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  • As one of the people that had said things were running the same course each year, it was really nice to see effort put into mixing things up. I personally like the changes that were made to it and I'm confident in the admin staff that the things tha…
  • Took a brief break from this, because things were just getting stale and the same things repeated. I'll do what I can to explain things to answer what people call criticism and address why we state the things we have with more clarity since it wasn'…
  • To continue addressing points being made

    1) This isn't the Enchanting topic, so can we please not focus on that specifically? I will touch on it but that is not the topic. The fact that there are two Spellcrafts (Elemental and Cosmic) sho…
  • Alchemy would still be available to the cities via the bard archetype, just as any Enchantment is for communes the same way. To my understanding, Tinkering can do the important things you need a Spellcrafter for as is, except the Cosmic and Elementa…
  • @Kalaneya of course we enjoy them, you work really hard and its so gosh darned detailed!
  • Tattoos wouldn't be so awful as a trade if you could just tattoo yourself! I mean, as an Acrobat with Dodging and Master Tattoos for 18% you can technically get higher mitigation than the forged armor 20%, but on that same note, Psymet can boost tha…
  • Speaking of sugar, @Moi , we forgot to list it as something in Alchemy. That is a killer thing and it personally seems silly that it requires the correct recipe and a…
  • The mindset of Brewmeister being unfair or too strong was never something that we worked off of. Because of all the dead skills in Lorecraft, it would be simply more difficult to make 7 new recipes skills to replace them. Instead, some things that m…
  • The proposal we have here is what we went with, just the deletion of them. I only brought up our other thoughts to show that we actually had them and tried to make them work else. As per the whole artifact thing...how many times have things been rem…
  • I'm not quite certain where or how anything is being randomly tossed. But I do suppose I can explain the thought process behind each if you'd like.

    Brewmeister had nothing unique, as a trade, save making the malts and teas. Cooking could …
  • We had that talk about what should and shouldn't stay in these ideas. Truth be told, the perks of Brewmeister gave you more reasons for PK perks than actual trade perks. The idea hit us to just give them to Dwarf as racial perks, but they already do…
  • My personal guess would be cutting, based on 'weapons' of choice (beak and talons).
  • The falcon counts as your attacks like a normal battle beast does, minus actually controlling what it attacks. so it can crit and use your damage shift as well.
  • I know the old ones of Drawdown and Nightkiss used to give +5 on all weapon stats for one handed, and +10 for two handed except in speed which was still +5. But since weapon stats were removed, no idea what they do anymore.
  • I find it silly that people would hold it against you and treat you poorly for it. I never saw it or heard of it, but that doesn't say it didn't exist. Glad you're feeling better, because that's what matters.
  • Oh man, all the war stories of Ixion are true! He can kill artifact-ish creatures with a single boot to the head.
  • Pureblade more than Blademaster, but things happen. The blood red scarf will cause more bleeding than they actually will heal.
  • Can confirm, Vira used them on me. Others enjoyed it.
  • @Nocht thanks for stopping in today for the Shadowdancers, was really awesome! Stop by anytime.
  • Kind of figured they'd be PK only, but it would be amusing to see it used to take down things like the cloier and stuff.
  • @Lerad thanks for the PK lesson boss! Then we'll just change a non yet nerfed Pratfall for two of the people, hehe.
  • Is it? Still kind of new to things here, but even then the three wins wouldn't do too much for you.
  • I'm with you @Karlach and was pointing out a worst case scenario when it came to the seal event. Pretty sure its round-robin with the victors being the ones with …
  • (Quote) I was thinking this too when I was trying to ponder up ways to make it more fair. While I couldn't think of anything that would outright do the trick, the resistances and the very long balance time on it seems fine enough, after all y…
  • Using that second fire scarf is just wasteful for what it's doing. A more reasonable scenario that would happen is that everyone acts in tandem ie: They say something over a clan and trigger off it. I could see fire scarf, then two big damage moves …
  • Also as a side note, that one person Fire whipping is off balance for 8 seconds. I'm no PKer as I mentioned before, but even I know all instakills don't take 8 seconds of windup to murder someone for doing it. The fire whip won't see 1v1 usage for t…
  • 60% of current health is what it is and while yes it seems harsh - it factors in resistances as well. You're Halli right? Don't you already have stupid high fire resist to fight Gaudi?
  • Either my ideas got taken and I'm super stoked, or I missed these suggestions elsewhere and I chimed in. Either way, I like these versions better than originals.
  • @Xena I saw the picture first before reading the caption, and thought along the lines of 'proof of abuse' but yea...nice Lara Croft, don't mind me.
  • Was reading a lot of this to catch up on opinions and had a few thoughts on the blood scarf.

    1) Maybe it could become a whip instead of wear and cause bleeding to target? This would open it up to all classes and definitely serve as a way …