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  • I like the option about making angelic/demonic companions more of a choice for different purposes too, but I wouldn't go so far as saying x is for bashing, y is for influence and so on. Ideally there isn't a mechanically 'best' choice for every purp…
  • I wish there was a version of the Wheel you could spin in each nation somewhere, so I (and, yes, any alts) have a better chance to spin without an audience. It's not really like having a certain number of times you can spin to win artifacts, credits…
  • really love the new newbie intro from start to finish. I haven't tried it before... and wow.

    I've only tried one side of the pool quests so far, but I'm just in awe of the clever touches! It is delightfully immersive and a wonder…
  • So, I know next to nothing about tracking - but the core idea of changing pit functionality to be a setup/activate function sounds like a clever one to me, and seems to give a lot more agency in how they are used effectively.

    While I can…
  • I know this has been suggested before, but new racehat and pin artifacts for the restricted races would be awesome (sileni, nagasith, gnome and fink), only useable if you have access to the race through the usual means. Would love to be able to try …
  • Well, Massively accepted my question about the daily bonus trend more broadly and there's an article for debate, if anyone is interested -  in Daily Credit Feedback Comment by ElrynGreythane October 2019
  • I don't think I understand comments under the different stages. I bugged not being able to add a new comment after voting, but now I'm thinking maybe I just don't get the system.

    I was kind of assuming that when the report when into Pendi…
  • (Quote) Echoing this too! Thanks so much to the admin for running it! :)

    It was timed perfectly for pushing me through…
  • What is the helpfile that talks about 'Alternate Sparkleberry' use? I can't work out which herbs it refers to, or how to make use of it.

    My Autocuring option to use alternate herbs is set on, but I don't think I'm doing so - so I mustn't …
  • Good to know!  :)

    And that's fine - I don't think it's worth adding something to the existing subscribe syntax. If I am that k…
  • As a suggestion, would it be possible to add a command for the new reports that shows any sort of change - new comments, updated problems/solutions, change in report status - listed in reverse chronological order?

    I really enjoy followin…
  • @Lief - In some sense, you’re quite right. Except that even though a membership serves up about 100 credits + a wondercrystal (the crystal being the really valuable …
  • I still vehemently disagree that about 2 hours of forced tasks per day to get your $10 worth of game value is a reasonable and ethical approach.

    As others have said more eloquently, of course effort-to-reward ratio shouldn't be balanced a…
  • (Quote) I don't think currency reward systems like this can or should be linked to immersion.
  • @Xenthos - Absolutely, but I struggle to think of many examples where the average time is around two hours of your day. Or where the rewards are so closely tied t…
  • (Quote) I think incentives like this can be a good thing generally, however I didn't realise daily credits were so directly intended to encourage the player to log in every day for as close as possible to two hours doing a very specifi…
  • Grr! While I'm glad the admin are repeatedly tweaking presents to make them more valuable, what this constant upgrade of rewards after you've purchased them is telling me is that spending at the start of the month is a waste of money. Just wa…
  • I don't understand the intent behind this design at all. Surely enticing players to commit to two hours of dedicated play every day, 7 days a week is not a good thing (with no means of eventually streamlining/reducing that time so they can instead p…
  • Personally, I'd love the IRE membership to be updated to skim the top, say, 10 of your 20 daily credits and give them to you just for logging in while your subscription is active. So I can choose to pay a monthly sub and not feel like I have to grin…
  • (Quote) Fair enough, but I just want to clarify I was suggesting that those cult/engagement options be not lore-centric, and therefore not require a player to be fully conversant with lore understanding.

    That is, opt…
  • If I can make a suggestion - maybe ways of guiding/initiating player events of all gameplay modes (in a less lore-centric, game defining way than volunteers)? Kind of acknowledging that Demigods have excelled at triumphing through the activitie…
  • How does mortal review/divine review work for designs, and what's the difference? I couldn't work out what the right helpfile was to describe the process of review, so left my design with mortal review flag on.

    Now though it has:
  • In that case, definitely not a fan of the deleting/merging options.

    If the problem is in counter-play requiring too much skill/knowledge, couldn't that be addressed? I mean, isn't that what ssc has done for afflicting classes, raising th…
  • I'm guessing the delete option is mostly tongue-in-cheek, but as a general rule I'm opposed to deleting any sort of character customisation options (whether that refers to pulling out established archetypes, skills, guilds, nations, whatever). I wis…
  • Also, just to add to my previous comment, I'm wondering if since insanity is a limiting mechanic for too much high-end bashing, that same malus should be involved in aetherbashing (which is similarly something that can generate large numbers of targ…
  • @Saran - do you have any suggestions for how this sort of proposal could be modified so that you didn't have the same concerns?

    Personally, I'm not so co…
  • (Quote) True enough, but I'm thinking more about an area where I think I've explored everything, but actually there are some secret areas I haven't yet found, or quests to grant access to other rooms. I dunno, I'd use all these stat commands …
  • (Quote) Also, the following stats for the area you are currently standing in:
    • AREASTATS HUNTING to show the average threat level of NPCs in the area (eg. 'is not one to be trifled with'), the top 5 most common NPC resistan…
  • I'd definitely agree on the unique part being the cooperative mechanics and teamwork system.

    That's kind of where I've tried to go with this proposal, because at the moment most of the effort and strategy is centred in the captain role -…