Bard things..

Hello everyone,
I'm -recently- new to bard combat and bashing.. I'm curious how I could write some triggers to switch my attack from minorsecond to blanknote when a mob/denizen raises their shield.. I have all the shield lines (I think, but if not I know how to add them in). I just can't figure out a way to write the script. Any help would be appreciated!


  • Depends on your client but in mudlet I would do something like this, the general principle would work in other clients, just would have a different syntax. Keep in mind there are some issues with breaking shields automatically that I've listed below and I'm not exactly a pro at writing reflexes, so if someone else has a better idea please correct me!

    Trigger shield lines
    shield_up = true (This creates an alias that triggers shield_up that we can create a statement about)

    Make a bashing alias
    if shield_up == true then
    send("blanknote " .. tar)
    shield_up == false
    send("minorsecond " .. tar)

    Now there are a couple problems to this and I'm not sure how fast blanknote is so feel free to correct me.

    The first problem is that this isn't very accurate. There isn't a shield breaking line so we cannot trigger that line to just set shield_up to false. This means that if the denizen shields, and then attacks and breaks his shield then you may blanknote them when you really need to minorsecond. To get around this you can guestimate the amount of time it takes for the denizan to attack again and then set a temporary timer to change the shield_up variable, but denizens have varying speeds of attack so it would be a lot more work collecting lines and guessing how long it takes for them to attack after shielding.

    The second problem I find with breaking shields automatically (aside from monks and warriors) is that if you break a shield right as it was going to attack again then the denizen will just shield, in all cases I've found denizens will do one attack, one shield ad infinitum so it's not always very productive in my experience, but I've never bashed as a bard so please correct me if I'm wrong
  • Blanknote is very, very fast. As an eq race, I was hitting 1.2s with it.

    As for how to address the 'shield breaking line' issue, there's a few ways, but all require a fair amount of work.

    God, how I miss eversea.
  • well, I'm not all too worried about when I solo bash, but when I'm in a group of some sort, I always tend to hit right after the shield goes up (just my unlucky chance, I guess heh). Which is why I was asking. Would be easier if I could just go ahead and break the shield for everyone else, instead of wasting my attack on actually hitting the shield to no effect. Thanks though! I think I figured out my problem in the coding also!
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Stilav said:
    well, I'm not all too worried about when I solo bash, but when I'm in a group of some sort, I always tend to hit right after the shield goes up (just my unlucky chance, I guess heh). Which is why I was asking. Would be easier if I could just go ahead and break the shield for everyone else, instead of wasting my attack on actually hitting the shield to no effect. Thanks though! I think I figured out my problem in the coding also!
    This should only ideally happen if they shield between you sending the command and the actual hit, it's not a big deal, we all have that happen

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
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