Yeah, I mean, I totally get it. But it doesn't make my headache go away. Lol
I'm also pretty sure that reading through all the help files, AB skill files, and Celest's library, is that there is some incredibly inconsistent ideas about wha…
Nah. That's not what I meant. The RP was on point from everyone. But as a player, I'm like.. wtf am I even doing anymore. RP in Celest really is either 1) hypocritical or 2) inconsistent. It literally can't play out any way other than tha…
Yeah, it was really hard. It's hard doing anything belief-centric in Lusternia because when you get the groups together it's literally like "I'm right and you're wrong - obviously."
I made a forums profile just to say that I finished in the three-way tie, and didn't even get put as an actual choice in voting! Also.. *is ashamed* o.o