Artifact Ideas



  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Akyaevin said:

    ... we just got an increase up to like 100+ lessons per shot. Do you really need even faster learning?

    Yes >.>
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Daraius said:
    I'd like that if it were, say, an attache or some kind of container that shows you item ids and (crucially) titles of the books and scrolls filed in it.

    Er, I guess, yeah, like all the info you get from the BROWSE function at the library.
    Yup exactly, I'm starting to do more with books and having to run to the library, or being worried I'm going to give a book to someone and not get it back, or cluttering up my inventory and trying to find which book is which is a bit frustrating.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Well, if Daraius had one of these, wouldn't it just be halliBooks on his halliPad?
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Tarkenton said:

    Well, if Daraius had one of these, wouldn't it just be halliBooks on his halliPad?

    halliBooks is just any txt file I have saved! But for those times when you have actual scrolls and books, a "physical" catalogue like this would be sweet. :D
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • FUR-LINED INCUBATOR: This artifact is placed within a manse by the manse owner. Essentially the incubator will halve the incubation time for beast eggs to hatch. The incubator can only be used by the manse owner... however, they may later choose to BEAST TRADE to another person at a later date.

    GILDED FEEDBAG: Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth? Now you can say that your beast is! BEAST FILL GILDED WITH <feed> will reduce feeding times (somewhere about 60% - 70% less time) and increase feed space (from four to six). This is ideal for quickly conditioning a new beast.
  • Kio said:
    You smile softly at a plush doll of Iosai. With a heavy sigh, a plush doll of Iosai says, "Oh dear. What did Xenthos break this time?"
    With a a hugely beaming smile, showing an innumerable amount of teeth, a plush doll of Iosai screams out at the top of it's miniature lungs "Done!"
    Is also the Shintar.
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    Can we have puppy tenants? :(
  • Since it's not possible for some of us to receive aging via true player interaction (i.e, not asking a friend to make a Sentinel/Institute alt); Could we please get a one-time use watch artifact that allows age changing by 1-20 years (while staying within the other limitations of the original skill)?

    Or two I guess, if you wanted to split it into separate categories -- one for advancement, another for reversal.

    Despite how lame it would be to have to pay for this function, I'm still willing to deal. I just want more kids man. ;_;
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    I want an artifact to seal letters, and we would be alerted via system message when the letter is opened.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Artifact Banner.  So non-warriors can be tanks.
  • Ixchilgal said:
    Artifact Banner.  So non-warriors can be tanks.
    Munsia's been has been asking for this since warriors got it heh.
    The soft, hollow voice of Nocht, the Silent resounds within your mind as His words echo through the aether, "Congratulations, Arimisia. Your mastery of vermin cannot be disputed."

  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    Ixchilgal said:
    Artifact Banner.  So non-warriors can be tanks.
    I was told an absolute that this will never EVER be offered.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Feyda said:
    Since it's not possible for some of us to receive aging via true player interaction (i.e, not asking a friend to make a Sentinel/Institute alt); Could we please get a one-time use watch artifact that allows age changing by 1-20 years (while staying within the other limitations of the original skill)?

    Or two I guess, if you wanted to split it into separate categories -- one for advancement, another for reversal.

    Despite how lame it would be to have to pay for this function, I'm still willing to deal. I just want more kids man. ;_;
    Dunno, never had a problem finding someone to age my Gaudi. Sure, it was in Morbo's time where the Institute would quadra-check every Gaudi person to make sure their age wasn't altered, so it didn't tend to stick, but hey... grab a TP mage and dominate someone, or barring that, sweet-talk someone into it. Mind you, you're likely to get added to a kill on sight list with the former option, but eh... it is not impossible to get aged as a Gaudi. Otherwise, if we're getting an arti like that, I'll take an arti catacombs map and the ability to have pets fling runes for you or perform feats of strength without power cost.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • That's not a leap or anything...

  • Elanorwen said:
    Dunno, never had a problem finding someone to age my Gaudi. Sure, it was in Morbo's time where the Institute would quadra-check every Gaudi person to make sure their age wasn't altered, so it didn't tend to stick, but hey... grab a TP mage and dominate someone, or barring that, sweet-talk someone into it. Mind you, you're likely to get added to a kill on sight list with the former option, but eh... it is not impossible to get aged as a Gaudi. Otherwise, if we're getting an arti like that, I'll take an arti catacombs map and the ability to have pets fling runes for you or perform feats of strength without power cost.
    While this is obviously reply bait, I'm going to bite anyway.

    You do realize that aging has no meaningful effect on gameplay, right?

    It's not like advancing a year so I can adopt a kid will somehow make me OP, or provides me with any real convenience. This is simply for the sake of my own family RP. I want to be able to adopt someone that I like to interact with. I'm not sure why you would even care to stop that. Your argument is essentially "No, you're not allowed to have fun unless you use this specific method to achieve it.".

    I've asked guild leaders in both the Sentinels and the Institute whether or not Gaudiguchians could be aged, and both told me "No. It's our policy.". While I'm glad you were able to get your aging situation resolved, if you think that assaulting someone to RP the way they want to is a realistic, or even viable option for most people (let alone having to find someone to jump, who happens to have ten power, that -hopeful- doesn't fight back during
    the process, that has the skill in Aeonics, amongst a bunch of other variables), you're delusional.  Why should we have to jump through hoops to obtain something like this?

    What I'm asking for isn't even a utility artifact. Most people won't even want or need it, sure -- but if political 'RP' ("Hey, can you age me?") is going to prevent some of us from building our private RP, I can't see why we can't have another option of going about this. If someone wants to pay for this function, they should be able to.

    tl;dr, Go troll elsewhere. There is literally no reason to argue against having an artifact that does this.

    We even have a watch artifact that hides a person's age. Having one for advancement / regression wouldn't be extreme.
  • edited December 2013
    I can understand the frustration of not being able to make use of a tool that other people have available to them to engage in family rp.

    That said, given that this is a cool skill that enhances the rp flavour of aeonics, and helps to cement their identity as researchers and guardians of time, I can definitely understand why people object to it turning into an artifact that anyone can use. Some people treat it extremely cavalierly, certainly, and make it just a means to an end. But it's also the source of some rp pride and the regulations around its use make a lot of sense in the context of Hallifax, and it can be amusing to listen to people's stories explanations for the phenomenon.

    Coming from Hallifax, it seems a little like you are saying "I don't want to suffer the rp consequences of getting this mechanic to benefit me and my rp." Which just seems... off to me. I'd honestly prefer (as someone who has taken full advantage of the ageing skill to adopt people) that it be made so that ageing/deageing didn't influence having kids, than that it be made available by an artifact to people who want the mechanical advantage without the rp involved. That may, of course, just be me.

    I'd also be fine with, say an artifact called an illusion of childhood, that allowed you to adopt one person, regardless of their age (or within certain parameters, or whatever). Just don't slap a time-messing flavour onto an artifact and peddle it outside Hallifax please.

    TL;DR I'm fine with people wanting an artifact to squidge by with adoptions the way ageing/deageing allows people in Hallifax (and whoever they like) to fudge with. I don't think this should have a messing with age and timelines flavour, but there should be other ways to skin it that don't infringe on Aeonics.
  • Nobody is attempting to take that RP away from you. You're already not interacting with Gaudiguchians. There is no RP to be killed. You wouldn't even notice if someone were to use this artifact -- because it doesn't effect you at all.

    I can't see the selfishness in wishing to extend my personal RP in another way. You may believe it is "bypassing" your own, but there aren't any other options. What the argument is coming across as is: "This is the way we RP, deal with it just because.". That's fine and dandy. You will still have your RP, regulations and whatnot, and those who choose otherwise (or can't choose) will just use this method instead.

    It's an artifact that cost money, that not many people will use because they have access to a free way of obtaining it; and because of that, you all will still be able to experience the RP and interaction that comes along with that process, all without the credit price attached to it.

    Those that you deny still won't be able to have access to your method of aging, but won't be stuck twiddling their thumbs simply for the sake of "They are the enemy!". Trust me, I would love to RP this with you and keep my credits -- but I simply can't because your RP won't allow me to. What other options are left then?

    As for consequences, there are none to it. Yes, my character knows it has used a device to "travel through the future" or whatever; but my RP is my RP, your RP is your RP -- and at the end of the day aging is a mechanical function. Sure you may RP it in a specific manner, and I'm glad you enjoy doing so, but right now we're outright denying one specific portion of the game from having access to at least the mechanical side to it; and that's what this artifact seeks to fix.

    If the problem is the lack of flair behind it, it would seem reasonable enough to believe that someone has come up with a way to implement aging into a device. We live in a world with Temporal Freezers that prevent items from decaying, and future travelers the came from a wheel -- or even the time travelers that brought us the -chemancy sets and whatnot. That that there could be a device that manipulates someone's age seems reasonable enough to me. Hell, I'll even take a fountain of youth, or fountain of aging, as generic as they would be.

    But again, this doesn't effect you at all. I honestly can't grasp the concern here. 

    If it would make you feel better for it to not effect aging, and just allow adopting, that's fine I guess. I'm not sure how well that would work out though, as the admins had mention in the past that the family system code is a mess; this artifact would probably be a lot easier for them to implement.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    OR... family system fixes!
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Synkarin said:
    Skills are stolen for artifacts all the time, like totems, so I don't really think a protect the skills argument is really a good argument
    However, all of these skills are from parent skills, or are shared by at least two orgs (scent, farscout, etc). What you are doing here is slippery slope, and I think it goes a step too far.

    But instead of wasting time arguing over that (because I hardly care about aging myself), here's what I propose instead:

    - Make the stopped watch not only obscure your age, but set it to a special value that can effectively be anything or nothing.
    - Make the stopped watch a permanent change, that you cannot remove or trade in.

    This would respect the skill that exists in that it would be notably different in some tangible way (aging is reversible), while also allowing the artifact to be significantly more powerful, essentially allowing Feyda or whoever to adopt someone from open beta if they so chose to.

    Tada. Y/N?

  • EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
    Vivet said:
    - Make the stopped watch a permanent change, that you cannot remove or trade in.
    No thank you...I like my watch just the way it is.
    Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


    With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
  • This is perhaps a good idea for a dingbat artifact:

    something that hides who you are engaged/married to.

    Why we need it:
    for star-crossed lovers.
    Since anybody and their brother can see who you are engaged or married to upon honorsing you, and you may want to RP out a relationship with a hated enemy, romeo and juliet style, this can be a problem.

    Laurels hide everything, and there is already the watch for hiding age, and the other thing for hiding divorces, let's have one for hiding marriages/engagements
    A whisper from the trees and a frosty presence tells you, secretly, "But you are strong, little 
    flower, and wise." The voice shifts and expands, becoming more real. "And everything you just said 
    in the ritual made me feel safer. You should, too."
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    edited December 2013
    Feyda said:

    - Lots of text
    But again, this doesn't effect you at all. I honestly can't grasp the concern here.

    - Some more text
    I'll just put it this way: You are an enemy. Ask Ardmore... when he came and asked to be unenemied from Halli, even though he is in a city we are warring with, he got his fines set, paid them, etc. Halli is very open-minded (I doubt I'd even get the benefit of a non-snarky response if I asked for fines with Gaudi) Why should we do anything to assist you, an official enemy of our city, in any way? So you can be happy with your family or some-such? Why should I care if an enemy is happy? In fact, you being unhappy is what makes some of us happy. So do keep raiding us and be all excited about killing our loyals while we can be happy and excited about the fact that you can't adopt someone.

    That is how this affects us.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • OH GOD. Thanks Elanorwen, now I'm going to metagame-harassed about why I'm getting enemy statuses removed.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Ardmore said:
    OH GOD. Thanks Elanorwen, now I'm going to metagame-harassed about why I'm getting enemy statuses removed.
    Because you don't want to be jumped when you're bashing? *shrug* Not like we have people that jump people over enemy statuses... unless I'm feeling grumpy for waking up on the wrong side of bed. :D

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • The forumRP is strong here.

    1) Getting the ability to change ages doesn't affect any player in Hallifax (or anywhere else) OOCly.

    2) If this ability is made into an artifact, then it's an OOC effect, and doesn't affect any player in Hallifax ICly. If this ability is cloned and put into the skillset of, say, illumination, or stealth, then (and only then) it affects Hallifax players ICly.

    Arguing that other players shouldn't get an org specific ability via artifacts because "it affects us when you raid us" is an egregrious mixing of IC/OOC actions/consequences. If any ability is to be put into artifacts, it should be argued for using solid reasonings for its need as an artifact. And if arguments exist to be against such an implementation, it should also be made using reasonings for the lack of a need of such an artifact. Not because "Hallifax has this, and Hallifax doesn't want Gaudiguch to have it".

    Is there a need for an age-changing artifact to allow adoptions? I personally believe that the answer is no. If a character is too old for you to adopt, marry him. Or make one of your spawn marry him. End of story. If you want a child, find a character younger than yours. End of story.

  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Lerad said:
    The forumRP is strong here.

    1) Getting the ability to change ages doesn't affect any player in Hallifax (or anywhere else) OOCly.

    2) If this ability is made into an artifact, then it's an OOC effect, and doesn't affect any player in Hallifax ICly. If this ability is cloned and put into the skillset of, say, illumination, or stealth, then (and only then) it affects Hallifax players ICly.

    Arguing that other players shouldn't get an org specific ability via artifacts because "it affects us when you raid us" is an egregrious mixing of IC/OOC actions/consequences. If any ability is to be put into artifacts, it should be argued for using solid reasonings for its need as an artifact. And if arguments exist to be against such an implementation, it should also be made using reasonings for the lack of a need of such an artifact. Not because "Hallifax has this, and Hallifax doesn't want Gaudiguch to have it".

    Is there a need for an age-changing artifact to allow adoptions? I personally believe that the answer is no. If a character is too old for you to adopt, marry him. Or make one of your spawn marry him. End of story. If you want a child, find a character younger than yours. End of story.
    My last post wasn't related to the artifact itself, but trying to explain how someone wanting to be aged/deaged affects us. That said, I don't even have aeonics to be complaining about it, but... the way Feyda has been going at the situation is laughable at best, up to and including trying to OOC-ly guilt trip researchers into aging her. When that didn't work, she comes to the forums and starts asking for an artifact... and even then, people are offering alternate suggestions, but all she can do is complain about how unfair we're being.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
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