Endgame Design and Brainstorming

edited May 2020 in Common Grounds
As you all are aware (or maybe unaware), one of the things on our scope is doing a rework of our endgame system. The following is the initial proposal for some feedback as well as a request to help with some brainstorming. 

We have three basic goals that we're trying to meet with these changes. The goals are to make the end-game mechanics more engaging, more rewarding and shrink the gap between Demigods and Ascendants.

The basics of the proposal are as follows:


RP powers weight costs will be removed. These powers include the following:
  • CustomShout
  • CustomZap
  • CustomLook
  • ChoiceShout
  • ChoiceZap
  • ChoiceEnter
  • ChoiceLook
  • ChoiceTeleport
  • Typecast
  • Masquerade
  • Sparkler 
Custom powers will cost 4mil initially and to change. Choice powers will cost 200k essence and 200k to change them. Typecast, Masquerade and Sparkler powers will keep the same costs as they have now. Anyone who currently has this power will keep it as is.

For the rest of the powers, we'll be opening up every power to be accessible by everyone. We'll be adjusting the weight thresholds from 50/100/150 to 50/75/100 for demigod/vernal demigod/ascendants. With the weight change in mind, we'll be making adjustments to the weight and essence cost of the currently available powers, as well as changing some of the unused powers to hopefully be more desirable. We are going to ask for some ideas and help to brainstorm those changes (in another thread though). We do want to note that some powers will keep their current weights/costs. True Ascendants will still get their 3 domoth powers inherently and Sealbearers will be able to choose one free power.


We want to remove the cap on essence gain and instead allow players to 'purchase' additional levels with essence. The first level would start at 50 million and would increment 10 million per level until each level is 100 million. Each level would bestow a small amount of vitals gain, a minor critical bonus (like 0.01%) and an additional 1 weight to use on demi-powers. In addition, we would like to give some 'perk' every 10 additional levels. The perk at level 110 would be Omniscience. This is where we'd like help brainstorming as well - what other perks would be 'nice but not necessary' perks for continuing to hunt and gain essence?

The goal of the Essence grind is to give players something else to achieve, but not something they -need- to do. Grinding and gaining essence is a part of Lusternia and it's not something we're going to eliminate entirely. We do realize that this is a huge amount of essence to gain to continue to level, but that's very much intentional. It's meant to be something you work (a lot for) but not something you need to do.

We would love to hear your feedback as well as other ideas for the level perks in this thread.  Again, this is the initial proposal so things are subject to change and anything stated here is not guaranteed to make it into the final iteration. There will be another thread for the demipowers, so please refrain from commenting on those here.



  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited December 2019
    I like more people having Omniscience.
    However: Omniscience (the cult power) has a cult essence upkeep cost.  What is the cost like if you don't have a cult?  What is the cost like if you have both the cult and personal versions?
    Those Nature powers are a bit meh, will have to think a bit on them.
    Will there be a cap on the critical hit bonus?  A cap on the "ranking" thing?  How many level bonuses are you looking to achieve here?  Through 150, 200?
    Edit: Also, how will Manna of the Gods work- still the same bonus?  Any other ways to increase weight caps?
  • There would still be an essence upkeep cost on Omniscience, we'll have to figure out what it looks like if you have both of them.

    For now, the level cap could be open ended, but I imagined at least to 200 to begin with. The changes to critical hits a while back actually allows us to not have a cap on criticals (because even going above 100% means your odds of the better crits go up). 

    Manna of the Gods would be the same, an additional 30 weight. Everyone has access to it so we don't see any need to change that.
  • Orael said:
    True Ascendants will still get their 3 domoth powers inherently and Sealbearers will be able to choose one free power.
    By "free", does that mean it costs no essence to pick up, or doesn't take up any weight? And if the former, does that mean I still get a free purchase even if I already have a beauty power picked?

    I also feel like the former would be more fair to current true ascendants, who are not in a position where they can collect new seals to benefit from.

    Will Manna be adjusted in any way, or will it remain the same?

    Idea for 100+ level glam power:

    Intimidating presence. No cow or sheep dares to bump into you, and so long as it is up, sandworms/gravediggers/icediggers won't pull you. You too scary.

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    I missed the Sealbearers part.
    What happens if you're a Sealbearer from multiple seals?  Do you still just get one?
    What happens if you're a TA and also a Sealbearer from a different seal?  The Sealbearer gets superseded by the TA?
    (For balance reasons, both of those should be true, but figure it's worth asking).
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Also: Why start at 50mil instead of 10mil?  It looks like a difference of 300 mil for the first 10 levels, but it also lets people get started on the new thing rather more easily.  After that it's all the same.  Though I don't really have a huge objection to starting at 50, I'm just curious as to the reasoning for that choice.
  • Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it earlier but since Uzriel reminded me - I'd also be in favour of no additional vitals boosting. I'm sorry, but no matter how small it is, it's going to feel "necessary" to the likes of me.
  • True Ascendants Inherent powers would not cost any weight or essence to have, they would just have the power naturally. True Ascendants would supersede any power you get from the Seal but you get all 3 powers at all times rather than just one. 

    Sealbearers would likely just operate similarly to how they operate now. They would be able to choose one power weight/essence free to have at any given time. We'll have to think more about winning multiple seals, we can either just allow one power (which encourages people to let others win) or allow them to pick one per seal, but maybe that runs into balance issues. If I had to make a call today, I'd probably say just limited to one free power, but the more seals, the more options you have. TA would supersede that. That's just me gut-shooting it though.

    50 million being a starting point is because we want you to work for it and 10 million seems pretty easy to gain with some concerted effort.

    We could remove the vitals gain, we were imaging something small like 10-15 per level, but it's not a big deal either way.
  • I don't like the idea of a vitals boost either. Would rather have something like a denizen-only RoA/bodyguard chance which scales with level, or some other survivability boost which doesn't impact PvP. 
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Orael said:
    If I had to make a call today, I'd probably say just limited to one free power, but the more seals, the more options you have. TA would supersede that. That's just me gut-shooting it though.
    This gut-call seems reasonable to me.
    When I suggested the level-up thing I wasn't anticipating it giving any bonuses at all, so I'm certainly not going to be upset if the vitals boost goes away.

  • If going with vitals boost, I would rather see something within the bodyscan system: such as at 101, it starts out at a 1/1 to all vitals and every 10 levels it increases to 1/+1 (so a lv110 would be 1/2. 120 would be 1/3 and so on up to 1/10 at level 200)
  • edited December 2019
    Some random ideas for leveling rewards (At some of the much higher tiers)

    A torus-style room with custom exits which you have to ASCEND to, but without the down exit to cubix rooms like a traditional torus would have

    Becoming a new, differently labeled kind of ascendant through your own hard work! (At level 200)
  • I like the torus room idea - could make it span a few perks, if say, you start it at one exit (down, into a manse you designate), and then add extra rooms every other perk - so, 120 you get the torus-style room with just your manse available, 140 you can add one more location in non-enemy territory, 160 another, 180 another, 200 another. Or maybe make it available at 120, first extra room is at 130, and then every 20 from there, if you want to conserve 200 for something big. Make it expensive to remove a link, so people can't casually shift their torus room around for convenience, and also make it so you have to forge the link from the room you want it to go to, so you can't use it to get anywhere you couldn't already get to.
  • Aurik said:
    I like the torus room idea - could make it span a few perks, if say, you start it at one exit (down, into a manse you designate), and then add extra rooms every other perk - so, 120 you get the torus-style room with just your manse available, 140 you can add one more location in non-enemy territory, 160 another, 180 another, 200 another. Or maybe make it available at 120, first extra room is at 130, and then every 20 from there, if you want to conserve 200 for something big. Make it expensive to remove a link, so people can't casually shift their torus room around for convenience, and also make it so you have to forge the link from the room you want it to go to, so you can't use it to get anywhere you couldn't already get to.

    To my knowledge, those with the Torus artifacts can't change their custom exits at all once set. I would think the idea would be the same in an essence based torus.
  • I too would like to see the level buy in start at 10 million so it is accessible to more casual players and then scaling up from there.

    I am not a fan of the vitals boost, but the bodyguard/RoA sounds interesting. Could also do a perk where drawing power from a nexus gives you more power per link, or more power per astral node via coning/artifact dunce cap.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Ayisdra said:

    To my knowledge, those with the Torus artifacts can't change their custom exits at all once set. I would think the idea would be the same in an essence based torus.

    FYI this is what I loathe most about the torus.  If I could reset the rooms it wouldn't be a problem, but as-is... my torus still has no exits assigned to it.
  • Pysynne said:
    I too would like to see the level buy in start at 10 million so it is accessible to more casual players and then scaling up from there.

    I am not a fan of the vitals boost, but the bodyguard/RoA sounds interesting. Could also do a perk where drawing power from a nexus gives you more power per link, or more power per astral node via coning/artifact dunce cap.
    Perhaps counter-intuitively, I'd love to have some effect I can turn on that would double the astral mobs I produce per link - so I get 2-4 on my lonesome instead of 1-2.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited December 2019
    Or recharging the darn nodes...?
    Or mimicking the functionality that occurred when the Orrery was up, originally: Plop the power on the node, linking the node drains nothing from the node (so nothing goes to you or the nexus, but also doesn't drain the poor node dead).  That might be more balanced than being able to recharge the thing from scratch and infinitely nexuslink.
  • I don't think it would be a huge issue balance wise for players to be able to (re)assign their demi-torus exits themselves for a big essence cost, especially if the torus limitations are coded in for them. - There's already several options for persistent,  player-settable teleport points. (Artifact hermit, hyperpyramid, wonderbrazier beacon, demigod anchor, etc.)
  • Also, maybe 1% increased reserves per level over 100?
  • So, this seems focused on Demigod and Essence mechanics. Let me just say, I don't think these are particularly "engaging" mechanics personally. They essentially get people to either collectively afk in groups (largely silently) or alone, doing uninteractive and mind-numbing bashing to gain essence. I don't think that the extra levels improve the end game either, they just extend the end game, the new top level becomes the new end game and so far the ideas proposed just allow for more bashing.

    I think adding more venues with benefits for flexing various skills/items would probably be more fresh and appreciated.

    Psychodrama could be made relevant with little daily/weekly events.
    Debates would be better in confined time-quake esque little rooms that open and prevent running.
    Making Fate Decks more prominent would be fun, even if they do require some initial investment.
    Expansion on Aethership Mechanics to get people involved in those again.
    More Accessible Opposition City Mechanics could be nice.
    Events involving influencing temporary areas like revolts? Fun.

    Stuff constantly going on, even if it's not always attended, make the world feel generally more alive.

    Titles/Achievements/Rankings/Little Bonuses/Crafting/Gold/Org Points from participating in extra daily/weekly events wouldn't be begrudged by anyone.

  • Feoragan said:
    So, this seems focused on Demigod and Essence mechanics. Let me just say, I don't think these are particularly "engaging" mechanics personally. They essentially get people to either collectively afk in groups (largely silently) or alone, doing uninteractive and mind-numbing bashing to gain essence. I don't think that the extra levels improve the end game either, they just extend the end game, the new top level becomes the new end game and so far the ideas proposed just allow for more bashing.

    I think adding more venues with benefits for flexing various skills/items would probably be more fresh and appreciated.

    Psychodrama could be made relevant with little daily/weekly events.
    Debates would be better in confined time-quake esque little rooms that open and prevent running.
    Making Fate Decks more prominent would be fun, even if they do require some initial investment.
    Expansion on Aethership Mechanics to get people involved in those again.
    More Accessible Opposition City Mechanics could be nice.
    Events involving influencing temporary areas like revolts? Fun.

    Stuff constantly going on, even if it's not always attended, make the world feel generally more alive.

    Titles/Achievements/Rankings/Little Bonuses/Crafting/Gold/Org Points from participating in extra daily/weekly events wouldn't be begrudged by anyone.

    None of those involve nor require you to be a demigod to participate in and thus, are outside the scope of this report.

    Changes to Endgame mechanics and how they work have been something that's been requested for awhile now. This thread is specifically to deal with this proposal - feel free to talk about adjustments and changes to other mechanics in other threads though.
  • I actually am a huge fan of the vital boost. I also would like it if it was, say, random between the vitals or some other minor attributes such as growing affinity for terrain types. 
  • I want mooooore rp things. Ways to add colours to things. Whatever demigods get though, gods should have turned to 11. Like a billionty.

    I...don't have specifics. I want to flounce around with fancy colours for becoming more filled with essence, I guess?
    Bookbinder by trade! Designer of most other things.

  • These are not the endgame mechanics you're looking for.
  • I apologise if I have missed the answer to this question, but if all demigods are given access to the current powers, is there any reason to be keeping Vernal Ascendants? What is the perk of being one any longer apart from a minor increase in power points and faster Domoth claims?

    Also, since Illusions seem to be going the way of the Dodo, could it be a power we could get, would be a nice RP power imo.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Feoragan said:
    These are not the endgame mechanics you're looking for.
    You cannot just say this if you give no other ideas.  It is the same as not posting at all.  If you have endgame mechanics in mind (actual end-game mechanics, not a review of other systems) then this is the place to throw them.

    Personally, I think that endgame things including:
    1) Instanced places that are copies of existing areas but overrun with high-level mobs (think Grey Moors overrun with buffed up Dominators, or Faethorn overrun by supersized sunfae) would be good.
    2) More smobs.  Sprinkle a couple of respawning ones into the world.  Give killing them a good essence buff.  Put one as a final mob in the above instances.  The first ones don't need to be complex, but as time goes on and you add more you can give the existing ones unique mechanics too.
    3) Tweak existing demipowers to support these new end-game things.  A demipower that gives you a 5/20 vitals buff when in one of these reality shards (instanced zone)?  A massive regen in those areas?  A power that makes you count as 2 people when fighting an smob (not the org ones), so if you and a friend are hunting one, the damage is divided as if 3 are fighting it instead of 2?
    By including end-game content you ALSO give more options for powers that do things for that content, instead of having to balance PvP powers.  And end-game content has been a point of discussion, too.
  • Xenthos said:
    You cannot just say this if you give no other ideas.  It is the same as not posting at all.  If you have endgame mechanics in mind (actual end-game mechanics, not a review of other systems) then this is the place to throw them.

    Personally, I think that endgame things including:
    1) Instanced places that are copies of existing areas but overrun with high-level mobs (think Grey Moors overrun with buffed up Dominators, or Faethorn overrun by supersized sunfae) would be good.
    2) More smobs.  Sprinkle a couple of respawning ones into the world.  Give killing them a good essence buff.  Put one as a final mob in the above instances.  The first ones don't need to be complex, but as time goes on and you add more you can give the existing ones unique mechanics too.
    3) Tweak existing demipowers to support these new end-game things.  A demipower that gives you a 5/20 vitals buff when in one of these reality shards (instanced zone)?  A massive regen in those areas?  A power that makes you count as 2 people when fighting an smob (not the org ones), so if you and a friend are hunting one, the damage is divided as if 3 are fighting it instead of 2?
    By including end-game content you ALSO give more options for powers that do things for that content, instead of having to balance PvP powers.  And end-game content has been a point of discussion, too.
    I like the end zone thing a whole lot. Perhaps making killing a certain amount of things spawn a mob that will split damage, or perhaps seducing specific mobs in the area, so that if you are doing it solo you can kill the supermob, if you have enough prep time.
  • Got to say that I am not a huge fan of the idea of more instancing. It would make the game feel even emptier, as well as (imo) having too much of an mmorpg vibe to it. If there had to be instances, I would rather that they be far away from prime, and certainly not areas where newer people might be as to avoid any confusion. Taking the Grey Moors example, I think that it would be a bad thing to have everyone talking about it being overrun by dominators. A new player might then find the Grey Moors and leave, thinking it is a late-game bashing area when they are in the 'safe' version of it.

    I do however like the idea of more involved bashing opportunities as endgame content. I just think that instancing is not the way to go about it. If there had to be instances though, I would rather have it tied to aetherspace instead of being an extension of the timequake instances. All in all however, I would rather just avoid hiding all of the endgame content away in instances.

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