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  • Quick question for trigger highlighting. I want to use a light rose color over POISONS IMMUNITY resist lines. I believe there are three general resist lines associated with this skill:


    My main "issue" (…
  • OK... in short, I have the need to walk "backwards" one room when on one of my goto routes. Essentially I need a trigger to cause me to MSTOP, but Mudlet Mapper's goto moves me too fast (I'm in the next room by the time the trigger fires). I ha…
  • (Quote) I can't make the DC meet due to time and travel. However, keep me informed about any Philly meets! Sadly though, I might be up in a cabin during the week of August 16th and 18th. 
  • Overall, there is a lack of documentation on Demigod Powers-- especially Supernumerary and Ephemeral. Other than typing POWERS and the general HELP DEMIGOD, there is a real lack of any information whatsoever. I would love to know exactly how much XP…
  • | Experience : #29   Demigod                 Essence: 74,807,927
    | Explorer   : #138  a Pioneer of the Unknown

    You use 70,000,000 of your divine essence.
    You gain Second…
  • Athree also gave me the in-game advice of using:

    (Quote) I've experienced disastrous results with Mudlet Mapper SLOWWALK. Basically my GOTO will walk all of three to five rooms before stopping. Not quite sure why that it, but it can…
  • Thanks for the expanded explanation! I worked together a hack using the CONFIG MAPVIEW v room num atop the map and a trigger for the next location. The system works mostly fine until I can refine the system given additional feedback and coding exper…
  • (Quote)

    so that when I arrive in one room, the next goto command will be sent? Right now I am thinking of a hundred bajillion triggers that will send the next goto command once I arrive in the room. This sounds like a surefire…
  • 1H Kata monks (i.e. Nekotai, Shofangi) were the way to go because it was statistically easier for a smith to roll a perfect speed weapon? Speaking of monks... their never-ending "rewrites" to rebalance monks. I vaguely remember unarmed PPK monks. Th…
  • I am trying to integrate Tarx Wounds Tracker (which also tracks rebounding) into my M&M kata keybinding. The latest project is to develop combat kata keybinding using a variety of IF, ELSEIF, THEN statements to implement auto-raze into my basic …
  • OK. I just installed the wounds tracker and love what I see so far. It appears that I'll need to tinker with your code to more fully integrate Trax into my adaptations on M&M. The code looks clean and documentation is concise. Everything works a…
  • I'm looking for a way to create a Mudlet Mapper "path" that would walk a single highway loop. I envision a simple alias that would work like GOTO, but would instead follow a pre-determined path around the highways for the sake of walking the highway…
  • Any word on the update :)
  • Here are some lines that I have... 


    I want to think the first two lines are acrobatic dodge and the others are... well, I'm not sure. Maybe someone with better combat experience could parse them out.
  • (Quote)
    Dhoh. This seemed to cure my afflictions window problem. I thought there had to be a simple solution for this frustrating problem. Thanks
  • Thanks @Ushaara for the idea! I managed to install the Mudlet Wiki Mapper successfully... and by that I mean properly situate it as a side, inset panel within my …
  • I just DL'ed and feel excited to install. After reading the description, I might also appreciate listing limbs that get stance/parry which updates on every last attack. I'll setup Trax and let you know what I think!
  • I'm looking for a script to visually remove Lusternia map spam from the main window/column and have a constant display in the bottom-right side inset panel. 

    I thought there was info posted on the old forums, bu…
  • I don't remember if this was previously mentioned... but "a noisy clockwork yoyo" would perfectly fit the theme of aethergoop. 

    It's one of those silly little dingbat items that gets commonly used by many players. The descriptio…
    in Aethergoop! Comment by Janalon July 2014
  • Well, this came from an older version of M&M that I took out of the folder so it wouldn't be touched (i.e. overwritten) by the updates. 

    Then in one of the last updates, I noticed it turn into a lady"bug" which was cured whe…
  • I would actually love to see a 2 - 5 aethergoop + dingbat item that would basically work like a watered-down demigod powers TYPECAST for non-custom beasts. Consider the following description of my beast:

    in Aethergoop! Comment by Janalon July 2014
  • OK... Once upon a time not-so-long-ago I had this great little inset window in the top-right panel that would track personal afflictions. Somehow, an update broke this feature and I can't seem to figure out how to make it work again. Here's the bit …
  • (Quote) Why is @Lerad's idea better than @Kelly. Coding efficiency…
  • (Quote) THANK YOU! 

    This is exactly what I was looking for. Sure, I'll have to rewrite all of my goto aliases, but this method is far preferable to what I had previously. Outta curiosity, where are the "room" values…
  • I love Mudlet Mapper and use the walk goto all the time to quickly move from place to place. A very basic alias example would look like the following:


    I want to combine both walk/glide under a single al…
    • a wolf's snout                        
    • a jar of ravenous shadowfire   
    • a shadow-bound pixie          

    The wolf's snout was a natural choice. I embarrassingly use my …
    in Aethergoop! Comment by Janalon June 2014
  • There is a Nexus privilege, available to guild protectors only, that creates a "guardian shell". This is a widely underused feature that was intended for guild mates with low player skills and combat experience to participate in defense with a low e…
  • (Quote)
    My misaligned REPORT 1226 hinted at the possibility of moving tattoos away from damage types an into broader categories (i.e. physical, magical/psionic, elemental, cosmic)... though emphasized more Nekotai-centric sol…
  • I agree with Ssasliss in regards to feeling discouraged on creating (yet again) another user account for a short-term website. Thank you for uplifting that requirement. 

    I did visit your wiki, but didn't see much of anything. Wh…