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  • I know you said no to new endzone, but I really do believe that any changes should be applied to a new area rather than Grimkeep.
    I personally also disagree with the idea the gatecamping is boring, but that could be an unpopular opinion.
  • Firstly, we need more often reports. Even if you limit things down to 1 report per person, having these once a year is just not enough. I understand coding resources are limited, but combat is just not something you can look at once a year. Really, …
  • 1 and 2 are a bit connected - Take Death for example. A person(/org/whatever) can prep areas by prekilling so they know when a respawn happens and in essence locking down several areas for themselves. I personally don't think this type of prep …
  •         - Power cost – This value was formulated based off the power increase I saw during the 4 month period where I collected the data. In the grand scheme of it, all orgs saw an increase of approximately 6…
  • I mean this in the politest way, but I don't understand how out of touch admin are with most players. When we say give us formal alliances, we don't mean 'give us buffs for grouping up with orgs'. None of this formal power and gold costs. None of th…
  • Can we add an extra bit on the count at the bottom of who/ewho for privacy room gems?  Something like '(*) Currently, there are 17 Lusternians, 10 of which are hidden from you. There are also 10 people completely hidden by privacy that do not s…
  • (Quote)
    Ah, I think you misunderstood, or maybe I did in what 'cloaked location' actually means. What causes Cloaked Location to appear under this plan? I assumed it was the 10min cloaking thing. Is this not what that means?
  • I don't like that you are reducing EWHO by removing manse room names. Seeing the room name of a manse may seem like nothing, but it adds a bit of value to the rather expensive ewho mirror. Same with removing the plane info. While sure its easy …
  • If freezing honour isn't on the table, even a simple 'disable upkeep loss' would help leaps and bounds until admin have time to properly redo the system (be it a full on delete or making rp perks).
  • While I'm sure Uilani probably would give you any artifact if you asked nicely enough - what is an artifact that you miss having that gave you something as a mortal that you don't have as a god?
    How did you decide how much to wear? Wh…
  • Calliope has been posting posters around Hallifax without proper authorization. But that said, each poster is a bit different in the pose the subject is in. These are the few from the first batch. There are more likely, as there was a second ro…
  • Malmydia spoke of a 'containment room of Malmydia'. Does this mean you always login to that room instead of wherever  you signed off at? I always assumed godmin always got the password to the god in question, but I suppose malmydia could be sig…
  • 1. As you go through your training, how do you deal with either not having the time to do everything you want, or not having the permissions (be it bug fixes only coders could do/things that only specific admin are allowed to touch)
  • 1. Why did you choose the release event that you did? Did you have any other ideas that you decided against for your release?
    2. What is your favorite way to describe a voice?
    3. Is there something you regret not doing as a …
  • In the past, admin have decided that astralnodes and related linking matters should player monitored and that we should be careful about our linking. Most us of probably agree that a LastLink would be helpful (more so when things like LastHarve…

  • (Quote) I can't help but think if we had everyone shown, how it would effect people picking things when they see Mag or Seren having 12 people online vs Glom or Hallifax having half (or less than) that. That people are going to go to the…
  • (Quote) This is kinda how envoys were done before - each envoy (every guild had a separate envoy position) would be able to submit one report a month. Over time, as resources shrink, reports would be submitted and would take months, if not ye…
  • (Quote)
    1. Even if I was around, I didn't really do much in terms of events in the past. But being an active part of the Zenos events would have been nice
    2. SPAAAACE. I would love to go to the other planets in the solar …
    1.  To you, what does the Book of You mean? Does it mean just a book of your history as a whole? or is it like the other public ones where it is your time during the Elder Wars? Or is it something else?
    2.  Without thinking too much a…
  • (Quote)
    I don't use libraries often because of a few reasons - using them is awkward. I would love an tablet Hallifaxian crystal link to the library that I could pull up any book. Secondly, looking up books is ...bad to say the lea…
  • (Quote)

    Not using shops is something that helps the idea that players should be going to players yes.

    Without knowing numbers on things (and something the admin probably haven't even thought of…
  • Gold Generation

    The intention behind removing gold drops was to nudge players towards focusing on making gold from trades rather than from bashing. We have often heard compl…
  • On proficiency still droppiing to 0 on skillflex - I still don't like this idea. I would feel much better if it was just a small percent of it. Perhaps 5-10%, whatever you would gain in the day (or is this changing to 25% per day?). It still discour…
  • With the masterbubblix just being a container, can we get the two UV bubblixs as auction items (either gold or credit, or both) given they aren't publicly available?
  • For the gold auctions, some items I would like to see:

    The set of divine order artifacts:
         Symbol of the Gods (ashop 64)
         Font of the Gods (ashop 89)
         Mark of the Devot…

  • (Quote) Among players, it is 50:1, but the admin rate uses 20:1

  • At the core of this, the problem seems to be that even if it said 'there are 60 players online', if a newbie only sees 5 names, they think the game is dead rather than 'where are the other 55 players'. Is there a way to shift this line of think…
  • It is always good to see Ysav'rai people returning! While I may not be in Glomdoring anymore, it will be good to see you back in the forest soon.
  • (Quote)
    Sun in Dolphin means cold damage and this is in the AB ASTROLOGY SUN for all signs.
    The grid is figured out with the spherecheck and spheremath functions. This math was done by others years ago and the functions do it all for…
  • (Quote)
    I'm not sure you can do something that fills both 1 and 2 as long as there is such a large numbers imbalance between sides. I'm not sure you can do something about 1 short of disabling of select artifacts within timequakes …