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  • Hey! Yeah, I can in all likelihood come, though I'll definitely have to leave early. But wow, a new (old) Serenwilder goddess! Exciting :)
  • In my experience, just the introduction of saytext in emotes, even without any frills, does a bunch to improve/encourage RP mechanically, for me and in the games where I've seen it.

    More than that, it's on the community, which s…
  • Well, as I see it, why get a custom description if you're not going to give it a proper noun or do something with it that can't be done with a normally crafted item? Therefore, it'd be nice to be able to switch designs.
  • The possibility to REFORGE a weapon as a different design, so that if you want, say, to remain a Pureblade, have a runed katana but no pliers, and don't necessarily want Bonecleaver, the Katana of Death, you're able to change your weapon's design. T…
  • This is a problem I've seen in all three IRE games I've played, honestly, and I've been on both sides of it. I sort of think that it may just be inevitable, to some extent, given the small populations of MUDs, but that said, that doesn't mean there …
  • I always loved Lillie's character. Great fun to RP with, and the stuttering never bothered me in the least. Awesome log!
  • I don't know. I've been a top PVPer in the 'evil' org of a different IRE, and while I've always been very much about staying IC and RPing there, I've never really wantonly killed enemies wherever I found them. From an OOC perspective, I don't really…
  • (Quote) As someone who has been more a combatant in a different IRE, and isn't so much experienced here (and is waiting for the Overhaul to get deeper into this combat,) I agree.

    I really, really think that balance/equilibriu…
  • For my character:

    Neutral Good Human Druid (5th Level)

    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 18
    Dexterity- 18
    Constitution- 17
  • You should advertise ICly on MARKET. I'm sure you'd get ahold of your bardiche very quickly.
  • (Quote) Well, clearly I had no idea. But I thought this was just a thought experiment to begin with, so what does it matter?
  • Trans everything out, get all the arties I really want. Then customize stuff, buy a shop/manse and a separate aethership. And then probably sell the rest to commune members super duper cheap, with a limit on how many you could buy each day so that l…
  • What about demigod powers that are no longer relevant? Will the essence for those be refunded, too?
  • Do rooms Willpower Regeneration Rooms created with Willpower Gems regen aetherwill? If so, those should be all over aetherships.
  • (Quote)

    Like this guy? Strikes me a sort of imp…
  • Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. Though it's always bugged me how warriors hold two weapons AND bear a standard. I suppose I shouldn't think about it too much, especially considering how we can hold like a million items not in our backpack (presumably i…
  • Vambraces and gauntlets seem redundant if you're wearing a suit of plate. Give monks leather vambraces, maybe - or have them put them on sashes! And let us warriors put them on helms, so we can make them permanent in the process >.>
  • Awww man. Wish I'd been there for this :)
  • The Yellow and Geburah defenses should last until you logout. I realize this is different than the other Magic defenses, but if most other stat boosts don't require power to activate, then I think they should at least not go away after only an hour.
  • I have no idea whether this is still happening... but I want to be! I'll play D&D with you, Marcella. Just don't expect me to DM... >.>
  • It is. I wonder whether you can make it resetting, though. Hrm....
  • I also feel, though, that not knowing anything about the other person is a good thing, in a way. It means you can discover stuff about the other person, which means a lot of RP, potentially. It also means they can reasonably lie about their backgrou…
  • @Morkarion: It has less to do with speed and nimbleness for me personally - historical plate really wasn't all that cumbersome, regardless of how Hollywood and …
  • I'd really like for commune warriors to be able to wear some form of improved leather armor. It would suit them so much better, thematically, than plate.
  • Don't know how easy this would be to code, but a weapon rune that allowed the weapon to store two sets of stats that you could switch between would be awesome. Not only would this obviate the need for carrying both a PVP and PVE weapon, but your oth…
  • EDIT: Moved to the Artifact Ideas thread.
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Cadfael May 2013
  • (Quote) I think the admin ought to really consider opinions like this. I know many people here have said that these changes will make getting into combat more difficult, and as a still somewhat newbish person here, combat in Lusternia i…
  • (Quote) Yeah, most of these polearms are more infantry weapons. Not to mention that a bardiche in many ways has more in common with an axe than it does other polearms. It's frickin' short!
  • Ah, that's right, actually. I remember now. Pretty sure it was katanas in WC3, though.
  • All the Blademaster units in Warcraft 3 used katanas, with the exception of Grom Hellscream, who used an axe. And while you're right that a lot orcs in the Warcraft universe use axes, I'm pretty sure most Blademaster-type orcs are depicted with kata…