SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited January 2019
Highlight reel from the mafia chat btw, which was running the entire game:
On who to makeover N1 & foreshadowing:
Zitto January 9 As for targets, I'm trying to decide which target would have the best social effect. I feel comfortable leaving Arix, Kistan, and Aruin alive, on account of their not being very vocal. Taking down Shaddus or Lehki might stagnate the day chat, which would make it easier for you to steer, especially if you get cleared by a tracker after the first night. I don't really know anything about Dys, but I think they might be a good lynch target tomorrow, on account of how they present a lot of text without really saying much of substance.
I think it could be smart to take Shaddus out since he's a veteran that knows what he's doing and traditionally is quite vocal, though I do have some niggling concern that Dys is going to give us trouble in the future. She's paying close attention to what goes on, I think, while Shaddus and Lehki have just popped in so far. Aruin is still a complete wild card to me, as is Kistan.
------------------------------ On D2 bluffing and shenanigans:
Pretending you were the mafia target was definitely what I was thinking too. It is something we should play by ear on the next day, I think. Are you still planning to use Nexus N1, or not so you are potentially seen as not acting? "Mafia tried to N1 Kill Sylandra" is an extremely plausible claim with your reputation.
<We agree I should use the blubber bounce> <No one targets me at night!>
As for targets, my preference is very slightly towards Lehki, since he's actively helping the town's discussion while Dys is just participating in existing discussions.
Oh dang Kistan is a watcher? Strike everything, he needs to die ASAP. That’s the scariest power out there for mafia! (Glad he outed himself though.)
But now I’m wondering. Does that make Lehki and Dys vanilla? Or is Aruin’s power a red herring? Because other than a jailer ability I’m not seeing a doctor role yet to make your strongman necessary.
I don’t think anyone is vanilla in this game. You just become vanilla after using a limited ability.
Enter Arix’s role, which then refreshes someone to have their ability again.
Aruin can then catch town who have used up their ability so far, or mafia who don’t “lose” abilities. Instead of determining who doesn’t have abilities at all.
So if Aruin targets me and sees I’m not vanilla that doesn’t matter right now because I don’t think she’s solved this yet. But late game it’s possible this will come to light, and then it becomes suspicious if someone who used an ability isn’t vanilla.
This is all conjecture but it makes sense to me vs “Lehki and Dys are vanilla and there isn’t a doctor.” It also makes Aruin more powerful, if so.
That sounds pretty plausible as a way to balance 8 players without leaving people out on special abilities.
I think I may have overplayed my hand on Arix, and I'm going to have to offer up the logic that made me think he was a vig, so I won't be able to claim that role if I do.
At this point I still think it’s worthwhile to target Kistan because it wastes Arix’s ability. But I’m a little more nervous about Aruin now and wouldn’t mind swapping to her.
Odds that we have a tracker and a doctor are higher now too I think.
Son of a gun, I think Dys has me dead to rights. I can't lie as vig, or bodyguard, or watcher, or tracker, or doctor. Lemme know if you have any bright ideas.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
I spooked my brother when I shouted "I knew it" after seeing the final reveals, I was onto your tricks @Sylandra even though I guess you weren't lieing about Bounce. Was sad to get steam rolled so quick d2 but that's just how it be sometimes.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
I spooked my brother when I shouted "I knew it" after seeing the final reveals, I was onto your tricks @Sylandra even though I guess you weren't lieing about Bounce. Was sad to get steam rolled so quick d2 but that's just how it be sometimes.
I truly and sincerely think I would have lost if you hadn't been steamrolled, haha. I got super duper lucky there.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
That was a really fun game, I was sure we had it with Lehki and should have payed more attention to his post. Though I'm always happy when the mafia win :P
On who to makeover N1 & foreshadowing:
Zitto January 9
Sylandra January 10 I think it could be smart to take Shaddus out since he's a veteran that knows what he's doing and traditionally is quite vocal, though I do have some niggling concern that Dys is going to give us trouble in the future. She's paying close attention to what goes on, I think, while Shaddus and Lehki have just popped in so far. Aruin is still a complete wild card to me, as is Kistan.
------------------------------As for targets, I'm trying to decide which target would have the best social effect. I feel comfortable leaving Arix, Kistan, and Aruin alive, on account of their not being very vocal. Taking down Shaddus or Lehki might stagnate the day chat, which would make it easier for you to steer, especially if you get cleared by a tracker after the first night. I don't really know anything about Dys, but I think they might be a good lynch target tomorrow, on account of how they present a lot of text without really saying much of substance.
On D2 bluffing and shenanigans:
Was going to suggest that I pretend I was targeted for a kill N1, but that doesn’t work if I don’t have numbers.
Portius January 9Per above, you will not.
Sylandra January 9..but it actually does work if my power DOESNT activate night one after all.
Zitto January 9 Pretending you were the mafia target was definitely what I was thinking too. It is something we should play by ear on the next day, I think. Are you still planning to use Nexus N1, or not so you are potentially seen as not acting? "Mafia tried to N1 Kill Sylandra" is an extremely plausible claim with your reputation.
<We agree I should use the blubber bounce>So in the event that no one targets me night 1, I should 100% pretend my power tells me I was murder attempted.
Though the odds of me not being targeted for something night 1 are low, heh.
<No one targets me at night!>
Sylandra January 11Ohh my goddd ahaha if no one else claims anything happened to them last night it's going to look like the attack bounced off me.
<Miraculously, it happens>I really hope this happens, omg omg.
<Ridiculous first-claim bluffing ensues!>
The indecision of who will get the N2 makeover & "are there even vanilla in this game??" & "wait what is even happening":
Zitto January 12As for targets, my preference is very slightly towards Lehki, since he's actively helping the town's discussion while Dys is just participating in existing discussions.
Sylandra January 12Yeah I prefer Lehki too. He's asking the right questions and clearly keeping track of what's going on.
Sylandra January 13Oh dang Kistan is a watcher? Strike everything, he needs to die ASAP. That’s the scariest power out there for mafia! (Glad he outed himself though.)
Zitto January 13I agree on Kistan as tonight's target.
Sylandra January 13Okay I think I figured this out.
Zitto January 13That sounds pretty plausible as a way to balance 8 players without leaving people out on special abilities.
Sylandra January 13 At this point I still think it’s worthwhile to target Kistan because it wastes Arix’s ability. But I’m a little more nervous about Aruin now and wouldn’t mind swapping to her.
<Dramatic tracker reveal from Dys!>But now I’m wondering. Does that make Lehki and Dys vanilla? Or is Aruin’s power a red herring? Because other than a jailer ability I’m not seeing a doctor role yet to make your strongman necessary.
I don’t think anyone is vanilla in this game. You just become vanilla after using a limited ability.
Enter Arix’s role, which then refreshes someone to have their ability again.
Aruin can then catch town who have used up their ability so far, or mafia who don’t “lose” abilities. Instead of determining who doesn’t have abilities at all.
So if Aruin targets me and sees I’m not vanilla that doesn’t matter right now because I don’t think she’s solved this yet. But late game it’s possible this will come to light, and then it becomes suspicious if someone who used an ability isn’t vanilla.
This is all conjecture but it makes sense to me vs “Lehki and Dys are vanilla and there isn’t a doctor.” It also makes Aruin more powerful, if so.
I think I may have overplayed my hand on Arix, and I'm going to have to offer up the logic that made me think he was a vig, so I won't be able to claim that role if I do.
Odds that we have a tracker and a doctor are higher now too I think.
You could claim bomb for the lulz and the chaos. But you’d probably still be dead.
I might actually succeed at getting everyone to target Aruin based on “wait no one in this game is vanilla? CURIOUS.”
Sylandra January 13AHH I’m honestly so torn here.
Sylandra January 13What the heck. Let’s go for the only 100% confirmed townie. MAKEOVER DYS.
<SOMEHOW IT WORKS???>Lehki is probably the doctor so he’s a good choice but he’s also currently an unknown. And that helps me.
Dys is 100% confirmed tracker so she is a good choice. Out of power though. And tracker isn’t the scariest ability here.
Kistan is also out of power but watcher is scary. And if Arix recharges him that will suck.
Aruin is the investigator so she’s likely protected but she’s going to cause trouble for me later.
The lack of Strongman is kicking my butt. I’m going to think a little bit more on this.
This has been mafia chats and you! Thanks for the wild roller coaster, everyone.