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  • That would actually be a great idea honestly.
  • Well, in actuality there, it was just pretty much Crek, I think Lerad...and myself that were active participants. Though I last recall my participation was with Feyda and Steingrim when we stole...Chaos(?) from Elanorwen and Vivet. Which was quit…

  • (Quote) Quite honestly.. I think strongly our assistance was pivotal in deciding the winning side. I believe had we went ahead and assisted Gaudiguch(As I had originally were going to go with) I'm sure it would've been a -very- easy win for them. …
  • (Quote) I did that after reaching out to Darvellan for divine assistance. Then I realized, I should've done that instead, and that's what I did...and as well -after- learning that he had slipped the key in my office from reading messages..after th…
  • Poor sportsmanship is the folly for those who want to win by it being handed to them on a silver platter. By the by... I should've issued you for that unneeded message, but this will suffice until you want to learn how to be competitive without whin…
  • eh, I rp my harsh dark role to the near fullest extent haha.  Though yes, I find shadowdancing rp pretty darn sweet. It's just as said by the others, all the orgs have them, just gotta interact with them and get stuff going! MORE CONFLICT PEOPLE!
  • Wait a minute, last I checked.. I am free to be able to talk a little about something I disagree with here? Besides, I'm well aware of how to handle it, -if- I choose to approach her about it, I was speaking out of character of what I noticed, Illid…
    in Hm.. Comment by Illidaen August 2014
  • Been wondering the same thing. I think perhaps lack of posts maybe



  • Yes, it will change automatically to reflect the stats for that guild associated with your org and race specialty for that city/org that it affects. So, you don't need to reincarnate. It only works for the org the race has specialization stats for.
  • (Quote) In a nutshell so far
  • I'm curious to know how long has this even been going on "supposedly". Though, I'm personally getting the impression that this maybe way in over their heads on a 360 move to Lusternian combat.
  • (Quote) I'm surprised that hasn't been updated in years. I recall seeing and using some of the tips off that site a few years back. Interesting nonetheless in Quest Instructions Comment by Illidaen July 2014
  • I'd like to see that myself, but I think the best and possible way is to spar and log what happened, and code echoes from what occurred to you from the melee user and you to them.. as a nekotai