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  • Chessboard for Halli for a year? I've been envying Glom's chessboard for a while!
  • (Quote)
    Just to be clear here- we were never taking away that Parhelion got to 3600 first.
    I may be misunderstanding this, but Orael, you've stated that you didn't mean to take away the "win", or to insinuate that Shad…
  • Because the RP significance of TA is still there, even if the mechanical significance of TA is less so.
  • I think everyone can agree that, mechanically speaking, TA is no longer as important as it once was given the endgame changes. Therefore, any quibbling that people have at this point is mostly about the sense of achievement, and the RP ramifications…
  • If you have a solution that makes both sides happy with the outcome, I'm all ears. I'm willing to listen to it and discuss it with Aonia and the other admin. Nobody's presented one though (I suppose besides descending Parhelion, b…
  • @Orael said
    Parhelion and Glom/Celest/Halli ended up the first to 3600, but we don't know if that was because of lag or if it was because th…
  • So post IG about it. There's a great public newspost fight going on and you've got plenty of opportunity to say "I told you so" there.
  • @Alexandria You forgot the best part, a little after that when we were raiding avatars -
    Ixion renames Natural Death to Avatars can die…
  • (Quote) Seconded. As someone who used to (and will probably again soon) have access to this power, I can confirm that it is one of my all-time favorites. I'd call it an RP power rather than a combat power, but nevertheless I definitely don't …
  • The thing about Institute is that you can't use all of the powers in your arsenal if you still want to secure the kill. Timequake is 8p, so if you use Insight, Chronicloop, Timeechoes and Oracle then you're not going to be killing anyone anytime soo…
  • After some combat with it live, I want to reiterate that I'd like for there to be still be a way to break a contested room while the enemy melder is there, without having to kill the melder. Right now, especially in bigger groups, the fortress meta …
  • I agree with having cloudcoils and its equivalents cure on a normal smoke if there's no affliction from the aff pool (aside from tempinsanity and its equivalents) being cured. It makes life easier and involves less coding on the player side (not to …
  • Whoa, ok. All I'm saying is that I do try, as do many others in Seren/Mag/Halli, to degrees that may be more or less visible depending on how much people in this conversation are there to see it. I think saying that people just need to try harder is…
  • (Quote) Okay, I do have to ask here - are you saying that I, personally, don't show up to timequakes/rifts/want to succeed/lead in pvp?

    Edit: I feel like saying "all you need to do is get good" ignores the fact that imbalances can …
  • I've been a longstanding advocate for making all skills mirrored across orgs, so I don't think that's news to you.

    Edit: for skills, also read: smobs/mechanics/aff pools/whatever you like
  • I think that the idea of "Nothing's wrong, everything is fine the way it is, things don't have to be fair" is a perspective that is not borne out by the decrease in Lusternia's population over time.
  • It's already been reduced so I guess we'll see how it pans out. I expect some changes post-release anyway.
  • Ultimately, I don't think it's feasible to code around a culture problem. We as a community need to get better at spotting/calling out toxic behavior. Lusternia's pretty decent at this in some aspects - we have selfishness as a defence, but most peo…
  • My point with bleeding isn't just that it makes one vulnerable - it's that whether or not you prioritize curing it, you get screwed both ways. For example:

    - if I get hit with timewarp and I don't cure it, I can get timequaked if there's …
  • I did already send messages, but I wanted to compile my concerns here.

    1. Cure balances.

    After some testing it looks like Geo/BT cloudcoil equivalents are dust, Aeros are steam, Pyros are ice, and HS is slush. These aff po…
  • (Quote) Yeah, I want to know more about how scarab is going to work in BT meld now because the effect as described seems to be a one-way ticket to instant murder.

    I'm in favour of mirroring skills across all 6 because mirroring opp…
  • Hmm, then I have another issue with Northwind, namely that the roomwide power seems to be relatively useless. With roomwide Needlerain, if someone is stripped of waterwalking even if not also stripped of waterbreathing, they must expend eq to keep w…
  • Can you clarify if new Aquamancy needlerain is going to be an active action that costs power to cast instead of a passive meld effect? Not really a fan of passive stripping waterwalk/waterbreathe - it's one of the most annoying and unfun things abou…
  • 1k bleed is... a lot.
  • Snald gives you the once over.
    8787|77% 8493|71% 9300|100% 7 52|33|117 B_xkbp [Unitos]
    Snald strikes at your right leg with a sinister steel greatsword.
    [Concord]: Gain: haemophilia
    The blade of Snald's …
  • I've experienced this issue too. 1hit (at light leg wounds) = 1000+ bleeding. Was this always the case?
  • Massive shoutout to @Alexandria for design work, @Kethaera for organizi…
  • These are all so great! And yes, an enemy sheet would be amazing too, let us steal you for ALL THE RP.

    Edit: and hilariously awkward tea parties because my character is low-key scared of bugs.