Project Phenotype



  • Fiore is a Kodiak bear.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    I believe @Lynnie is a grizzly. Hey @Lynnie are you a grizzly?
  • Luce said:
    Added those who didn't already have any (notable Anaara as a Jaguar and male Dawnburst cougars). Were any of these explicitly called by their specie/Phenotype?
    Hmm. There aren't many explicit references in their descriptions, except in the case of the use of "leonine" for Sidwesh. I think that will be the case for many denizens in that their exact RL animal reference (although, not in the case of furrikin and maybe loboshigaru) is more vague with references toward their patterns/colours/etc. 
  • Drauzgot said:
    @Luce, Tasvei was a stoat. I can't remember who the fire salamander is. Tirah, I think? When she's in mugwump body.
    My mugwump form is indeed a fire salamander.

    Also awww, there goes my batkin idea.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    I, too had a batkin who must be scrapped. 

    I was asking about explicit vs implicit because of the way the table is set up, preferring NPCs over PCs, and explicit vs implicit . 

    I suppose I could add Tauren, Dracnari, and Mugwumps to the table, but I don't know how much use they'll see. And i I'm pretty sure a lot of Dracnari are out of reach for me.
  • I think most dracnari players just go lizardy, without a specific species in mind.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    I was threatening to do this, but MUAHAHAHA! It's aliiiiiive!

    To kick things off, discovered this pleasant young lady, anyone got a best guess for her?

    A tae'dae cub with fur the colour of honey, Millie exudes a decidedly sunny disposition. Green eyes, alive with unremitting delight, watch the world with fascination from beneath the brim of her straw hat, which features a ribbon to match her rose-hued dress. Often smiling wide, Millie frequently displays a bright pink tongue nestled behind a neat row of fine, pointed teeth. Trowel in hand and a little yellow satchel slung over her shoulder, she is fully equipped for floriculture.

    Next up, Simo Tubinsio:

    Exceedingly tall, Simo Tubinsio is seven feet high with a sleek, short-haired pelt covering his body in a single, shimmering hue of silvery blue. Simo is a gentle giant of his race with regal and dignified canine features enhanced by a powerful, well-formed and smoothly muscled figure. Distinguished and finely chiselled beneath the eyes, his head and face exhibit a sweet temperament, kindly and patient, with a square jaw and deep muzzle. Each of his features seems slightly mongrel in nature, a combination of traits both loboshigaru and furrikin. Almond-shaped eyes of liquid brown are deep set, fathomless pools of intelligence and tolerance framed by floppy, triangular ears. Massive paws extend beyond his dapper white dress shirt and navy blue jacket complete with matching slacks and polished, black brogues. Affixed to his lapel is a crisply folded paper star of golden vellum.
    For him I'm pretty sure he's a Neapolitan Mastiff loboshigaru who was adopted by furrikin, but either way seems to suggest domestic dogs are in for one or both.

    I'm putting a soft confirm on Aslaran housecats based on Rahrah, whose description reads like a silver tabby. I can be convinced otherwise, but until then he's on my list.

    Also, it apparently never occurred to me to check the statue of Kiakoda, a known furrikin Vernal Goddess. She's Lupine. And her statue is jade.

    Does anyone know if Binky Tailsnap is/was an admin NPC or a dweller?
  • Luce said:
    I was threatening to do this, but MUAHAHAHA! It's aliiiiiive!

    To kick things off, discovered this pleasant young lady, anyone got a best guess for her?

    Next up, Simo Tubinsio:

    For him I'm pretty sure he's a Neapolitan Mastiff loboshigaru who was adopted by furrikin, but either way seems to suggest domestic dogs are in for one or both.

    I'm putting a soft confirm on Aslaran housecats based on Rahrah, whose description reads like a silver tabby. I can be convinced otherwise, but until then he's on my list.

    Also, it apparently never occurred to me to check the statue of Kiakoda, a known furrikin Vernal Goddess. She's Lupine. And her statue is jade.

    Does anyone know if Binky Tailsnap is/was an admin NPC or a dweller?
    Oh lawd, wait till @Daraius reads this.

    We recently had a visit from Simo's father, and then a follow-up with his mother who was living in Tosha.

    Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."

    Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!

  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    I’m pretty sure I encouraged Luce to start this projects. :P 

    I don’t read Simo as a Neapolitan because his face is specifically not saggy and floppy. I envision him as more of a floppy ear Great Dane or Cane Corso. His dad is a weasel furrikin and his mom is a loboshigaru brother of enlightenment. I’ll have to rummage through my log for descriptions.

    Binky was an NPC vendor at Seren’s solstice event.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot

    Papa Tubinsio
    The wrinkles in his furred face exacerbated by a perpetual frown, a weasel furrikin hops restlessly here.
    Tall and thin for a furrikin, Tupie Tubinsio is of mustelid descent, with fur that lingers in a vague space between grey and brown. He is dressed in a farmer's outfit of overalls, but wears a clean shirt underneath with a hastily added bowtie. His face is so wrinkled that the marring of age can be seen despite the thickness of his fur, exagerrated by the extra grey in the fur around his temples and triangular ears.

    Mama Tubinsio
    Short-haired and extremely tall, this loboshigaru has an unexpectedly blue pelt, silvery in shade. She has fine canine features with floppy, triangular ears, and there is an almost perpetual placidity to her expression. She is dressed in the simple robes common in the Tosha Monastery, their hems bearing signs of careful repair, her overall presentation one of neatness and precision. Brother Arasia appears to be extraordinarily strong.

    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot

    Cane Corso Temperament - Is This Dog Right For Your Family

    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Daraius said:
    I’m pretty sure I encouraged Luce to start this projects. :P 
    I just meant the reference to Simo, haha.

    Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."

    Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!

  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    edited June 2020
    I'm p. sure I was part of the process that led to Simo being part of Hallifax, now that I think of it.

    Are there any descriptions for the Kryden Valik aslaran or any other new fuzzies that I might not know about/have in ?

    ETA: Also, thoughts regarding rats and hamsters potentially being the domain of Finninkora? And/or the idea that the finks we see are all just victims of a congenital case of mange/scabies? (Meaning player finks are freer to use more traditional rat phenotypes instead of naked, musky molerats)
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    I’ve always thought rats and hamsters would be furrikin. I play a rat furrikin in our Halli LD&D campaign, at least.  :D 
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Aeral is a panther.
    Zayden is a German shepherd in lobo form.

    It's hard to tell regarding the Kryden Valik aslaran, but at least the shepherds there appear to be panthers as well. 

    Feyahi is an albino - white fur, pink eyes. Trying to determine which species that would be. 

    Going to work on this more as I get a bit of time. 

    Avatar by the amazing @Feyrll
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Hrm. That actually brings up a question. I know Delport is Lusternian France, do we have a Lusternian Germany?
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    edited June 2020
    Gonna need to see that lobo description of Zayden because I would not pet this dog.

    He is a sinuous illithoid and is covered in leathery skin a sickly shade of grey, the golden veins just below the surface of his skin creating ridges across his features. He is especially short in stature, and despite his ill appearance he is lean with sinewy muscles. His tree bark brown eyes are hard, slanted slightly and given to a severe coldness, although wrinkles soften his appearance. When he smiles the small bumps that form his nose and the ghastly scar that mars across his face twists, made more horrifying by the rows of razor sharp teeth that have opened various wounds around his mouth over time.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Lmao, yes, not currently in lobo form (but thinking about swapping back).

    Very old description warning. This has not really been edited and is -terrible-. Don't judge how 15 year old me wrote. 

    Standing at 4'11", he is short for his race. Despite his youthfulness, his dark tree bark coloured eyes are hard, almost cold. His forehead has already begun to gain a few small wrinkles, as has the area around his eyes when he smiles. A canine nose rests just above thin black lips that open to reveal large, canine teeth that look capable of breaking bones. A whitish scar streaks across his snout, clean and thin, and a small tattoo of a four pointed star has been applied in black ink to the corner of his left eye where the fur is missing. His ears come up into points with the same shape as a wolf's, the fur on the inside a honey coloured streaked with dark brown, while the outer ear is a mix of brown and black. The medium-length, straight fur along his body has a base colour of dark brown, but along his head and torso there are streaks of black, and across his face it is patterned in symmetrical streaks of caramel. His hands are shaped the same as humans, with the exception of nails being replaced with claws, with larger claws on his furry, doggish feet. The fur along his arms and legs is a mix of golden brown and tan, matching his long, bushy tail. Along his back and sides, the fur is coarser and black in appearance, the dark fur continuing towards the tip of his tail. 

    Avatar by the amazing @Feyrll
  • I'm not sure if it counts since I only ever wear racehats but Aslaran Esei is a weird hodgepodge of lynx, housecat, and leopard. Loboshigaru Esei is based on a maned wolf.

    pronouns: they/them
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Esei said:
    I'm not sure if it counts since I only ever wear racehats but Aslaran Esei is a weird hodgepodge of lynx, housecat, and leopard. Loboshigaru Esei is based on a maned wolf.

    He stick him leggy out reeeeeeal far. I'll put these under soft-player confirmations. Meanwhile Nepenthe sent Luce a sketch of this gem:

    Fur as white as powdered sugar covers the burly form of this tae'dae in a sleek and shiny coat that positively tempts with its softness. Obviously well-fed, Tantus is immediately characterised by both his tall, broad-shouldered frame and his rather prominent, rotund stomach. His eyes, bright blue, gleam with a perpetual sense of mirth and mischief, the smooth planes of his broad muzzle pulled upward into a ready smile. He is garbed in a rich purple vest, left open over his chest in what must be some small consideration to the notion that his girth will not allow it to button properly. Loose trousers of gleaming ebon silk garb his lower half, while his enormous footpaws go unshod, black claws stark against the white of his fur.

    so we have another soft-NPC polar burr. (he looks so soft.)

  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Oho! Found a bear!

    A lumbering beast if there ever was one, Temmal Bramble towers over most with the height of many hands. Dark brown, shaggy fur covers most of his rotund physique, which lightens drastically to a golden caramel around his muzzle and paws. Deep brown eyes stare out vacantly and his brow is stuck in a permanent crease. Recently oiled, a slick suit of leather armour covers his massive frame loosely, obscured partly by a thick woolen red cloak. He wields a golden sickle and a leather sling in his paws.

    Thiiink this is kodiak or grizzly?

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