Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow



  • edited October 2019
    Afollia said:
    Probably a bit late since i'm out of touch,


    A big shoutout to whoever had the original idea for the new Divine flavour text. ( Favours, offerings, etc.)
    All of it is - SO - nice and it really feels like each Divine is even more unique in their domain.

    It really made my day and I can't stop wanting to discover every little flavor of it.
    [edit] wowee that's some swell fancy text!!!
    ‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways.
    It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Gurashi said:
    I haven't seen what Viravain's shows! Next time you see some fancytext please share!!
    See: 3 posts before yours!
  • I remember gods... :'(:'(:'( ...there was that one week in April......
  • Don't run the last leg if your epic while severely tired. You will miss a vital step and now have to redo it. Gdi :(
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Red wine and amazing, so very interesting RP with @Nocht made my entire night.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • Fascinating how people love to tone police perceived anger through text. APPARENTLY caps for emphasis since I can't bold and or underline things in the game is always misconstrued as anger and rage.
  • Inanna said:
    Fascinating how people love to tone police perceived anger through text. APPARENTLY caps for emphasis since I can't bold and or underline things in the game is always misconstrued as anger and rage.

    It is because you overuse it. People would be just as upset if you were using bold and underline because you are ignoring the basic rule of using emphasis, namely don't do it unless it is absolutely necessary. And in discussions it is never necessary.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Most people use -hyphens- to add a little emphasis. But again, it’s rare. 
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Daraius said:
    Most people use -hyphens- to add a little emphasis. But again, it’s rare. 
    Boy I -love- using hyphens in-game :D:D:D 
    ‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways.
    It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’

  • what are you guys  even talking ABOUT?
    Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."

    Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
  • edited October 2019
    please stop screaming guys.

    I absolutely love the skylanterns, and artisan lighting is inspiring me to try my hand at designing for that too!
    Amazing beautiful stunning avatar by Gurashi!
    A gentle breeze ruffles your wings and whispers in your ears, as if for you alone, "Dragonfly's words shine... seeds, sown and tended, inspire... a forest harvest."
    Maylea reaches out, Her fingers poised in midair. "Now you are of Me, even more than you were before." Her golden and azure eyes glitter. "Walk well, Eldin. Shed glory in My name, and bring life to the lifeless."
  • Lief said:
    Doublepost but:

    Current OrgCredit Rankings

     4. Serenwilde   100


    Your organization's stats:
     Books:       0/50
     Plays:       0/50
     Designs:    40/50
     Timequakes: 50/50

    HUGE rave for the addition to the bottom info, thank you!

    But 50+40 is not 100.

    Game is so rigged for Serenwilde! ;)
  • Kistan said:

    But 50+40 is not 100.

    Game is so rigged for Serenwilde! ;)
    Flares, revolts, et cetera. ;)

    Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."

    Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!

  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    @Aethen is my favorite son, shh don't tell.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Appearance:
    a mournful ghost lantern
    A mournful ghost lantern hovers gently above the ground here, pale grey candle flickering weakly.
    Ephemerally thin, this mournful ghost sky lantern has been sculpted from
    grey and off-white sheets of gauzy rice paper. The form of the ghost is
    indistinct, racial characteristics wiped away leaving only a vaguely
    humanoid shape behind. Watercolour tears of washed-out blue drip down
    the ghost's face, tracing down before disappearing under the ghost's
    gown. Dark black paper has been used for the hair, the long strands
    moving and flowing in any available breeze, wrapping around the lantern
    as it floats. A petite grey candle rests in the centre of the lantern,
    held in place with tarnished steel wires.
    Deathly silent, a mournful ghost lantern floats upwards slowly, petite grey candle flickering weakly.
    Ambient Colour:

    I'm pleased it was approved. First design back that I am fully pleased with.

    Bookbinder by trade! Designer of most other things.

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