultural ranks gained for theatrical/literary/scholarly

    Sell something on the curiomarket

    Buy something from the curiomarket

    Get a karma blessing

    Become an aide

    Become a minister

    Start a family

    Join a family

    Adopt a child

    Dock an aethership

    Move city

    Change class

    City power quest in the same way as collecting bards/scholars/pilgrims

  • This is kinda off-topic (flag away - I don't have my Off-Topic badge yet!), but doesn't merit it's own thread. I reckon the Prefix/Suffix system could use a change (though as it's the same in every IRE game ever that's probably easier said than done) such that titles are hard-coded. You'd be permitted one only that's been made by your org (thus mechanically linked to your GR/CR etc) or which you'd unlocked with an achievement (so, kind of on-topic!).
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    But muh title! Also, more seriously, a lot of orgs use the suffix system to allow for semiofficial adoptions. People who are in the consideration process but are otherwise a lock will SUFFIX <person> <last name>, <old suffix>
  • Okay, sure! Maybe just prefixes then?
  • Why so strict on prefixes?

    I love the individuality - picking your own prefix and suffix is a sign you are all grown up now.
  • I suppose my issue with achievements has always been that I don't get any public epeen out of them. If I've wasted so many years leading pilgrims up that ****ing mountain, I want people to KNOW ABOUT IT the second I walk into the room.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Maybe a customenter option that allows for your every move to be hounded by demands to go up the mountain faster and by the way do you even know where you're going?

    Stupid backseat entourage drivers
  • I think orders are too exclusive read flaky for there to be achievements around them.
  • I love Shaddus's first 3 ideas, to make notches for failure as well as success.

    For example, an achievement for an incredibly unlikely failure to dodge a blow when you have a very high chance of dodging. An achievement for getting eaten by roc chicklets. An achievement for getting killed by a gravedigger. An achievement for getting blown to bits during an aethership hunt. Achievements could function as a great way to intrigue people about parts of the world they have yet to explore.

    On that note, achievements for gambling / the wakabi drome (perhaps even losing money gambling), ikon battles, hamster hunts, card games, and other hidden minigames many newbies don't know about might be cool.

    I feel like "start a family" and "join a family" might be good to join into one achievement, so that you don't have random newbies starting a huge plethora of 2-people families for the achievement.

    In theory it would be super cool for city/guild positions to be achievements also, but I'm a little worried about nepotism or newbies getting promoted for the sake of retention without necessarily being committed to meeting the responsibilities of a position.
    Arix said:
    Tzaraziko died for your spins
  • edited December 2018
    And I can't stress how important and inclusive I think it would be to bring back artisanals and bardics. Even if the rewards are substantially lower. That was a seriously cool achievement system. If you're short on manpower, what about an in-game version where players vote for 1 or 2 pieces to represent their city/commune? Then the OOC final decision makers behind the curtains only have to review 6-12 pieces instead of multiple dozens (or even hundreds, dunno what the submission rate used to be).

    Edit: Players with alts in multiple nations would still get only 1 vote.
    Arix said:
    Tzaraziko died for your spins
  • Devora said:
    And I can't stress how important and inclusive I think it would be to bring back artisanals and bardics. Even if the rewards are substantially lower. That was a seriously cool achievement system. If you're short on manpower, what about an in-game version where players vote for 1 or 2 pieces to represent their city/commune? Then the OOC final decision makers behind the curtains only have to review 6-12 pieces instead of multiple dozens (or even hundreds, dunno what the submission rate used to be).

    Edit: Players with alts in multiple nations would still get only 1 vote.
    The reason that was semi-quoted to us before was there was an issue with submitting them with the new website (and how there needed to be something custom coded rather than a module that was already made). The problem wasn't the reward size or manpower in judging.
  • Ayisdra said:
    The reason that was semi-quoted to us before was there was an issue with submitting them with the new website (and how there needed to be something custom coded rather than a module that was already made). The problem wasn't the reward size or manpower in judging.
    Weird, the website is just wordpress so there's plugins all over the place. For something like Artisanals and Bardics there's a few ways to do them somewhat easily. (I've been looking into this for my work)

    The big thing seems like it'd be connecting the logins to the game.
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