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  • Would all class skills be 100 percent refunded to be able to move free between skillsets? 
  • (Quote) Wyrd = Taint
  • (Quote) I gave ample time for this post to be addressed. I will address it myself. If admin enforced alliances are a bit like pity sex then Glom/Celest/Gaudi is straight prostitution. 
  • Lusternia is a game about conflict. Every Org should literally be about their Org over all else. The lines are drawn in the lore. Alliances are literally for mutual benefit, but ultimately no alliance should work long term. Honestly, the orgs have b…
  • I think the concept is there. Like you could have a rolling 1-2 month period of points. First goal would be a 1v1v1 where one org doesn't win over 50% or the events, and if they do the other two can ally. All only visible to the godmins that allow o…
  • @Afollia This is exactly what I would expect to happen with Divine intervention instead of mechanics. It is a bit like Mario Kart, and it would work best in 1v1v1…
  • (Quote)
    Hence, I support 1v1v1. 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 are just ratios as you pointed out. 1v1 could work if it is two differing RP options. That is why I think the original trinity is the best option light, dark, or forest. 
  • @Kistan what are your facts? Are you referring to the very few times that our side has been able to get to close to even numbers? Would you like to discuss the Nil…
  • The current alliance and balance issues as well as some other issues have led to a snowball effect that has dwindled one sides population to a fraction of the other. I think we should remember how we got to this point in deciding where we need to go…
  • (Quote) Nothing wrong with status quo right? 
  • I would be great with Glom having a place or faction within Serenwilde, but Glom skillsets frozen. Mechanically, the forest would be Serenwilde, but add a guild or give a guild to the darker teachings of Glom post event. Leave Glom frozen in case it…
  • (Quote)
    First hand experience or second hand knowledge? I did play a little prior to Glom launch, but I was a MUD newb at the time. I am not reliable. 
  • (Quote) Haha so you can call some players chaff, but suggesting some players are better and contribute more makes you want to bow out? 
  • (Quote)
    Actually, three does work as stated by older players around during that time as well as Estarra. Four orgs changes nothing. 
  • (Quote) You keep saying that. I don't think you really know what you are asking for. Some players should be weighted higher than others. Some are alts. Some do nothing. Some do alot. Please stop asking for data unless you have a plan with dea…
  • @Kistan I actually was referring to Glom/Gaudi/Celest newer players that have never faced the odds of this side. 

    Fact: Glom's basis is on Mana drain wi…
  • (Quote) I didn't Glom bash. However, if you would like to ignore facts be my guest. 
  • I honestly feel like there are two groups of people. The first group thinks there is a problem with status quo. The second group doesn't think there is a problem with the game rather the problem lies with the first group of people. Also, it seems th…
  • Another option for class reduction is mirror every class and just add in new flavor lines. Glom/Seren has same skills different flavor lines, Mag/Celest has same skills different flavor lines, and Gaudi/Halli has the same skills different flavor lin…
  • First, I would like to clarify. I think moving to the suggested three orgs is the true fix. There is a lot of Glom hate, and I believe this would allow the game to heal past that. If Glom stays then it is status quo. If you go to four orgs and keep …
  • People are leaving the game pretty rapidly as is. 

    Edit: Meaning the risk may be worth the reward because people are frustrated with status quo. This could pull back some players.
  • I think three orgs is definitely ideal. I would also regret my decision to retire Innon if this becomes reality. I believe this would be a step in the right direction. Yes, it hurts, but sometimes the band-aid needs ripped off. I think it would be f…
  • Just saying a perfect newmonk setup kill can be avoided by vitality, allheal, and either slush/steam; however, working in sensitivity and some other things may strengthen the kill method. The point is that the kill condition is much harder to achiev…
  • I think in synergy that Hallifax rivals Glom's to be honest. While, I think some classes need adjusted to have viable kill routes. The group as a whole is good because of researchers. 
  • Personally, with a hidden love for Gaudiguch, I would love to see ablaze the synergy for Gaudiguch. Leave tempinsanity alone. Maybe remove unneeded illuminati nerfs. Changing the minstrel ego kill to a burns kill could create greater synergy between…
  • (Quote)
    That's exactly the point. There is nothing wrong with as a newbie pker wanting to not die. That is really the first step. The day you go in and you're like wow I didn't die. 

    However, if we are completely honest this …