I only discovered yesterday that you can and should in fact return to Newton to kill things. Since I was rushed through and told to go to the city, I didn't know that I was actually supposed to be training in there - "I did everything, why should I …
It's a relief to hear that non-linear is no longer the intention - I was adequately shocked when you mentioned it in game, Steingrim. I think you must be right in that established players or admins have trouble with providing a fair assessment of th…
Additionally; it isn't remotely fun to sit through. I didn't -do- anything, and that lasted for a very long time. I haven't really seen anything worth sticking around for so far.
Feyda asked me to post feedback on the introduction here, so here I am.
It's terrible. Just awful. It possesses few qualities that could define it as a game, fewer qualities that define it as a text adventure and is overall unhelpful.