Following a discussion on one of the Facebook groups,
@Xena suggested that the histories would be much more accessible to people if presented in audiobook form.
The first part seems to have gone down astonishingly well with those who've listened to it, so, I figured it was only right to post it here so that people not on Facebook can see it

I'm aware that there will inevitably be things that I pronounce differently to some people, so please bear with that. Hopefully it won't be too irritating or incorrect. I've quickly been finding that whilst the books might seem short, they are in fact significantly longer than I expected in audio form. I'm going to try and keep each file below 10 minutes, which will mean that some of the books are over multiple files. That is, assuming people want me to carry on making them!
So without further ado or fretting on my part:
I love this! And I love your voice!
(Okay, everyone, everyone must now imagine Estarra with the voice of Tacita...)
Are you sure you have the right link?
I prefer my e-books unadulterated, thank-you-very-much!
Rope somebody into coding an index for the different audio files. Searchable! Organizable! Comments! Links! Favorites! Downloads!
Imagine the possibilities!!
*has an enthusiastic fit of the vapours*
Coding is yet another thing with which I am not gifted. I know, shock and awe. (*is not good at anything, waaah*)