You danced! Eliron nearly gave Daraius a heart attack when he announced he was playing a dance for you two next because holding hands to dance would have been PDA, but someone pulled out a scarf and you each held one end and dan…
Since I know that the two of you formally danced at your wedding since I was your musician, you're totally fine to come dance at our heathen foreign culture event.
So Nexus client by default doesn't show h/m/e/p in the prompt, and CONFIG PROMPT STATS has no impact on this. Instead there are little graphic bars that show the level of each. However, any time I'm anything less than full screen, the h/m/e/p b…
I think the issues surrounding deleting orgs have been very well covered, including the logistical nightmare of trying to integrate uprooted players into existing power structures/lore and the roleplay harm of allowing certain orgs to "win" by …
It's not quite as clear cut in the Glomdoring. There are the Wyrden Idols (Bat, Beetle, Wasp, etc) which each have a teaching, so an individual could dedicate themselves to one and create rituals for it and such, but none of the guilds…
Just popping in to say I really like the lore aspect of the timequakes. I think the closer the themes can be tied into Lusternian lore the better. As an older player, I like seeing some of the previous threads from prior world-ending events and game…
I really like the idea of honour being something that you use for tangible benefits instead of a race to the top that, quite frankly, we don't see a lot of actual competition for. There should be a point to earning it for all fam…
Now that everyone has the option to submit envoy reports, I'm going to give this thread a bump, both as a way to raise awareness for reports out there and to maybe get some brainstorming going again.
As for where in the collegium new people are dropped, for Glomdoring I'd like to ask for Grutina, room 14058. I think it would make sense for the collegium pool exist to lead to…
I too would love to see some roleplay enhancements, particularly to the family system. I think I've said before, but it's really the people and the rp that keeps my playing.
Updated the learning scroll to reflect the addition of core skills, updated the core skill learning requirements in the sample class score, added in files on core skills, common skills, and combat skills.
I finally had time to create a new character just to check out the new intro. Overall, I love it. I did have some problems I'd like to flag, and I do have some suggestions overall. I know THINGS are currently happening, but perhaps these can be look…
I'm raving the admin's effort to interact with all the orgs regarding this year's Big Event. Even small things like having an NPC confirm nothing is amiss when you check an area makes the event more engaging. I know watching for small things like th…
I think things are moving in the right direction. The new intro, core skills, wondercrystals, all these are great things to make the game easier to dive into. Even something as simple as including the reminder about autocuring in the Welcome Ba…