QUIZ: where do you look for materials for a quiz?

edited November 2014 in Common Grounds
1) I'm no master of lusternian lore. I just know what I can read on the website
2) I've never created or run a quiz before.

4) I'm looking for a quiz master to help me run the quiz. I've already got one in the bag, I need two more. One has to be harder than the other.

Any volunteers?


Just to clear up any confusion, this quiz will be run at the costume ball I'm organizing with the help of @Irillia as the Culture minister, and many other very lovely people who have helped out. (i'll list 'em after it's over. I do hope it's a sucess)

It will be held on next saturday midnight, 15th of november. I think it'll run for a projected two to three hours. The theme of the Costume is topsy turvey. Do come! 

There will be music, two live performances,  charades, and other party games. There will also be three short quizzes (if I can manage it), presentations from Celest and Serenwilde.

After the opening ceremony, everyone will be free to mingle and jump from event to event, as it'll all be happening all at once. That's why I need a quiz master and another floor host.
is dead like the dodo


  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Find people who have won or placed in Knowledge challenges. See also: Vivet, Ushaara, Kiradawea, Maligorn. Watch the handful of quizzes we have recorded to see how they can be run. Having a theme might help when it comes to generating questions.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • I have a whole document of quiz questions if you want it.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • edited November 2014
    teleport nexus - northeast - up there you go

    It's true, I really am you.
  • Doing it yourself is the best way. Why do you need other people to do the work of quizmaster? Haezon holds quizzes on his own, without any preparation. You just announce it and hope there are more people who want to take part than those who don't.

    Simplicity is best.
  • edited November 2014
    Haezon said:
    Doing it yourself is the best way. Why do you need other people to do the work of quizmaster? Haezon holds quizzes on his own, without any preparation. You just announce it and hope there are more people who want to take part than those who don't.

    Simplicity is best.
    Because my funny friend, I'm not a lusternian lore master. Even a night spent reading isn't enough to prepare a really good quiz and I need two. I can make a simple one to challenge the new players but not one that will challenge people who have been playing forever. That requires access to materials I don't know and I don't have. 

    Now, if you've got any useful suggestions as to where to look. I'll take 'em. 

    Third - I'm not just running ONE QUIZ. I'm running an event. Someone to help with event conduct quizzes would be most helpful. It's an extra set of eyes on things and it would give the other hosts time off to enjoy the event. 

    Anyone else want to chime in with helpful advice similar to Haezon's?


    @Daraius I've asked, people are a busy or are unable to attend. 

    @Kiradawea thanks! that would be great! 
    is dead like the dodo
  • Xeria said:
    Because my funny friend, I'm not a lusternian lore master. Even a night spent reading isn't enough to prepare a really good quiz and I need two. 
    I'm not one either, and great quizzes have been held without being so. Only hardcore players read the histories (I've read some… eh) so you probably won't be getting many people interested. Mix it up a little, add in some stuff you can find out from exploring or using skills.

    Also, if you get people to do your job for you, it sort of ruins the magic and fun of it. How can you expect people to show interest in a quiz you're outsourcing and not taking the time to study and make the effort. No fun in that!
  • Haezon said:
    I'm not one either, and great quizzes have been held without being so. Only hardcore players read the histories (I've read some… eh) so you probably won't be getting many people interested. Mix it up a little, add in some stuff you can find out from exploring or using skills.

    Also, if you get people to do your job for you, it sort of ruins the magic and fun of it. How can you expect people to show interest in a quiz you're outsourcing and not taking the time to study and make the effort. No fun in that!
    Stop bugging her about trying to find a teacher. It's far more fun to do something with someone than doing it alone, and there's nothing, *NOTHING* wrong with asking for help if you feel you need it. 
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Haezon said:
    I'm not one either, and great quizzes have been held without being so. Only hardcore players read the histories (I've read some… eh) so you probably won't be getting many people interested. Mix it up a little, add in some stuff you can find out from exploring or using skills.

    Also, if you get people to do your job for you, it sort of ruins the magic and fun of it. How can you expect people to show interest in a quiz you're outsourcing and not taking the time to study and make the effort. No fun in that!
    PS. I've also read the public lore books, and coming up a quiz that challengers old timers is going to take more than that. I -can- make a quiz based on that. It's not going to be much fun for some people. 

    There are lore books hidden in game, player events that only a select few know about. Not to mention the various events that never get logged into a book but only exists in the memories of players who were there.

    For example: I present to you the Hai'gloh and the branding of Maeve. No lore book, a few scattered mentions from the celestian point of view. I went digging for it, and @Everiine came up with a really good account of it. I logged that and placed it in the in-game library

    That's just ONE example

    How about the founding of the ebongard? by @Dagnev (sorry If I spelt your name wrong).

    Or the creation of the Moondancers, or the interactions between players and admin that shape lusternian history as a whole or add flavor to the game? THe book of elah- that @Avurekhos keeps quoting from.

    Or the debates between players about the nature of divine. Those count as knowledge too. 

    Or the quest that rewards you with the history of the basin. The one involving Theodore Roosefelt (I'm spelling that wrong too), he can be found hanging around the tollabora valley. 

    That's what I'm after. Not just whats on the public books, available in the library. 
    is dead like the dodo
  • Kiradawea said:
    Stop bugging her about trying to find a teacher. It's far more fun to do something with someone than doing it alone, and there's nothing, *NOTHING* wrong with asking for help if you feel you need it. 

    Im not saying asking for help is bad but it sounded like delegation/outsourcing to me. Laziness. But if she is holding the quizzes herself, never mind. However I still recommend simplicity for these types of things. Quizzes are a great way to spark more interest in the game but they can be difficult to gather interest in. Too many people not caring.
  • I was not off topic i was leading you to a library! But really do random questions like, How many known planes are there? When was hallifax freed? Who is the Hallifaxian that freed that dirty Gaudiguch place? What year did Jadice return to Hallifax? Random stuff like that

    It's true, I really am you.
  • edited November 2014

    Kiradawea said:
    I have a whole document of quiz questions if you want it.
    I'd recommend against relying too heavily on the Anniversary or Knowledge Challenge quizzes as the basis for a local/friendly quiz (unless that document has all quiz types, in which case nevermind!). When crafting questions for the event quizzes, we do so with the 'hardcore players' in mind; but with the stakes and prizes so high, it's something that can feasibly be done.

    That said (and back on topic), it's best to grab questions from a variety of sources to engage the largest possible group. Questions from the histories are great for those who love the lore and the background world, details regarding areas or quests pull in those who love questing and exploring, and bringing up old newsposts (event posts are best, but if you're talking an org-specific quiz it's completely reasonable to dig up old city or guild posts) will be fun for the old-timers. And, as you yourself found out, talking to players can be a great way to dig up the firsthand experiences!
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    There's twenty years' worth of Year In Review posts helpfully compiled in the library, too. ;;)
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Haezon said:

    Im not saying asking for help is bad but it sounded like delegation/outsourcing to me. Laziness. But if she is holding the quizzes herself, never mind. However I still recommend simplicity for these types of things. Quizzes are a great way to spark more interest in the game but they can be difficult to gather interest in. Too many people not caring.

    @Haezon please just stay off this thread. Unless you've got something constructive to offer, like "ooh! I like to hear about jadice" or "I know a book that can be read if you do this quest x for book y", you're not helping.

    now git! GIT! before I bite your head off. 
    is dead like the dodo
  • Daraius said:
    There's twenty years' worth of Year In Review posts helpfully compiled in the library, too. ;;)
    Those may or may not have been utilized at a certain point for a nebulous purpose.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    If you're doing a quiz with a specific organization in mind, it wouldn't unreasonable to look over their stage and library for question materials. Go for the more recent and popular things so that there's a decent chance of people having seen them.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Yomoigu said:

    I'd recommend against relying too heavily on the Anniversary or Knowledge Challenge quizzes as the basis for a local/friendly quiz (unless that document has all quiz types, in which case nevermind!). When crafting questions for the event quizzes, we do so with the 'hardcore players' in mind; but with the stakes and prizes so high, it's something that can feasibly be done.

    That said (and back on topic), it's best to grab questions from a variety of sources to engage the largest possible group. Questions from the histories are great for those who love the lore and the background world, details regarding areas or quests pull in those who love questing and exploring, and bringing up old newsposts (event posts are best, but if you're talking an org-specific quiz it's completely reasonable to dig up old city or guild posts) will be fun for the old-timers. And, as you yourself found out, talking to players can be a great way to dig up the firsthand experiences!
    It's my "study sheet" for quizzes. It contains every single conceivable question I could think of from studying game lore. Using local library, stage productions and so on is a good idea, but for the game lore itself, it should provide a lot of inspiration for questions.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Yomoigu said:

    Those may or may not have been utilized at a certain point for a nebulous purpose.

    Wait wait wait did I miss something?
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."

  • Daraius said:
    Wait wait wait did I miss something?
    Nope. Carry on citizen 0:)
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    I smell a spy, Ambassador Daraius.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    In-game journals from quests!
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Shaddus said:

    I smell a spy, Ambassador Daraius.

    If so, blame my censor @Portius. The only stuff in those reports should be public knowledge and a healthy dose of Daraius-brand propaganda.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Will we next create false gods to rule over us? How proud we have become. And how blind.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Xeria said:@Haezon please just stay off this thread. Unless you've got something constructive to offer, like "ooh! I like to hear about jadice" or "I know a book that can be read if you do this quest x for book y", you're not helping.

    now git! GIT! before I bite your head off. 
    Constructive like, advice on how to run quizzes, how to get people interested and what to hold quizzes on? I guess all I have is actual experience at holding quizzes.

    You asked for help, I gave it, you disagree, fine, but don't attack me for helping.

    As some advice to keep things on topic, sometimes it is good to hold them at random or improv times.

    If you make a date for people to attend, some won't be able to make it. You have to take chances sometimes, and if no one wants to take part at that time, you wait. It works, trust me. 
  • I've never made a quiz myself before, but from the point of view of a quiz taker, there's really no point in going for really obscure stuff. The only people who get all excited when a question asks something they know is super obscure are... the hardcore people. And there's very little people who are like that. Most of the people taking quizzes are there for the prizes. Secondly, most of the fun of the quiz isn't in the questions (although getting something right is very fun, indeed) but rather in the social aspect of it. Seeing what 'joke' answers some people come up with, accidentally or otherwise, often makes up the majority of the laughs I get out of a quiz.

    Of course, there's the possibility that I'm just weird and that everyone joining a quiz is there to challenge themselves and get asked super hard questions. I don't know.

    Haezon's posts aren't actually wrong. In fact, if your goal of these quiz events is to create some sort of fun for your fellow players, making questions from consulting some Lusternian Lore Encyclopedia should be the last thing on your mind. Talk to your target audience and see what their interests are. Look around the org and recent events, and see what has been joked about lately in social circles. Even rumours can be a good source of quiz questions. Don't forget to add in a question or two meant specifically for the jokers to put out their funny answers. Throw in a couple of "serious" lore questions here and there, and voila, you have a recipe for success.

    Some of those things can only be done by someone who has a good knowledge of lore (the serious questions), but similarly, others of those can only really be done by someone who talks to the target audience. The worst thing that can happen in a quiz? You announce it, spend ages consulting sources and a get someone knowledgeable like Kiradawea to be your quiz master... and three people turn up.

    Get the org talking about your quiz - the quality of the lore questions are important, but don't forget that the main characters in a quiz is not the quiz master or even the quiz questions - but your participants.

  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Daraius said:

    If so, blame my censor @Portius. The only stuff in those reports should be public knowledge and a healthy dose of Daraius-brand propaganda.
    I'll have him report to Klayok Pavok for punishment and eventual questioning.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Part of what I enjoy in a quiz, is using google.  But I could be an oddball in that.  I know some people like to purposefully ask questions that google does not have the answer for.
  • Shaddus said:
    I'll have him report to Klayok Pavok for punishment and eventual questioning.

    Er I mean, go Hallifax!

    It's true, I really am you.
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