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  • (Quote) I was trying to do this over and over and it would not work! Thank you for bugging it.
  • I knew combat was hard, but wow.

    I do not think I even landed a single hit during that fight.
  • Blacksmiths are nigh impossible to find...
  • (Quote) This is actually exactly what I want to know as well. The thought of having to sit on a mount 24/7 just to fight properly bothers me, and I originally wanted to go down that specialization until I was told about the mount aspect…
  • (Quote) I meant moreso how weapon types (Bardiche, 2handed swords, axes, etc) vary between one another, but I appreciate the info :)
  • I will be coming upon my weapon specialization for Knighthood soon and wanted to know if the old helpfiles were outdated or not.

    If they are, could someone give me a rundown on how the weapons act post-update? Thank you.
  • I would like to thank... Err... Rave, for everyone having so much patience with me both IC and OOC.

    I truly appreciate it.
  • You are all most kind for helping, thank you. I got it installed successfully and just need to get used to all the configs and how setting defenses work.
    in m&mf Comment by Eskell January 2016
  • So I was told this would be the best thing to grab while starting off, but installation is very confusing and the description on the main page confuses me even further. 

    ... Am I just being stupid? 
    in m&mf Comment by Eskell January 2016