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  • (Quote) This is assuming your target variable is in fact named "Target".  If you use a different variable, you'll want to use that instead.
  • Rave:
    A new dawn arises as you begin your duties as the Great Chieftain of the Seren. In a glorious blaze, the Living Rod of Hart and Moon appears above your head and descends into your hands.

    But then durin…
  • (Quote) Note the time stamps: they decided to respawn in the two seconds that I was standing there. All 13 of them. I have impeccable timing.
  • [02:14.529] Within the throne room.
    Banks of clouds roil about here. Emanating a faint chill, the Throne of Urlach 
    stands imperiously here upon the dais.
    You see exits leading east and west.
  • Ceana doesn't know Zyphora very well, but from her few interactions with her, she seems to be soft-spoken and lacks the usual pompous arrogance that some city dwellers often exude. Always understanding of late herb deliveries and adverse circumstanc…
  • You point a pooka at Rivius.

    Rivius drools like a simpering idiot.

    You say, "Now give me honeycombs."

    Serenguard Rivius Tarsuhl says, "YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND."
  • Rave for Amavan, Hiriako, Rivius, and Avurekhos who keep me sane and make me laugh, making it so worth it to log in every time.

    Also, this:

    You wildly jab a bloodied and mangled arm at Amava…
  • Posting on the forums is scary, but I couldn't pass up on the Serenguard love, so here goes:

    Ceana really looks up to Everiine, and having taken up a post that she knows Everiine used to hold and has great expectation…