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  • Lusternia has officially overtaken Secret World in terms of quest frustration. The quest with the nanny and the kids in Toronada is the one I'm talking about. Any helpful hints as to hiding places? I have literally looked and probed everything in th…
  • Eh, thought that might be the answer. Ah, well. Farewell, dear mastiff! Looks like I'll have to track down items and npcs myself now. No more lazy tracker.
  • Looks like I might get a lot of mileage out of this thread. There wouldn't happen to be a neutral kennel where a rogue Tracker could get a hound, would there?
  • (Quote) Thanks. And, after reading some stuff about the game economy, I think I'll go ahead and ditch the trade skill idea and just ask current bookbinders for journals and the like.

    So, ideas for combat and utility artifacts?
  • Can hunters have a skill that lets us cook trout and small game over a campfire, and maybe preserve it?

    Hunting - Roasting
    Syntax: ROAST (animal corpse)

    You have learned to clean and roast small animals and trout over an o…
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Iomhar July 2016
  • So, I basically consolidated my oldest and most credit-wealthy characters in the iron realm games into this little warrior on Lusternia. I've learned all the skills I want to so far, and I have a little over 2000 bound credits left. My choices are: …
  • I really needed this thread today. Thank you.