I got less goop than I had in the past, definitely nothing as valuable as a wonder crystal. I got some small'ish things that were decent- a pin, a doll, 3 discs, golden lips. It wasn't a bad haul, but was it worth paying more for each coin as well a…
I don't use bows @Xenthos. I've yet to generate a bow (I speculate mending doesn't factor in) and spending money on them would mean I'd never break-even on their …
Has anyone done much research on how many mends you can get on each item type? Ideally I'd like to tank that prestige as much as possible, but I usually just quit the second I reach tawdry. Ianir told us earlier on this thread that the point at whic…
Can I ask why you don't just want to use the stone up? What's the game plan with a bunch of 2% powerstones? Or when you have 50 2% powerstones in your backpack?
IMO, gagging in Mudlet is very complicated for multiline/AND triggers. That w…
I can't imagine NOT probing the powerstones and expecting accuracy. You'll need GMCP to have the correct ID at all times. My solution is not the most eloquent, it's just kind of banged out…
Really appreciating all the folks who still don't mind my CONSTANT and SUPER DETAILED question asking. Lusternia is the most detail-oriented game I've ever played, the mechanics knock the socks off of any other IRE game. 6 months after switching to …
Can you elaborate @Xenthos ? Nobody was stuck on the main continent during these events. Anyone could have hoofed it to Icewynd half-way through if…
Consider as a spontaneous tool to see points is going to net you <1k score, consider on top of having done similar harmony/hunt events in the past and already knowing where the best points are is going to get you 2k+ points. I agre…
This is more in the spirit of spitballing than anything else, but what if every artifact worn by someone who entered a game became temporarily available to every other participant? Someone brings sandals? We can all get sandals!
I'm not sure I can vote because I am mixed on what I think is fair and what is not, and i think there are good compromises. For example, what if we lowered the cap on buffs during games? That way artifacts are still helpful, but instead of having a …
All this player-driven upheaval is so exciting! Everyone keep being trouble makers! For myself, this is probably the most exciting event to happen since I came to Lusty.
Howdy! I've gone from my usual 25+ hours of weekly playtime to 3ish, sorry! I'm preparing for surgery in early November as well as applying to grad schools with applications due around the same time. Yuck! Anyways, I'm trying to stay around and stil…
Skill levels helps! And as it was explained to me, skillsets in the same pool also benefit each other. And for what it's worth, while it may seem like you're not any better since level 15, I assure you that you are.
Makes lots of sense, there's definitely lots of kinks and issues. Talking about population issues, cutting orgs, MKO going down all gets to be a bit bleak for long-term IRE veterans, so more than anything I was just hoping to throw out a random idea…