Nigelo, Keeper of the Faith devours the golden heart of
Aestra, slurping the divine essence within greedily. Madness shines from his
eyes, and an aura of incredible power suffuses him.
I like how Lusternia has a quest which is basically "Alice is mad at Bob. Alice will reward you if you break into Bob's house, kill his pony and eat its heart. This will make Bob cry, which makes Alice happy."
I like how Lusternia has a quest which is basically "Alice is mad at Bob. Alice will reward you if you break into Bob's house, kill his pony and eat its heart. This will make Bob cry, which makes Alice happy."
Frankly, Bob shouldn't keep his pony in his house. Then it wouldn't have pooped on Alice's blender she lent Bob, and this whole thing could've been avoided.
Lines of scrolling text wash over a chronomantic cube's surface: The
Triple Junction Inn acknowledges your recommendation for an increase in
potato-based dishes and beverages. Considerations will be made, and you
will be notified as to the decision made on the subject.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"
I had to leave in the middle of a large, long quest, and was gone almost 36 hours. Totally expecting my efforts to be built upon by someone else, which would have been understandable. But no one took over my progress, yay!
Sponsoring people has always been a great experience for me.
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
You are cray cray. I hate when people ask for me sponsorship. That means I have to actually ask them things and be...a Guildmaster. GROSS.
But you are extremely nice and helpful! Even newbies have realized this, as they are telling each other on Newbie to (specifically) ask you for assistance.
Clearly doing GM things suits you well.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
A Tolborolla corgi paces here, looking forlorn as if it has lost something.
(omg corgi omg omg)
This Tolborolla corgi has a stout appearance, his short legs lifting his form just inches off the ground. His face, narrow with a long muzzle that ends in a black, moist nose, bears the intense expression of concentration. Moving with a grace that only comes from years of sprinting and herding, this blond, white-spotted corgi paces back and forth, his dark brown eyes sadly searching the ground.
(socute corgi yes)
A Tolborolla corgi waddles out to the north, his short legs propelling him out of view in just moments.
You pet a Tolborolla corgi ingratiatingly.
A Tolborolla corgi rubs up against you affectionately.
I finished a design and did some shards and gathered some essence to feed to the door/Matrix and influenced up some esteem for my hoard and wait where did those five hours go?
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
Thanks @Morkarion for helping me!
Nigelo, Keeper of the Faith devours the golden heart of Aestra, slurping the divine essence within greedily. Madness shines from his eyes, and an aura of incredible power suffuses him.
I think you meant to say 'omnomnom Aestra'.
Really, it's Bob's fault.
Clearly doing GM things suits you well.
Raves to @Celina and @Astraea and the frenemy-ship between Shee-Slaugh and Nightshade.
Raves to Aleyah and Neraiche for coming back.
Raves to all the Shee-Slaugh and their awesomeness, especially Xenthos, Tacita, Iorwen, and Aleyah.
That is all.
Tae and Bollikin related happysad about this.
So happysad
