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  • Oh wow, he's in Hallifax huh. Confirming it here folks, the Killuminati is real.
  • So, I'm still waiting on that computer... the length of processing/shipping has been ridiculous.

    I guess it hasn't been so bad though. I didn't think I could go a week without access to a computer, let alone a full month.
  • My new computer shipped out, so I should be back by the end of the week.
  • My toaster decided to off itself tonight, so my logins are going to be even more scarce than usual until its replacement arrives.
  • I gotta challenge that domoth.
  • You can always ask over Crux for artis too. Plenty of Gaudis around willing to give you a hand if they're able to (though I know it was probably dead when you needed us).
  • Man, to me it sounds like Talan earned her Gaudi stripes during that flare. That's all we've been about for like the last two years. Griefing, trolling, and somehow prevailing against all odds

    With a touch of general …
  • Sorry I couldn't be there for it, had to work. I know it's rough when literally every body around counts.

    The mobbing will pass though, don't worry about it. Until then, we just need to make our current friends scarier while we …
  • I popped in during the last five minutes of Knowledge. By the time I showed up, pretty sure it was only Viy and I around from Gaudi.

    While I'm willing to try an absolve defense (and hop into uneven/ridiculous fights q…
  • (Quote) Haha, what. When have you ever seen a prism? Pretty sure it's always link out and clear, or die trying to. I don't think we're that lame.

    If we wanted to take the easy route, we could just invade the group w…
  • So how is Life going to work? Will certain afflictions changed by the overhaul (up to the date) be removed, or their old cures be re-enabled for the event?

    Specifically thinking about slush/salve afflictions -- stupidity using s…
  • Yeah, if you want the best balanced splendours, you're going to be looking at 70/70+. Usually not going to get better than that though. Think the best set I had was 72/74, after many hours of trying.

    Even then, for th…
  • You can get more than one present per drop, it's only based on the current day.

    If you find another gnome, you could watch it until midnight then nab it for yourself (but it's in the solstice spirit to just give it to your buddy…
  • Arena cures drunkenness too. No essence loss required.
  • @Ashed for providing one of the best chats I've had in a long time. Was supposed to go to bed two hours ago, but he was being far too entertaining.

  • I think there's a difference between attempting to get an issue resolved, and your typical forum whining. I would classify directly calling out another organization (who did nothing but take the village) to be forum whining.
  • Oh man, it's possible to score two villages during the revolts and -still- end up complaining at the end of the day.

    Talk about sore winning.
  • (Quote)
    You totally forgot to mention 1mo free double hemiplegy, instant sap, imperial merian int (granted, impressive pre-gnome), warbling trill charisma, and harmony's regeneration abilities, to name a few more.

  • It's not that rough. I don't own a whistle or bixes. I manually setup ships for Gaudi regularly (like the Kari when Ixchilgal is unable, or forgets to do so). Ship isn't even in my possession, so don't even have the option of whistling it anywh…
  • Personally, I think it's funny. I've had something similar happen to me on an occasion, for refusing a payment on an enchantment service (ICly, it's how Feyda began to meet
  • A shirt that reads "I had my kidney stolen at Candy Mountain and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" 
    in rainbow letters rubs up against your finger.
  • Internet connection went down a day earlier than expected. Im moving on the first so ill be out for a few days. Ill be back as soon as I can.

    Looks like my ISP put me back up for the day, but I'll still be gone after that!
  • You quickly unwrap a divinely wrapped present, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a gem of cloaking and an elegant notecard from within.

    Thanks a lot for the inc…
  • (Quote)
    This is where I disagree. I'm not asking simply because Hallifax has it and doesn't want Gaudiguch to have it. While that may be the specific reason why I can't have access to it personally, I do believe everyone should have access to …
  • Nobody is attempting to take that RP away from you. You're already not interacting with Gaudiguchians. There is no RP to be killed. You wouldn't even notice if someone were to use this artifact -- because it doesn't effect you at all.
  • (Quote)
    While this is obviously reply bait, I'm going to bite anyway.

    You do realize that aging has no meaningful effect on gameplay, right?

    It's not like advancing a year so I …
  • Since it's not possible for some of us to receive aging via true player interaction (i.e, not asking a friend to make a Sentinel/Institute alt); Could we please get a one-time use watch artifact that allows age changing by 1-20 years (while sta…
  • Kurut Aloga says, "Cute little fleshpeople being people would be like Kurubear's cakes being people."

    Kurut Aloga says, "Kurubear makes them, and loves them, and cares for them... but they are no more a 