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  • (Quote) I paid for the artifacts knowing they hid me from the wholist entirely. So yeah..I mean that's what i'd like it to continue to do. At least in manses with privacy gems. I completely understand the desire for more visibility among play…
  • (Quote) In the couple of years i've been here now i've not seen a single party group up in a manse to prepare for a 'raid' of any sort. Perhaps it happened once upon a time, but people have abused things in the past before. Maybe it has happe…
  • (Quote) Thank you. I can honestly say I've never seen either side use them to hide raiding parties. I think most people just use it for afking haha.
  • (Quote) This is inaccurate. I am currently Hegumen of the sanctifiers and do not appear on the 'currently in the realm' portion that lists those able to inguild and promote when I am in my manse. I've just confirmed this with another guild me…
  • (Quote) The only problem I see with this is the fact that people still seeing you online and in 'donotdisturb' rumors will fly about who else might be there too. If I'm being somewhat blunt. Some reasons people want to be invisible in manses …
  • I like the idea of being able to be seen on the WHOlist but the entire draw to a privacy gem in a manse is so that folks don't bother you while you're online regardless of whether you're idling in a safe place or crafting for aethertrading etc. I do…
  • (Quote) Honestly. I feel like once everyone can take herbs this is going to have the opposite affect as desired. People are going to strip the land barren of any harvestable plants in days. The best way I can figure to avoid this is to either…
  • (Quote) What's stopping Bob from using that extra time he has from just popping out a couple crafted items and going hunting like Caedir to make up the difference? I think you underestimate the amount of time it takes to bash up that much gol…