Chade said:Bashing and Influencing SystemRight, I'm releasing a bashing and influencing system to the forums, it should work for absolutely any class. Anyone is welcome to use it but I do need to make a few things clear. First, I will not support this system. Second, I WILL NOT SUPPORT THIS SYSTEM. This means don't message me in game about it, don't send me tells asking me questions and don't send me forum messages. If you do pester me with questions in game I'm likely to snub you. (Note: Doesn't apply to beta testers)
Ok, on to the good part!Requirements:m&mA beast trained with the aggressive abilityAppropriate scabbards/frogges if you're a monk/knight with a whipAn acquisitio enchantment or something similarFeatures:1.) Separate autotarget tables for influencing and bashing2.) Automatic applying of influencing oils to boost attacks3.) Automatic wearing/removing of scarecrow hats if you own one4.) An autoget system with it's own configurable table5.) Automatic detection of divinus, fire and excorable whips6.) Can configure up to two attack types - i.e. cast blast and point staff7.) Can configure damage types for attacks8.) The system automatically detects weaknesses for most creatures and switches attacks accordingly9.) If you own one or more whips it will sheathe/wield/unwield items appropriately and attack with the correct whip if the creature is weak to that damage type10.) Automatic detection of damage enhancement curios11.) Automatic switching of damage enhancement curios12.) A custom prompt which is only active when the basher/influencer is switched on, it has tags to show which features are active13.) Toggleable squad calling for targets during group bashes14.) An ignore mode for the basher and influencer so it will not attempt to bash or influence if another person is in the room - this is toggleable15.) Shield tracking and shield breaking for mobs during bashing16.) The autoinfluencer system will not attempt to reinfluence a mob until 3800 seconds (1hr 3 mins 20 seconds) have passed to prevent spamInstallation:Download the Bashing file and install it via Package Manager in Mudlet.Aliases:Note: All aliases need to be used in lowercase, they're given in uppercase here for emphasis.Installation Alias: BSINSTALLUse this to install the system, it has an installer similar to the one in m&m which will ask you a series of questions.Note: If you own a whip and want to use that as your primary attack method you need to set your class to OTHER and set your main bashing attack command to WHIP. Otherwise it will only use your whip if you are bashing something which is weak to the whip. I do not recommend doing this if you are a knight or monk unless you're willing to adapt the code. If you are a druid and do this, you won't be able to use the POISON/LIGHTNINGBUGS version of your cudgel attack so if you want to do this you may also have to edit the code.Manually set your target: M <TARGET>Use this if you wish to manually set a target for influencing or bashing, usually only used if the thing you want to influence/bash is not in the autotarget tables. Good for event mobs or things you influence/hunt rarely.Bashing Mode On Alias: BASHON or BS ONTurns the bashing system on and switches the influencing system off. This also turns on the custom prompt if you've specified this during the installation. It puts the basher in manual attack mode which means it will try to use your bashing attack every time you stand up, recover balance, recover equilibrium, writhe, cure aeon, come out of blackout etc.Bashing Mode Off Alias: BASHOFF or BS OFFTurns the bashing AND influencing system off and restores your norml prompt.Bashing Attack Alias: BASHSends your bashing attack (or secondary attack if the creature is weak), this is only needed in manual bashing mode.Autotarget On Alias: ATONTurns on the autotarget system, in autotarget mode the basher will automatically attack creatures in the targeting table (found in the get_target script) on room entry. If another player is in the room and not in your ignore list it will not attack. If you turn on the custom prompt a green t will appear in the prompt to show autotargeting is active. In autotarget mode the basher will only activate on balance recovery/aff curing if there is something to attack, if there is nothing to attack it will not do anything.Note: The autotarget system will only attack if you have already done BASHON (or BS ON), if bashing mode is off it will not attack. You can easily check if you're in bashing mode if you turn the custom prompt on during installation.Autotarget Off Alias: ATOFFTurns off the autotarget system and puts the basher back into manual mode. The green t in the prompt will be removed to show autotargeting has been turned off.Autoget On Alias: GETONThis turns the autoget system on, it will attempt to pick up any items on the ground which are in the autoget table (called get_item in scripts). A green g will appear in the custom prompt to show this is active. This will work when the bashing and influencing systems are turned off, but you won't have the custom prompt to show it's active.Autoget Off Alias: GETOFFTurns off the autoget system.Influencing Mode On Alias: INF ONSwitches off manual bashing mode, turns on manual influencing mode. This will also activate the custom prompt.Influencing Mode Off Alias: INF OFFSwitches off the influencer AND basher, restores your prompt to normal.Influence Type Alias: INFM <TYPE>Sets the influencing mode to use during manual influencing. Choices are: weakening|paranoia|empowering|charity|village|seduction.Influence Alias: INFThis sends your influence attack if you are in manual mode. Unlike the basher this does not send your influence ability on every equilibrium recovery. You can semi-automate this by using the DOR alias included in m&m i.e. DOR INF. To stop this you would type UNDOALL.Note: You set your target in manual mode using the same alias as the bashing targeting alias i.e. M MONK if you're influencing Tosha.Auto Influencing On Alias: AIONTurns on autoinfluencing mode, a green c will appear in your custom prompt to show it is active. This mode is similar to the autotarget mode in that it will automatically influence anything in the room on entry if it is in the autotarget table. In autoinfluence mode the influencer will attempt to influence every time you recover equilibrium. The autotarget table can be found in the get_influence script.Auto Influencing Off Alias: AIOFFTurns off autoinfluencing mode, similar to ATOFF. The green c will disappear from your custom prompt.Auto Switch Influencing Oils On Alias: INF OILS ONThis will automatically apply the correct influencing oils when necessary, for this to function properly you will need a vial of every type of influencing oil.Note: Turned off by default, once you turn it on it will remember this setting through mudlet closing and restarting.Auto Switch Influencing Oils Off Alias: INF OILS OFFThis will turn off applying influencing oils.Note: This setting will be remembered through mudlet restarts.Reset Influenced Mobs Table Alias: INF RESETThis resets the table of influenced mobiles in case they open to influencing before the hour is out.Ignore Mode Alias: BSIIf you want to ignore the fact that other people are in the room and influence or bash then you need to use the BSI alias (it's a toggle). A red i will appear in your custom prompt to show that ignore mode has been activated.Note: Useful during astral bashes or when influencing guards at the nexus.Ignore All Players in Room: BS IGNORE ROOM or BSI ROOMUseful if you want to keep the ignore mode active so you're not rude when wandering through the UV tunnels etc. This will ignore all of the players in your current room but respect any other players.Note: Ignored players will last until mudlet is restarted.Ignore an Individual Player: BS IGNORE PLAYER <NAME>Useful if you want to ignore specific players.Note: Ignored players will last until mudlet is restarted.Reset Ignored Players: BSCONFIG IGNORE RESETResets the table of ignored players if you finish your round of hunting or influencing.Squad Calling On Alias: BSCONFIG SQUADCALL ON or BSC SQ ONUse this if you want to call out your new target on your squad channel, it will only call when targets are changed.Squad Calling Off Alias: BSCONFIG SQUADCALL OFF or BSC SQ OFFUse this to turn off automatic calling of targets on your squad channel.Astral Linking On Alias: ASTRAL LINKING ONUse this to turn on the urBash linking system. You must remember to SQUAD MUSTER, get people to add themselves to the squad by telling you "Squad me". This requires stratagems to work.Astral Linking Off Alias: ASTRAL LINKING OFFUse this to turn off the urBash linking system.Astral Linking Configuration Alias: ASTRAL LINKING 1, 2 or 3Use this to configure how many astral mobs you're willing to allow in the room before you unlink. It's based on group size. 2 is a good starting setting, 3 if everyone seems to be doing fine. If it starts to get a bit hectic drop it back down to 2. You'll figure out which nodes you can safely use setting 3 on and which nodes require setting 2 with some experimentation. Setting 1 is useful if you've got really small people in your group.
Chade said:Configuring the Influencer:Ok, you need to know certain things about the autotarget for the influencer. First, everything you need to configure can be found in the get_influence script.After installation that is located here:Bashing System > Bashing System > AutoInfluence > get_influenceYou need to configure two things in here - which influence attacks you have available and what creatures you would like to automatically target for influencing.You configure the influence attacks table like this:influence_attacks ={charity = {"Begging", "Supplication", "Wheedling"},empowering = {"Compliments", "Admiration", "Praise"},paranoia = {"Rumours", "Distrust", "Conspiracies"},seduction = {"Flattery", "Charm", "Beguiling"},village = {"Revolution", "Liberty", "Freedom"},weakening = {"Teasing", "Mockery", "Derision"}}This is for someone who's CR6 in Gaudiguch with trans influencing.influence_attacks ={charity = {"Begging"},empowering = {"Compliments"},paranoia = {"Rumours"},seduction = {"Flattery"},village = {"Revolution"},weakening = {"Teasing"}}Example of a CR2 in Gaudiguch with only the basic influencing abilities.influence_attacks ={charity = {"Begging", "Supplication", "Wheedling"},empowering = {"Compliments", "Admiration"},paranoia = {"Rumours", "Distrust"},seduction = {"Flattery", "Charm"},village = {"Revolution", "Liberty", "Freedom"},weakening = {"Teasing", "Mockery"}}Example for a CR6 in Gaudiguch who has up to wheedling in influence.You should be able to work out how to configure the influencing table to your exact requirements from these examples. If you can't DO NOT SEND ME A TELL. Ask on the forums and hope a kind person will tell you or try to figure it out for yourself. I am NOT supporting this.Once you've configured your influencing abilities you need to configure which mobs you want to automatically influence, this is done in the influence_target table which is directly underneath the influence_attacks and inf_oil tables in the get_influence script. The current version of the basher comes pre-populated with a lot of influencing targets, remember to comment out any you don't want to influence with --.You add mobs using their full INFO HERE description using the following format:["info here desc"] = "influence mode",A few examples:influence_target = {--Climanti Past["Lady Inga Frostfeather"] = "seduction",["Steward Jumari Dantine"] = "charity",["Sir Kini Icewing"] = "empowering",["Physician Maurog Slaur"] = "paranoia",--Illithoid Prison["an illithoid ravager"] = "weakening",}Again, if you cannot figure out how to do this yourself ask on the forums and hope someone helps you but DO NOT SEND ME A TELL/MSGConfiguring the autotarget table:Configuring the autotarget table is very similar to configuring the autoinfluence table. First you need to find the get_target script.Location of get_target:Bashing System > Bashing System > AutoTarget > get_targetYou add items to the target_order table in the get_target script using their INFO HERE description and the word you want to target. The target_order table is prioritised - this means that things higher up the table are ALWAYS targeted first. To make the most efficient use of this, you should put aggressive mobs higher in the table than non-aggressive mobs. It's usually easiest to sort the table by area so you can easily keep track of it.Example of how to add something to the table:{"info here desc", "the word you want to target"},Some example areas to get you started:target_order = {--dio{"a bestial garul", "garul"},{"a snow white skara", "skara"},{"a crimson-scaled skara", "skara"},{"a black-scaled skara", "skara"},{"a massive ice worm", "worm"},--aethership{"an aetheretic slivven", "slivven"},}The current version of the basher comes pre-populated with a lot of bashing targets, remember to comment out any you don't want to influence with --.Configuring the autoget target table:The autoget is very similar to the autotarget table, with one minor difference. The autoget table does not need the full INFO HERE description before attempting to pick things up. You configure the autoget table using the item_order table in the get_item script.Location of get_item:Bashing System > Bashing System > AutoGet > get_itemExample of how to add something to the table:{"full or partial info here desc", "the word you want to target"},Some examples to get you started:item_order = {--full info here descriptions{"a gold sovereign", "gold"},{"two golden sovereigns", "gold"},{"a few golden sovereigns", "gold"},{"a small quantity of sovereigns", "gold"},{"a large pile of sovereigns", "gold"},{"many golden sovereigns", "gold"},{"a king's ransom of golden sovereigns", "gold"},{"a bit of fiery essence", "essence"},{"a bit of cloud essence", "essence"},{"a bit of dark essence", "essence"},{"a bit of light essence", "essence"},{"a bit of shadowy essence", "essence"},{"a bit of silvery essence", "essence"},--partial info here descriptions{"wormwood", "wormwood"},{"yarrow", "yarrow"},}Same rules apply, if you cannot figure out how to do this yourself ask on the forums and hope someone helps you, DO NOT ASK ME.Updates Note:IF I POST A NEW VERSION OF THE SYSTEM, MAKE SURE TO COPY YOUR INFLUENCE_ATTACKS, INFLUENCE_TARGET, TARGET_ORDER AND ITEM_ORDER TABLES OTHERWISE THEY WILL BE DELETED WHEN YOU UNINSTALL THE OLD PACKAGE AND INSTALL THE NEW PACKAGE. COPY/PASTE THESE BACK INTO THEIR CORRECT PLACES ONCE YOU'VE UPDATED.FAQS:Q.) How much does the system cost?A.) Free to everyone.Q.) Are you willing to accept donations?A.) Yes, these will be shared with people who've contributed code to the system.Q.) Will you provide support for the system if I donate credits?A.) No, do not ask.Q.) Will you share your influencing, autoget and autotarget tables if I donate credits?A.) These are now included in the download link, I got bored of deleting them out. Makes updates easier. Enjoy and remember to remove anything you don't want to attack/influence when you update.Q.) I can see from looking at the code that their are hooks for an autowalk system, are you willing to share/sell this?A.) DEFINITELY NOT, DO NOT ASK. There's too much potential for people to abuse this.Note: If you have a beta tester version of the system with this included it will be lost when you update, I won't be sharing this again so please don't ask because I'll feel bad saying no. It will be lost when you uninstall the system and install the updated version. The beta version will continue to work but it won't have many of the new features in this version.Q.) I've found a bug, can I talk to you about it?A.) Post a message on this thread with a brief description of the bug and a link to a HTML log (I suggest using logsty for this). If I have time I'll try and fix it, please make absolutely sure it's a bug and not you misunderstanding how the system works.People who need thanking for answering my persistent coding questions, providing me with code and helping me with coding problems: @Altrea, @Ardmore, @Synkarin, @Caerlyr, @UrukPeople who need thanking for contributing massively to beta testing, bug reporting and table building: @Morkarion, @HiriakoApologies if I've missed anyone's name off, it's not intentional. Drop me a message and I'll update the thanks section with your names!Finally, enjoy the system. I don't have the time or the inclination to support it but I do hope people find it useful.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
You should have seen this prompt during bsinstall: Please specify the number of your razing weapon i.e. bsconfig monkrazeweapon 12345 not bsconfig monkrazeweapon nekai12345. If you are Tahtetso or Ninjakari please put 9999999 here.
As for being 'dead', the system works and hasn't broken since. I do want to fix some minor issues and polish it up further but I'm prioritizing the curio website for now. If anything critical breaks I'll fix it however.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
What is your password? Password correct. Welcome to Lusternia.(m&m): Loaded bashing system settings.
My next question though is:
How do I get the basher to stop targeting a new creature when one enters the room that has a higher place in the table?
Aside from just turning off autotarget.
I can be fighting a quinotaur and then a dragonfish swims in and it switches to fight that, then an eel swims in and it switches to that and suddenly I am being killed by all three.
@Allehnon, you can just go into the get_target table and change the order, so it'll kill in the order you want it to. Aside from that, I'm not sure. I use my own basher again, now.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
Okay, so here is the thing I'm seeing on my prompt when I attempt to use bashon for the auto bashing and such:
To check/edit the list search "get_target" , that will be in Scripts. Good luck.
Edit: Make sure you remove your city/commune's guards from the list unless you trust yourself high enough to never leave autobasher on at all times.
Edit: You should use this basher with the "Autotargetting off", then. Syntax is "atoff".