Post Overhaul Influencing



  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Shedrin said:
    I think what he meant is just, it's boring to sit there watching your system do all the work. Faster influencing = less watching, and more movement, which is at least something active.
    I suppose that makes sense. If the net gain is the same, no big deal either way. I prefer less movement personally, it's why I bash astral. 
  • edited June 2015
    Allehnon said:
    Having bashed to level 80 and then influenced to demigod most of that as a Wood in the old system, and currently classflexed as a Wood in the new system still influencing, I don't think influence should really change for the better. 

    So what if it is slow? All you do is run to the Aetherplex, buy some Bromide and Wetfolds, eat an Ikon and stand in a safe room for 20 - 30 minutes while chatting on OOC Clans.

    As is Influencing is cheap, risk-free (unless you go to Lirangsha and run into @Ardmore's bad side), and anyone who thinks there is any aspect of influencing that is not boring as hell is deluding themselves.

    I frequently have to tell my wife "seriousy, I know my computer is just influencing these guards, but I really do have to sit here and watch it happening so no I can't do the dishes right now" - That's my story and I am sticking to it.
    As someone who bashed to level 90, then had a new life style and new gaming habits, and now spends short amounts of time playing before they have to log out and go do other things... I have a different opinion about how the speed of influencing affects my enjoyment. I'd rather spend 30 seconds and get 500 xp per mob, than 1 minute and 1,000 xp per mob.
  • As someone who made a god damn fortune selling esteem I... really just want to continue down that road and I don't care about the game balance.
  • The few people in game I have talked to on an OOC level know that a good majority of my time during the day  is spent playing from the driver's seat of my truck, using my cellphone as a hotspot, as I sit on a project site doing paperwork for said project before driving to the next project and repeating the cycle.

    I am fully aware of how short amounts of time there are to play and do anything. It doesn't change the fact that influencing is fine as is. Sure I would love to influence Lirangsha in 15 minutes, but given the vast amount of perks influencing already has I don't feel that it needs to be increased in speed. You do what you can in the time you can and understand that at least that mob you just influenced isn't killing you, or you are not becoming enemied to the area so some other douchebag isn't killing you.

    Enjoy what you have and stop trying to eat your cake.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    This has to be the silliest argument I've seen made yet.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • I have three options at this point.
    Be bored.
    Go do something else with my time.
    Let those who can do something about it, know that I'm bored and make suggestions, to make it better.

    I'm happy that you think its just fine. Enjoy it. That's not going to make me feel less bored..
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    If influencing were faster, but half the xp, things would actually be slower 

    You'd run into reset times much sooner, thereby lowering your overall xp/second instead of it remaining the status quo like you think would happen

    If you influence 50 mobs in 30 mins for 1k xp per, and had to wait an hour for it to reset, you're making 556xp/min
    If you influence 50 mobs in 15 mins for 500 xp per, and wait an hour for it to reset, you're making 333 xp/min

    Slower gains means more boring influencing (and the argument that moving more often is less boring is purely subjective at best).

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • I am personally in favor of erring towards slower speeds and higher gains, i.e. keeping it how it is. If these two numbers are kept in proportion so that the average exp/sec is constant, then a lower speed means you can get more out of an area. It takes you longer to use up an entire area, but the exp gain is still the same for the time you spend.

    With everyone now being capable at influencing, there are more people interested in Lirangsha, city guards, etc. Increasing the speed while lowering the exp reward would only make influencing resources more scarce than they already are.
    For Mister Zvoltz, Pejat has been terminated by the Replicant Dynodeon.
  • I'm curious, if influencing is so boring to you, why not just bash? It's interactive, it's engaging, you move and hit buttons a lot, sometime you have to even pay attention and figure out why your autohealer is borked, and every once in a while you get the rush of 5 adds walking into a room and tearing you to shreds, or running into a gaseous cloier or something.

    Clearly there's something else at play (like all benefits, no risk) that you want, just faster. I'm not sure that's compelling in a balance sense.
    The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!
  • We won't be increasing the speed, while this was enjoyable to the individual, constant feedback of people finding a lack of places to engage due to most areas being cleared out quickly meant that it wasn't fun for everyone.

    We have changed it so that eq bonuses will affect the speed of influencing, this shouldn't affect debating though, if it does, that'll be a bug.
  • Ah, I have outdated info then. My mistake there!
  • edited June 2015
    Stratas said:

    I'm curious, if influencing is so boring to you, why not just bash? It's interactive, it's engaging, you move and hit buttons a lot, sometime you have to even pay attention and figure out why your autohealer is borked, and every once in a while you get the rush of 5 adds walking into a room and tearing you to shreds, or running into a gaseous cloier or something.

    Clearly there's something else at play (like all benefits, no risk) that you want, just faster. I'm not sure that's compelling in a balance sense.

    It's simple really. I don't have triggers Set up on the html client for dealing with all the various afflictions. When I have the time to be using my computer with mudlet, I prefer to bash. It's as you say much less boring.

    Hopefully, when the overhaul is finished this won't be a problem anymore.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    edited June 2015
    Use FIRSTAID and CURING, they can handle the majority of bashing afflictions with relative ease. 

    Seriously though, all grinding is boring. It's why I hit demigod and almost immediatly swore off grinding forevermore. Influencing is ludicrously lucrative for your time, and gets you to the end of grinding faster with all the bonuses you can stack to it. If you're going to be bored, might as well do it in style, covered in bling and perfume in a safe area with no risk for MORE gain.
  • Enyalida said:
    Use FIRSTAID and CURING, they can handle the majority of bashing afflictions with relative ease. 

    Seriously though, all grinding is boring. It's why I hit demigod and almost immediatly swore off grinding forevermore. Influencing is ludicrously lucrative for your time, and gets you to the end of grinding faster with all the bonuses you can stack to it. If you're going to be bored, might as well do it in style, covered in bling and perfume in a safe area with no risk for MORE gain.
    Interesting, whats the suggested trigger to use to call firstaid while bashing? ("you have been afflicted with" ?) I thought it was only useful in emergencies to learn the cures.

    Also, where can I do charity influencing in a safe room/area?  

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Daganev said:
    Interesting, whats the suggested trigger to use to call firstaid while bashing? ("you have been afflicted with" ?) I thought it was only useful in emergencies to learn the cures.

    Also, where can I do charity influencing in a safe room/area?  

    Anywhere on Prime you're not enemied. You might get a one-off gank, but that will be rare. More the point is, you can sit at your nexus, surrounded by guards, and safely influence those guards.

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