Getting woken up at 4am because a server your software is on is having issues. While it doesn't happen often, it seems to ALWAYS happen after a night of drinking when I'm in desperate need of that sleep.
Envoy system is bad because it's tied to guilds. You have people like me - who do not really participate in combat that much - who are envoys because the guild is practically dead.
I'm re-reading Calculating God by Robert J Sawyer. I was forced to read it in school, and I was 'meh,' but I'm really into it now that I'm doing it for pleasure and not just an assignment. Really good book.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been reading a lot more so I'm burning through books every 3-4 days... damn books are expensive. Need to cut back on my bar time to afford all these books.
Got my new phone. Galaxy S6 Edge. Switched from having an iPhone for the last several years.
Right off the hop disappointed by the voicemail system. iPhone's is completely built in whereas Android you either use insecure third-party or I pay my …
Hope the move goes well. Moves are stressful. I paid a company to move me like 500 meters from one place to another and I still lost 2 weeks of sleep over it.