Tweets VI: The Tweetsixteenth



  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    For what, 6% less effect too?
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    There's no longer a reason to be a faeling over level 50 if you don't live in a forest.

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Esca said:
    Yo, Tropical Storm Bill is all up in my business right now. Power's going on and off. Y'all play nice (yeah right) for a day or two without meeeeee.
    OI! You get back here and marry me and Kanaya :-O

    (I hope everything's OK :) )
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Shaddus said:
    There's no longer a reason to be a faeling over level 50 if you don't live in a forest.

    According to Roark, if you don't have Glom-skills, you will get the One With Nature bonus in:
    Every natural terrain (regardless of what meld-type is in the room), & Serenwilde Ethereal forest (where a Hartstone made the green trees).
    If you do have Glom-skills, you will get the bonus in every natural terrain, & Ethereal Wyrd (the purple forests).

    Shouldn't require, at least at this point, organization membership.
  • Celina said:
    It's the same price as a cameo, and still not the most expensive artifact around. Looks cheap to me considering what some racial perks do. 

    edit: Now to figure out what tradeskill I will go after I switch to Kephera and don't need splendours anymore. I don't even know! Tinkering for bardy things I guess!
    Kephera was looking to be my choice too. Although unstoppable tackle with Igasho has its merits as well.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Xenthos said:
    According to Roark, if you don't have Glom-skills, you will get the One With Nature bonus in:
    Every natural terrain (regardless of what meld-type is in the room), & Serenwilde Ethereal forest (where a Hartstone made the green trees).
    If you do have Glom-skills, you will get the bonus in every natural terrain, & Ethereal Wyrd (the purple forests).

    Shouldn't require, at least at this point, organization membership.
    So...any character that is a faeling gets a bonus if they aren't physically in a city at the time?

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Will we be getting free resurrections?
  • Also, what will buffs that affect stats do now?

  • Shaddus said:
    So...any character that is a faeling gets a bonus if they aren't physically in a city at the time?

    There's also highways, natural underground, and general urban terrain.
  • Kind of bummed that you have to pay to have decent triggers and reflexes in the game. Making my own is really time consuming, and sometimes they fail or won't work properly.


  • I'm being told I have an active membership even though "Your Iron Membership is currently inactive." ugh first world problems.
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • edited June 2015
    My lol for the day.

    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "I'm thinking about going for GM, would you be mad?"
    00:42:47.49|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "Kinda."
    00:42:51.69|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    reply what? Why?
    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "What? Why?"
    00:43:00.30|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "It would make you look bad."
    00:43:17.61|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "You just joined."
    00:43:23.05|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 
    reply how?
    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "How?"
    00:43:25.61|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 
    reply psh
    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "Psh."
    00:43:29.33|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "How many ranks do you want? go for admin and then quit to go for pyro gm."
    00:44:15.89|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "It would make you look like your power hungry."
    00:44:29.06|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "I don't get why you left the bards in the first place."
    00:45:21.16|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "Combat reasons."
    00:46:10.08|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "Then go for champion."
    00:46:24.08|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris has ejected you from the Pyromancers.
    01:00:53.44|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • image
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    IJS, that's what would've happened with a more traditional guild leader, just drawn out over a few weeks. It looks like Farlaris is blunt enough to just nip it in the bud outright.

  • It's not that others wouldn't have done it, it's the part two.

    It's the attempted guilt trip. 
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • edited June 2015
    His response seems pretty reasonable. Especially when you use words like 'bruh' in what he'd have considered a serious conversation. He's also right, Champion is the one you contest if you join for combat reasons, not GM. Especially when the GM is still active.

    Also, maybe want to try trolling a little less, when you're trying to gain rank. Just saying.
  • I joined Pyros because I liked mage combat over bard.

    I don't want to be champion.

    I thought I might try GM rpz, but nope. Powertrip

    But I get it, I'm bad to the bone.
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • I'm not seeing what is disagreed with.
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.

  • What can I say, I'm a punny one.
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • I was.
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • Wow. You can be kicked for stating an intention to challenge for leader? That... seems apolitical.

    I better not let @Eliron know I'm gunning for his job >_>
    The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!
  • Nah, I think it's being taken care of fairly well IC.
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • Shaddus said:
    There's no longer a reason to be a faeling over level 50 if you don't live in a forest.

    Hallelujah. No more superior Faeling, Mugwump, Merian and Aslaran races. Now we can be what we feel closest to.

    #IllithoidForever (Or maybe Krokani...if they had more interesting traits >>)

  • Silea said:
    My lol for the day.

    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "I'm thinking about going for GM, would you be mad?"
    00:42:47.49|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "Kinda."
    00:42:51.69|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    reply what? Why?
    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "What? Why?"
    00:43:00.30|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "It would make you look bad."
    00:43:17.61|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "You just joined."
    00:43:23.05|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 
    reply how?
    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "How?"
    00:43:25.61|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 
    reply psh
    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "Psh."
    00:43:29.33|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "How many ranks do you want? go for admin and then quit to go for pyro gm."
    00:44:15.89|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "It would make you look like your power hungry."
    00:44:29.06|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "I don't get why you left the bards in the first place."
    00:45:21.16|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    You tell Archmage Farlaris Mes'ard, "Combat reasons."
    00:46:10.08|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris tells you, "Then go for champion."
    00:46:24.08|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

    Farlaris has ejected you from the Pyromancers.
    01:00:53.44|100%h|100%m|100%e|10p|100%en|100%w BesSixkd- 

  • Because you straight up told me not to? You said things were fine and not to mess with things.
    The Inner Sea.
    I take commissions doe.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Uh, no. I told you to work on advancement if you wanted to, that the tasks beyond GR5 needed ideas and reworking. >.<

    Sort of like when you begged to join Crumkane, and my task for your advancement was to come up with an idea for a platter. Not a design, but an idea for one. After an IRL month of no progress, you left the order and chose another.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
This discussion has been closed.