I just want it to be known last night ruined the game for me a bit. I'm going to be stepping back from playing as much and stop trying in combat-related events.
The whole "Hallifax declaring the treaty with Magnagora" ending? Yes, I'm fine with. There is nothing to be said there because at the end of the day it falls to city "leaders" and the ilk as to how they want to RP/play out their roles.
What I'm not fine with is the fact that I died because Hallifax decided to sit at our Megalith on Prime (which is generally assumed a safe place) and kill members of Magnagora. I was just arriving back from bashing to finish learning some lessons, and then log off. Imagine my surprise when I show up to Alexandria, Ymuli, Aramel, and Kaizynne sitting there. I walked into the room and was KOS'd.
Our newbies were on our City Aether saying "Should I stay out of the City to avoid being killed?". Imagine if a youngling was learning at the Megalith and was slain by Hallifax's outburst. They'd probably leave too after a bad interaction like that. The same could be said if someone was at Titan and died to a bad event like this.
Overall this interaction could have been much better and left a bad taste in my mouth in regards to "Politics" of Lusternia.
You and one other person died once for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If there were really newbies that were upset, what you could have told them is that Magnagora repelled the silly invaders, given that we all died.
It's a conflict game. Sometimes you get conflict.
I can agree that it is rough luck, and I appreciate your kind words @Ciaran. At the same time though.. something like a yell "We are through with Magnagora!" or something like that, followed by a momentous raid would have been my ideal. If I had died trying to protect my city, I absolutely wouldn't have felt the way I did last night.
After having a good day at work and thinking things through, yes I was in the wrong place at the wrong time for an event of that magnitude. I was also running on little sleep, so it added to my irritation.
@Kethaera You're right, had I been in the right frame of mind at the moment, that is probably what I would've done. I agree, it is a conflict game and I understand that. I just hated that I was at the center at the moment.
All in all its an event that happened and death is nothing compared to Timequakes and such. I was just extremely unhappy that I didn't get even a small chance to defend myself.
I can only say that while you can't always do anything to prevent it, you can choose to not let it bother you - which isn't always easy in the beginning, but it does get more tolerable over time. Take away something to learn from it, or rp with someone in Magnagora about how much Hallifax sucks. Turn bad events into something positive, basically. It took me a long time to take that mindset in Aetolia, and even again when I started playing in Lusternia, but it really does make the game more fun to play and combat generally less stressful. It wasn't personal, and it almost never is.
On a serious note, make sure you understand HELP AVENGER. They can only kill you once on Prime unless you declare them. Further, inside the city, you conglute with a minimal amount of loss.. So do titans, and newbies. Further, I doubt any of the people who raided Prime Mag would go out of their way to kill a newbie.
Unfortunately it is a PVP game to a lot of people, and I feel this was a retaliation of anger that you got caught up in. (Ruiku has been personally taking upon himself to hunt me down whenever he can since he woke up. I got angry and spoke to him OOCly and his RP reason was completely valid. I'm the CL of the opposition and therefore a prime target. It's annoying but part of the give and take of Lusternia).
I really hope this doesn't make you stop playing and didn't turn off any newbies. I feel it really was an opportunistic thing that open happen again!
Very little of it feels in-character, and seeing that I've heard from multiple sources that Celest was harassing Alexandria over it, I must admit that I'm just glad it's finally happened. We've all been waiting for it to happen anyways.
Remember to be excellent to each other, guys.
I find it very easy to get annoyed ooc about things like this, because me the player is here like 'but but these are liessss how dare they!' But then....it's clever roleplay, and I can't help but admire that even if we copped the brunt. Witty banter on the public forum pleases me so much, it's clever and politics. Will take that any day over shouted, uncreative insults, or death and 'get rekt' sort of responses.
Curious to see what the future will hold. Bold move Hallifax, bold move! The game of chess continues!
Edit: Meant to clarify, surprised in the moment. There was a pretty long held suspicion that Hallifax were preparing to betray us, it was just a question of when. If there hadn't been plans until last moment, then you guys are good at being shady!
Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!
That being said, yes it can be utterly frustrating to die in prime org territory. And you're right, it should feel safe for the most part. However, for a single roleplay event of this magnitude I don't really see it being a bad thing to happen once as long as it's not somehting anyone makes a habit out of because yes, then it will have a very high risk of driving people away from the game and that's the last thing anyone wants!
I think the timing was actual unfortunate- it would have been really awesome if there had been more people around to intitate combat because the Nil portion felt sad because our numbers were too high to actually allow Shango/Ixion/others feel confident in attempting to defend.
I get to be the guy who says, "I told you so."
That's all I have to say on the matter.
Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!
sorry, new job and long hours but making money comes first. This is literally the first day I have sat at my personal laptop since June 8th (when new job started)
The timing of the attack wasn't desirable, and if there had been more people around, we wouldn't have made the crazy plan to attack people/guards at the nexus. But logistically speaking, that's the time it had to happen because that was when we were all able to be around - nothing more than that. For me, it coincided with finishing a test the the night before the first day I've had in a month with relatively "not much" to do. For all that it may seem like this was chosen at a time when Mag was quiet, sometimes it's just annoying coincidence. Halli-time seems to be slightly off from the rest of the game anyway. No one was going to kill newbies, though, we made a list of who was around at the time who had never been in involved in combat.
@Sapphira I enjoy the hell out of public post bickering myself. On that issue at least, I don't really care which side was right, I just wanted some popcorn banter.
Yeah we knew months ago this would happen
Checking my notes... yep, it was six days ago, according to discord, when I was last pestering Alexandria to end negotiations with Shadowlight. It was 1-2 days after that when the rejection letter was written up and ready to be mailed. I have no idea what the aeon group combos comment has to do with anything or who even said that.
It's a shame that some in IHC(should it be IH? FIH?) have so little ability of self-reflection or humility that they can't even pretend to care whether we would help or not for long enough for ascension to end. So... ok. Good luck to you.
What were you shut out of?
You attended Domoths, quakes, flares, nodes... when you showed up, which was often less than Serenwilde, and that's saying something, given the near dead state of it.
I can't make statements to Ascension as I was not around for most of the events, but from the scores it looks like you were not shut out of those either.
So if "self fulfilling prophecy" is your takeaway...
I get that some of you have issues with IC/OOC divides... but I do not.
Discord conversations are quite obviously not IC.
In any case, this argument would be a lot more credible from someone who plays the game.
Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!
(Board of Directors): Kethaera says, "It would seem reasonable to discuss it."
(Board of Directors): Nelras says, "Is the perspective I presented over the alliance clan incorrect and a result of my own limited perspective?"
(Board of Directors): Aramel says, "I do not believe so, Quintessence."
(Board of Directors): Kethaera says, "In my estimation of the events, they ignored our requests for assistance multiple times for Kaizynne, and seemingly would have rather let a member of Glomdoring win than her."
(Board of Directors): Nelras says, "That is rather unfortunate. I was hoping that one of you would tell me that I was mistaken, and that our allies did not choose to abandon us in such a way that almost caused our enemies to gain a seal."
(Board of Directors): Kethaera says, "No, I support that view as well."
(Board of Directors): Aramel says, "It was my perception as well, that it was a deliberate ploy to refuse to support us. I suspected this during the Seal of Life, but chose to give our allies the benefit of the doubt."
(Board of Directors): Aramel says, "Nevertheless, once may be an accident. Twice? Logic says no."
(Board of Directors): Nelras says, "Furthermore, I noted that they did not hesitate to support Malarious."
(Board of Directors): You say, "I would like to note that such a stance is not altogether unexpected from any alliance which includes Malarious and Magnagora."
(Board of Directors): Kethaera says, "It is not, Luce, but they have not been quite this bad until recently."
(Board of Directors): Aramel says, "The rest of Gaudiguch has been surprisingly helpful."
(Board of Directors): Aramel says, "I would regret to see them go. I would not regret the departure of Magnagora then."
(Board of Directors): Kethaera says, "Indeed, but it seems that they will side with Ixion and Malarious over us, all the same."
(Board of Directors): You say, "The Seals tend to escalate and exascerbate tensions."
(Board of Directors): Aramel says, "Well, I think this warrants some consideration, especially given the past."
(Board of Directors): Kethaera says, "I agree."
(Ironhart Collective): Inanna says, "Also, anyone with a beast that can spit that I can borrow for War?" [<a/n Establishing timing]
(Board of Directors): You say, "It is...unfortunate. The way things have proceeded thus far. The alliance, aside ironically for Gaudiguch, hasn't seemed to provide much support in general for the Commonwealth's interests."
Hey, look, an entire, In-Character conversation immediately after Death where a bunch of people on Hallifax's ruling council talked about the issue in-character and came to the conclusion that Magnagora was more of an issue to Hallifax than Gaudiguch. But that it wasn't enough of an issue to raise a fuss about, yet.
I will let these events hash out IG, but they look pretty OOC motivated. The rationale has been pretty flimsy. I wanted to clear up death though, the seal I went whole hog for.
Hallifax was never cut out, blocked, or sabotaged in this event. Period.
Let's start with scores, I didn't check them often, but (times are rough):
@5 minutes: I had 445, Kaizynne was not above me.
@20 minutes: I had 1840, Kaizynne was leading me by 95, (~4 mobs)
@30 minutes: I had 2480, Kaizynne was leading me by 45 (~2 mobs)
@35 minutes: I had 2675, Kaizynne was leading me by 210 (~11 mobs, now she has a perk)
@40 minutes: I had 2830, Kaizynne was leading me by 60 (~3 mobs)
At no point was Kaizynne just hugely in the lead to the point we dropped out. Some of Mags bashers dropped out to move to pursuit. despite not necessarily being out of it yet either. There was VERY few on support. Long story short, if a group reaches you, you are probably dying.
I died several times, I believe (though deathsight may have dropped) more than any other entrant from our alliance. I did not even know when I was in the lead until someone TOLD me. I did not check scores between the 40-60 minute mark. When event ended, I checked score to see how I did. I couldn't even read CT messages because I was hopping areas often.
I had over 20 total instant or near instant move points for bashing. I had one person with empress who saved me... twice? But generally people dropped monolith when they engaged me. I have set up some zones for mobs and had soft prepped some areas ahead of time (clearing an area is obvious, but how many of you can tell if 3 of the 25 point unnamed mobs were missing?). I knew this event was a marathon, not a sprint, and I planned and prepped for it. I had a lot more help in the last 5 minutes than I had the entire rest of the time combined. I did not presume I'd win, but by the 50 minute mark almost everything in the game worth something is dead. I literally went to areas with 5 points mobs just to keep my score building. I won by... 170? 7 mobs potentially if you had max ones?
I like to think I just played the event, but nothing I saw, absolutely nothing suggests Hallifax was being blocked out. Even if you say they like to back me, they couldn't save me a huge majority of the time, there is just nothing to be done. Kaizynne hunted well, and Glomdoring was pursuing me actively at the end (very actively). We pulled together and while Mag was organized, I was organizing a couple people from Gaudi to try to buy me time and a few more points. Someone mentioned death as "evidence" of Glom sabotaging them, but most of Mags own people dropped out to support. They didn't pick WHOM to support, they simply started trying to slow down the people otherwise leading.
Like I said, none of the reasons I have heard are even remotely convincing and a large portion of the time Hallifax would have no one show up to events or revolts to even try to provide things to. I hope some better rationale comes up, cause so far from what I have heard, it was all metagamed BS with people reaching for reasons. Mal would want to know if Mag is a problem as an ally, but no one could establish a good case or provide evidence they were.
We didn't flock to anyone's help in the sense of grouping up with them and protecting them-- we helped by delaying Evette and Jaspet, and let the bashers handle their own business for the most part.
Even at the end of the event, when it was so tightly contested, I saw two people physically with Malarious; Vexacion and Ruiku. The rest of our team was chasing Glomdoring's participants, which... literally helped everyone on our side.
Be excellent to each other. If you are already being excellent, carry on. If you are not, I advise you consider doing so. That is all.
Don't upset the nooblets!