True, but those that are nae sterile are worth exceptional amounts of money to show cat breeders. Tends to make the calico patterns breed more 'true' than is normally possible for our beloved short-haired mutt-cats -chuckle-
This. Please this. I have been muddling one together over time, but as designs come in quite often, especially my own (sorry reviewers) I do have to update near daily. An the "find me something <thisish>" is likely my most abhorred line to hea…
One small reminder. Editor. Please, dear gods please, remember to make your Librarian the editor of your work. Else, tis a game of tag with letters, an the like, attempting to gain corrections for an item that could have been quite simply done by th…
Remembering for those of us that are true roleplayers, being made to cry is nae a bad thing. Sometimes, tis the best thing you will find occuring. The recent events for Diniah made me, the player, cry. And it is still one of the best roleplay sessi…
First an foremost, yay!! Thank You for extending this, tis a lovely thing indeed.
Items I would like to see? Mayhaps the scarecrow hat, an more cute things, for I do like those, or the jeweler's hammer. Twould be lovely to have options on…
1) Shared guild scrolls, detailing progression at least to a certain point. 2) Undersecretaries an secretaries having the ability to affect novices of both guilds equally. This would apply to favors, as well as promotions from novice to full gu…
At this moment, I re-read the Horus Heresy from the beginning, as I recently gained the 26th!!! book. Tis a horridly long series, but so fascinating to learn their world, an how it is so similar/different to our own.
Most of the villages have at least one ikon for their honor quest if I do remember correctly, upon occasion tis two you gain. One would have to go to various ones however, in order to gain a variety of items. Tis not easy. But it can be fun.
Yes, but I have learned from playing with the (admittedly) miniscule amounts that I have had fall from the weevils. These curios can be rubbed into other curios, if one has better luck than this faeling has. I have, howeve…
The moment I have cleared up the unnecessary mess, I shall gladly share with you a copy of the ceremony. And thank you for allowing me to be a part of it, it was wonderful to get to have such fun role-playing going on when I am…