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  • Okay, so the picture is a year and a half old, but I think it's my favorite picture of me ever. Ever. It was taken at a slightly hazy moment of my birthday, during which we were partaking
    in a beer and cider festival. SeattleMet was there and, w…
  • (Clan): Ushaara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Aerys leaps at you and slams her head into your face."

    (Clan): Ushaara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Is that bullsnort?"

  • To clarify Convoke, the Harmonics summon:

    It costs 3p to cast, and ONLY works on the target with which you resonate. Resonating costs 5p to make happen, and you can only Resonate with one person at a time. Also, I'm pretty sure …
  • I think Peregrines are the most gorgeous animals ever. I could watch these for hours on end...
  • Any attempt I made at resisting a convulsive gigglefit was ultimately futile. They're so adorable!  <3
  • Hey, I do happen to like @Ixion! He's good people to me.
  • Here's a pic that makes me look far cooler than I actually am.


    in Player Pics! Comment by Aerys April 2014
  • (Quote) This is not what I was trying to say, and I don't really appreciate words being put into my mouth.

    Yes, our side does have their own powerful skills, and I will admit that a lot of them aren't being put to u…
  • (Quote) To be honest, this is how I like to think I handle things most of the time. It's not so much caring about the losses to much (I don't think), it's more about a frustrating lack of any kind of progress towards winning at least so…
  • Against my judgement, I was urged to bring this topic up once again. I agree on the one hand, but feel bad about necromancing a thread that's undoubtedly been beaten into the ground already. Anyway.

    I love Lusternia. …
  • Long overdue rave to @Rivius for putting up with my never-ending problem-finding, as opposed to solving them.  :-bd
  • I can't tell if I just had particularly rough night of sleep, or if I'm coming down with a really major sick. I really hope it's not the latter, since I'm not normally prone to sickness and when I do catch something, it usually hits me like a train.…
  • Huge rave to @Ieptix for taking the time today to indulge your average not-typically-envoy-or-anything-like-it player and have a one-on-one conversation to answer …
  • (Quote) If I saw this in a deathsight, I think I might fall out of my chair. xD

    On topic, though: Aerys has bored <person> to death with an extensive lecture on the exquisite properties of emerald.
  • Just want to throw a quick rave to @Morkarion for reminding me that just because someone is an IC enemy, it doesn't mean they can't be spoken to.
  • (Quote) I didn't stick around for all of it, but I'm hearing that the majority of everyone who took part enjoyed it. So I'm really happy to hear that! Some folks have the right attitude, today.
  • Right. But what Haezon is suggesting is that, instead of having the entire string replaced by 'something you don't understand,' he's saying replace them with gibberish letters and such while placing a couple words in here and there that you DO manag…
  • It's an excellent idea, but I think it should differ based on the language that's not understood. Elfen, as I understand it, would sound fairly fluid and light, so perhaps be vowel-heavy gibberish if one doesn't speak it.
  • I want to say I saw something like that AGES ago when I tried playing Star Wars Galaxies. The wookies spoke Shyriiwook, but it came out as textual representations of groans and growls to anyone who didn't speak it.
  • I'm saving this one for when Ascension finally starts.
    in Music Listened to whilst In Game Comment by Aerys February 2014
  • I was actually discussing the whole newbie scene with Morkarion shortly after the Death Challenge. One issue that I see, personally, is that not many of our newbies seem to feel all that interested in combative pursuits. While I respect that, it's c…
  • (Quote) Can we please have more of these no-loss, freeforall fights? Like, scheduled events that AREN'T the arena? I was frustrated to no end at getting steamrolled repeatedly, but just the fact that ONE new (and I say 'new' mainly just…
  • (Quote) I agree with this, 100% and more. Sometimes, though, it gets really hard to keep that mentality. I'm not pointing any fingers at one thing or person, but it's really difficult to keep a stiff upper lip at times when it feels lik…
  • (Quote) For me, the Life Challenge boasted very little in the way of combat. Morkarion and Shuyin came to smack me around a couple times, but that was it. By the sounds of it, it sounded like Anita was hunted down once or twice, but tha…
  • Congrats to @Morkarion for winning the Death Challenge! I honestly wish I had something more to say about it other than that, but I don't. So I'll leave it ther…
  • So, this happened:

    The Cave of Life.
    The Seal of Life slowly spins in the air here, humming with latent power. Avechna, the Avenger towers before you, radiating a powerful aura.

    You incl…
  • Raves to all of Hallifax, Serenwilde and Celest for their tremendous help netting the Life Seal! Specific raves go out to @Rivius and in Lack of Raves V: Stark Ravin' Glad Comment by Aerys February 2014
  • @Nihmriel for having a nerdy conversation about crystals, over a gemcutting party.  :-B
  • I would like to take this moment to necromance this thread. I'd like to see more SPARWHO activity, even without combat ranking inclusion. I took a couple times to mention it on CT, and look! I even got a couple people to try it out! So, I think word…
    in SPARWHO Comment by Aerys February 2014
  • Character Name: Aerys Tarsuhl

    Race: Lucidian (for all intents and purposes), fondness for Lobo race/form
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Institute
    City/Commune: Halli…