What items/abilities/cool things do you want?



  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    There are levels above Demigod though, Ascendant is 101.

    If we add more levels in that's going to start screwing with things like Critical hit chances.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • Morkarion said:
    There are levels above Demigod though, Ascendant is 101.

    If we add more levels in that's going to start screwing with things like Critical hit chances.
    Ya, I been thinking about why the level cap has not been raised and the only thing i can think of is because of Ascendants. It would take a huge change to them in order to make it happen. Most normal people will never get ascendant so they are at the end of their game by Demigod.
    The soft, hollow voice of Nocht, the Silent resounds within your mind as His words echo through the aether, "Congratulations, Arimisia. Your mastery of vermin cannot be disputed."

  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    Personally I'd like to see more investments at the Demigod level, whether it's the option to spend an excessive amount of essence (read 100+ million) for more weight, and then add a new series of powers for players to invest in, or the option to convert essence into other resources.

    The end game has gained more in terms of artifacts/dingbat items and bashing zones, but there's very little you can do to improve your actual character when you remove all the shiny toys.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    I'm pretty sure that in Aetolia, when your level goes further above 100, it doesn't actually do any of the normal things leveling does, like increasing vitals or crits. Instead, it just adds the equivalent of demiweight to use on powers or expanding your player-godrealm thing you get.
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    If Lusternia did a levelling system for Demigods/Ascendants I'd love to see it work like the Paragon system in Diablo 3, that way you remain level 100/101 and then start a whole new sequence of levels with whatever bonuses/cosmetic extras they have.

    Base the essence requirements on 100 million x level. So it requires 100 million to reach first level, 200 million for second, 300 million for third etc.

    Then remove that goddamn essence diminishing returns cap please.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • edited December 2013
    Im a bit late to the party, but things I would like to see:

    A remaking of how "ministries" function. I think the current system is okay and all, but seems to generally be tiresome and also there is always the issue with ministers/aides and officials going dormant. Im thinking what if we changed the ministry branches to be more of a 'job' people can work for, and through it have a certain responsibility to the city. They can also do tasks and quests that would increase their ministry's function and thus perhaps increase power/funds to the city. As well with this change, we could remake the system of City ranks and favors. City ranks are now associated with ministry ranks, and the more tasks you do, the higher your rank becomes. For every 2 ministry ranks increased, your city rank increases. This system makes it a much more fair idea of how one is 'recognized' as a respected individual of the community through their hard work. The higher your rank in the ministry, the more privileges you gain as well.

    Ministry leaders may still be assigned by the city leader for certain important commands that need to be restricted.

    Let's take some examples of how one increases their ranks.


    - Digging up hidden caches (and thus donating to city). (quest)
    - Donating gold to the city (amount increase in respect to gold donated).
    - Donating commodities.


    - Donating power to city slightly increases rank.
        - Donating essence taken from different planes increases rank moreso.
        - Donating essence by the slaying of enemy cosmic beings increases rank moreso.
    - Channeling aether node energies increases rank.
    - Giving some of your own reserves to another citizen slightly increases rank.
    - Completing quests (not including slaying of cosmic beings) that increases city power increases rank largely.


    - Inducting new citizens will increase rank.
    - Hunting alongside a novice will slightly increase rank.
    - Resurrecting a novice will slightly increase rank.
    - Mentoring a novice will increase rank (do not abuse...they are watching..)
    - Locating 'lost novices' (NPC character) within the city limits and guiding them to the collegium will increase rank (small fun quest)

    So on and so forth. I think this could really boost up activity in governments and not make certain players feel like all the load of maintaining the city is on them. Anywho this is a rough draft of the idea but I would really love seeing something like this
  • I know it's been mentioned before, but I'd really like to be able to hire gnomes as aethercrew. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them in order to be able to solo-aetherhunt, but rather to be able to fly around and have someone heal the ship when it gets attacked at random by aetherbeasts. Heck, they don't even need to be that proficient, just enough to slowly heal the ship back up. And no, forcefield is not the solution; while it protects from ranged attacks, it doesn't stop point-blank attacks.
  • EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
    If you're getting rended, you aren't moving fast enough! I've never had an issue on my leisurely solo flights.
    Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


    With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    edited December 2013
    Look alright, I'mma toot my horn here I've got 553m left, down from the near 700 or 800m at cap introduction....GIVE ME SOMETHING TO SPEND IT ON.... Life sucks when you can't gain essence yo 
  • It's generally not a problem if there are no beasts around (I can easily outrun the ones I spawn myself), but sometimes I have to double back and run through the beasts I just summoned myself, and sometimes there have been others flying where I'm going.
  • Steingrim said:
    I didn't see it quite that way. Right now it is kinda class dependent on how many damage buffs you can take advantage off. A lot of classes seem to have 2ish damage types but then you have the guilds where their second attack is split into two damage types and on top of that you have whips.

    My personal preference would be to have one damage tattoo and remove types (or reduce to two types phys/non).

    But this is interesting and feeds nicely into skillflexing. Hell, if other tattoos types were made then people might even consider an elemental tattoo (if you could turn it to other types of elements on the fly).

    My misaligned REPORT 1226 hinted at the possibility of moving tattoos away from damage types an into broader categories (i.e. physical, magical/psionic, elemental, cosmic)... though emphasized more Nekotai-centric solutions. 

    Given the chance to rewrite this report, I would love to place greater emphasis on clumping damage buff and resistance DMP tattoos. I would hope this solution wouldn't add to the DMP glut already in the game (which will hopefully be alleviated in the overhaul) while fostering the other unique perks offered within tats. 

    As is, tattoos selection is too heavily focused on that DMP because these buffs are too good to pass up and therefore consume all of the available tattoo weiht. I would love to see diversification of non-essential player perks like divine, elemental, illusions, and enchanted. 
  • Family honour for completing (honours) quests... :(
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    edited December 2013
    Ankastra said:
    Family honour for completing (honours) quests... :(
    Yes please! Would it have to be scaled to the difficulty of the quest though? And is there even a reliable way to gauge difficulty in a quest?
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Daraius said:
    Yes please! Would it have to be scaled to the difficulty of the quest though? And is there even a reliable way to gauge difficulty in a quest?
    Maybe it could be linked to quest xp (like those xp for credits weekly contests)? Although I'm aware that not all quests give xp relative to their difficulty, and some quests don't give xp at all :(
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    A ship module to spawn a vortex.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    Shaddus said:
    A ship module to spawn a vortex.

    Sure...make my ship even more OP...why not
  • Shaddus said:
    A ship module to spawn a vortex.
    I could see that being very abusable during aetherflares.

    Spawn a vortex next to the bubble, siphon out a few beasties while dodging back and forth over it, then send in a ground team to capture the slow way while your ship keeps up the harrassment. If you're creative about the route you take to do it, you'd only need two people on the ship.
  • edited December 2013
    Disable them in a certain range from a bubble, because the reality is too thick there to tear open an unnatural energy vortex?
  • I find that working with artisans of every stripe is taking me out of Lusternia towards Pastebin a lot, which I hate. But I can't deny the ease of it. So the following artifact would be nice:

    Tome of the Craftsmen: 200credits
    - Inscribe Tome <trade>, can be inscribed by anyone.
    - Returns as any other artifact.
    - Give the book to another to allow them to search through your available trade designs and vice versa.

    It would be a stretch but maybe somesort of Demi power that did this instead?

  • NeosNeos The Subtle Griefer
    Being forced to spend credits just to be able to let someone see your available designs is super silly. I know certain people tend to keep ingame books with their designs in them, but trying to keep it properly updated can be really unwieldy, and annoying depending how much info you're willing to put in it.
    Love gaming? Love gaming stuff? Sign up for Lootcrate and get awesome gaming items. Accompanying video.


    Celina said:
    You can't really same the same, can you?
    Zvoltz said:
    "The Panthron"
  • Neos said:
    Being forced to spend credits just to be able to let someone see your available designs is super silly. I know certain people tend to keep ingame books with their designs in them, but trying to keep it properly updated can be really unwieldy, and annoying depending how much info you're willing to put in it.
    I think people used to do this, now they use Pastebin. As you said this is unwieldly at best.

    Daraius said:
    New bookbinding ability: Catalogues

    Automatically populates with realtime lists of the author's available designs, as seen in <TRADE> <ITEM> (e.g. BOOKBINDING JOURNAL, ARTISAN RUG). 

    A boy can dream. :D
    I'm fine with this!
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    I'd pay credits for one of those, sure.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • It really would be nice as an actual mechanic instead of an artifact, but I would pay for it too.

  • I would like to be able to see the designs of the cartels I trademaster, regardless of whether or not I have the skill to craft them.
    A whisper from the trees and a frosty presence tells you, secretly, "But you are strong, little 
    flower, and wise." The voice shifts and expands, becoming more real. "And everything you just said 
    in the ritual made me feel safer. You should, too."
  • That I -think- you can, with CARTEL <cartel> CATALOGUE <design>.
  • We need natural disasters!!


    Random weather events (like tornados, typhoons, earthquakes, flash-floods, etc) that can strike villages. Certain events can do certain things, like if a tornado rips through Delport it will destroy certain rooms and kill off denizens who get caught in the way, which in turn will stop commodity or power production for the month (due to the fact they have to now stop doing what they normally do and make repairs to what has been damaged.) Damaged rooms will have certain attributes to them, like slow movement in and out of the rooms (movement through rubble), if the damaged room is a shop location, cannot use the shop commands. Village repair is automatic by the denizens (maybe allow like 3 hours for a destroyed room to be repaired by the denizens), but can be assisted to be done quicker by players if they wanted to. VILLAGE REPAIR ROOM, same stipulations as focusing on a construct, you have to be in the room and you can do whatever, and you slowly help in the repairs (and gain xp/karma as a result). Limit it to villages for now though, dont need no tornados or floods ripping through Magnagora or nothing..

  • The events can be random but there will be prior warning beforehand. Like if a typhoon is approaching, it will be obvious because the winds will have picked up significantly (especially from the ocean side in Delport and Stewartsville), thunder/lightning start becoming present, etc. Limit only certain disasters to certain areas that make sense (no tornados in Ptoma for example, but they are definitely prone to earthquakes!) Players who don't heed the awful weather heading their way can be potentially killed .If theres a tornado ripping through Delport, it will move from one room to the next, random movement, about once every 2-8 seconds on randomness (just how the predictability of tornados in real life are random), and when the tornado land/falls and starts its destruction, for every 1 room it moves, allow it a percent chance that it will dissipate (For example, tornado touches down, moves one room, 3% chance it will dissipate. Moves again, now 6% chance it'll dissipate. Moves again, 9%, etc.) Players who get caught in a tornado should have a permanent stun while in the tornado until it moves, the tornado doing damage once every second on a random basis (500-2000 damage every 1 second, I mean tornados can be pretty deadly) and when the tornado moves, it will throw you a room away, but could throw you up to 10 rooms away, and another damage burst/broken arms and legs/etc. Could be fun heheh!

  • @Thoros

    I was talking to someone tonight about this actually as we were hunting. We have events throughout the year, big and small, that we, as the players always seem to win. I cannot think of a single event that we actually lost. Winning is fun and all but it would be much more of an impact to lose. Yes, give us the chance to win, but make it very slight sometimes! Me personally as a player, would love to see some event that changed the face of Lusternia in some way because we lost, not because we won.  While I know some may get really butthurt over losing, especially if the stakes were high, imagine the stories you can tell novices down the road. It also would show that the administration is willing to go there. We have the Soulless in lusternia, we have the means to cause a big catastrophic event in some way.
    The soft, hollow voice of Nocht, the Silent resounds within your mind as His words echo through the aether, "Congratulations, Arimisia. Your mastery of vermin cannot be disputed."

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    edited December 2013

    EDIT: Also, I'm waiting for an Ascendant winner who decides not to ultimately ascend and repair the seals. "Nah, I'm good".

    EDIT2: As a side note, no... tornadoes aren't that deadly, ask any shaman. All they do is gust you every 20 seconds in a random direction!
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