Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow



  • edited February 2019
    Raves for the Charites and how speedy they've been. You're all a beast!
    The cool night-time breeze shivers in the arid caress of the streets of the capital city, brushing the earthen taste of dust across your lips.
    A blessed silence falls upon the city for the moment, most activity confined to the towers and the
    theatre due to the snowy weather.
    Pinprick points of light twinkle in the deep black overhead, their brightness full of a cold,
    hungering malice.
  • Fired up pandora and it started playing Oingo Boingo. And I realized that I can basically sum up Magnagora in terms of Oingo Boingo songs.

    Put together a lot of Dead Man's Party, smash it with some Weird Science. Add in Little Girls, and throw it all together with some War Again.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Neela said:
    Fired up pandora and it started playing Oingo Boingo. And I realized that I can basically sum up Magnagora in terms of Oingo Boingo songs.

    Put together a lot of Dead Man's Party, smash it with some Weird Science. Add in Little Girls, and throw it all together with some War Again.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Arix said:
    that sounds like a bug
    Bugged that ages ago and it got closed as not a bug
  • Rave for the entertaining aetherspace shenanigans! Not sure who was onboard the Kari and Gauntlet, but kudos for keeping it interesting.
  • Lycidas said:
    Rave for the entertaining aetherspace shenanigans! Not sure who was onboard the Kari and Gauntlet, but kudos for keeping it interesting.
    Just goes to show what happens if you keep pushing and don't give up. You guys were determined!

    For me the fun part was when Aky jumped into the colossus and I turned to @Enadonella to tell her that I didn't think I remembered how to fight those.
  • That's glorious -- "I focus negative on it...right?? Right!? Frig..."
  • I think in my half asleep mode I was struggling to remember if Aky was a good guy or a bad guy and I still don't know why the heart wasn't going in! <3 Aky it is great seeing you about again! 
  • @Innon & @Eadei for being a powerful driving force and a constant challenge. Keep coming at us you have shown what participation and a good outlook on combat can do for your alliance and there is definite improvement in motivation there guys! :)
  • Rave for quest bug fixes, thank you!
  • Rave for @Gaudiguch for kicking ass this week and not needing me at all.
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Ultimate raves for the mortal reviewers / @Charites for accommodating my procrastination -- damn, that was fast!

    Much  <3

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • Whatever admin possessed the Gaudiguch NPCs are a delight! I'm really glad you stirred up our quiet aethers!
  • Ember Delight is brilliant! I fell asleep on the sofa at 8pm and missed the Gala  :'( but I'm glad it's still open for a bit so I can poke around and eat the leftover cake.
  • Thank you to everyone involved in making the Gala as good as it was.
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    edited March 2019
    The Gala was very enjoyable, and well put-together! Thank you admins for spending the time and effort on its immersion and the events that were involved. Everyone's costumes were fabulous as well (thanks to @Gurashi for the log in my absence)!
    Raves also again for the Charites and mortal reviewers for bringing my designs through so quickly so that the costume was possible.
    As a sidenote, since someone made a comment about Rancoura not having a beak for her shadow hawk costume... full outfit details below.
    A svelte demidivine of dark grace she is a feathered trill nightwreathed demigoddess. Guised in a shadowy beauty embodying the reigning darkness, each supple movement is ethereal in its fluidity; her partial mortality is evident in the carnal form she inhabits, yet there is an adumbral, otherworldly aura ensconcing her that fluctuates with a subtle, but tangible divine power, saturated with the essence of revelling shadow. Her skin has been dusted with crushed onyx and silvery faeleaf in tracings of feathers, marked also by a barely perceptible, silver seven-pointed star imbued below the hollow of her throat visible between the feathers of her gown. A curvaceous form retains the otherwise slender profile of the trill, though she stands half again taller than her mortal kin and with a perfected poise, her countenance beautiful in its feminine refinement as she surveys all with cool regard. The lower half of her aesthetically stoic visage has been stained with dark feathered patterns as well, including the onyx hues of her lips, the upper half hidden behind the long, black-feathered mask; behind its golden eyes, her own are hidden, but a wintry shadowfire can be discerned flickering entrancingly behind the gold. The inky blackness of her immense, ephemerally-spun wings cascades down her back in a fall of otherworldly feathers, flowing silkily about her form like an insubstantial, adumbral cloak shifting in the slightest breath of air; melding with her wings' shadow-mist, atrous plumage flows from the crest of her head as coalesced shadow, strung with shards of black crystal. She carries herself elegantly, each graceful movement accompanied by the rustling of her gown's long, adumbral plumage, which delicately brushes the ground in her wake.

    She is wearing:
    an aura of shadow surrounding her eyes
    a thin, delicate silver belt of the night resting upon her slender hips
    a translucent mark of the Silent One clasped to her silver belt
    a golden-eyed, shadow-feathered half-mask
    shoulder-length, taloned gloves of feathered ebony lace
    a sensual, shadowsilk gown of silver-edged feathers
    an onyx feather pendant resting between her breasts
    a silver torc.

    a golden-eyed, shadow-feathered half-mask

    Elegantly fashioned, this mask has been carefully sculpted from stiffened black silk before being covered with a gorgeous display of ebon feathers and down. The plumage does not seem wholly substantial, something slightly ethereal to it as though partly composed of shadow rather than purely organic material. The edge of each feather has been dusted with silver, the plumes fanning out across the top of the mask and sweeping outwards from the eyes. The mask itself covers only the top half of the visage and is secured with a fine ribbon, a sharp hawk's beak sweeping down the middle and curving in towards the wearer's mouth. In the midst of the shadowy countenance glitter golden-hued gemstone eyes, translucent enough to allow the wearer to see reasonably well through them; despite their warm hues, the eyes convey a piercing cold, a striking centre to the fashionable if slightly intimidating piece.

    shoulder-length, taloned gloves of feathered ebony lace

    Designed to sheathe the wearer's arms like a second skin, these gloves have been sewn from the finest spider silk lace and dyed a lightless ebony. Swathing the arms nearly as far as the shoulders, the luxurious, delicate embroidery is patterned with feathers, each long plume outlined in faint silver so that the wearer's arms appear to be covered in adumbral plumage. Perhaps the most unusual aspect of the gloves, each digit has been fitted with a glittering onyx-wrought talon, sharpened to nefarious tips strongly reminiscent of their purpose when found in natural predators.

    a sensual, shadowsilk gown of silver-edged feathers

    Regally elegant and dark, this high-collared, sleeveless gown sweeps around the wearer in a luxurious display of shadowed, avian beauty. Fitting the form closely, an open-back, stygian down-covered bustier shapes the torso and enhances the curves of the bosom, a respectable amount of cleavage visible between the sweeping crest of silver-edged feathers fanning outwards over the chest in accentuation of the breasts. Two inch-wide straps of silk span from the outer edges of the bustier to tie around the neck in a halter-like fashion, securing a high-rising collar of cresting, silver-dusted ebon feathers that rests lightly around the neck, curving around the head in a proud display and spanning out across the shoulders into feathered pauldrons. The back of the bustier dips down in a sharp 'v' to allow free movement of wings, and from the hips flow layers of stiffened ebony silk, smooth and sleek and cut into feather-like patterns. Each feathery cut is edged in silver, the mimicked plumage flowing down to the wearer's ankles in a gorgeous, rustling display. Just above the derriere, a separate layer of material has been gathered just below the small of the back and then left to flow freely in an elegant train, again cut into feathery patterns reminiscent of an avian's tail while maintaining the same elegance as the rest of the gown. The plumage, both real and simulated, does not seem wholly substantial, something slightly ethereal to it as though partly composed of shadow rather than purely organic material, an effect which is enhanced by the sensuous flow of the gown's layers.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • I'm not 100% sure if the judges actually saw the full details of each garment. I'm pretty sure I've had issues with mobs not noticing things like that in the past, so maybe when admin are mob possessing they can't LOOK AT <thing> on <person>. With that in mind, I think a lot of the judge calls make more sense, and there was definitely a weight on clothing poses too imo (which I lacked, but should have thought more about).
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Jolanthe said:
    I'm not 100% sure if the judges actually saw the full details of each garment. I'm pretty sure I've had issues with mobs not noticing things like that in the past, so maybe when admin are mob possessing they can't LOOK AT <thing> on <person>. With that in mind, I think a lot of the judge calls make more sense, and there was definitely a weight on clothing poses too imo (which I lacked, but should have thought more about).
    I regret not having mentioned more details in the emotes I did, so I suppose it's fair to have just judged on those (mine were kind of rushed because I was supposed to have left for a RL engagement about... half an hour before the contest started), but I just wanted to point out that there was definitely a beak involved!

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • Rancoura said:
    I regret not having mentioned more details in the emotes I did, so I suppose it's fair to have just judged on those (mine were kind of rushed because I was supposed to have left for a RL engagement about... half an hour before the contest started), but I just wanted to point out that there was definitely a beak involved!
    Yeah, in retrospect I probably should have done more of that too.

    In fairness, it probably would have been too much to expect the judges to scrutinize every single piece of each ensemble while we were catwalking (and having to pay attention to that too). If they did, it probably would have taken waaaaaay longer.

  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    edited March 2019
    @Jolanthe would you mind posting your full costume as well? I didn't take a proper look but it sounded beautiful!

    Edit: Nevermind, going to make a thread for this since I'd love to see everyone's in detail.

    Edit #2: Ascension Gala 2019 Costumes thread

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • @Charites Enlightening, thank you!
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    @Charites Thank You for clearing that up! I loved the contest, and I loved designing for it. Thank You and thank all the other admins/behind-the-scenes individuals for all the work involved, the Gala truly was spectacular.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • edited March 2019
    Ah that explained why Fabio mentioned that I wore non thematic jewelry when I took it off (right before I was called to be judged).

    I wasn't planning to participate - put my name in in the last minute. And I'm glad I did -  it was a fun event! Fabio was awesome!
    You are startled as a lemon meringue pie bounces harmlessly off you after being thrown at you by Mysrai.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
     Yendor        1,051,109,4  -1,566,526    -881,000       431,000 1,049,092,911

    Offerings log busted, good job.

  • Only a billion? Come on Yendor, you can offer more than that!
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